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class WP_Super_Cache_Rest_Get_Status extends WP_REST_Controller {
* Get any status that might be visible.
* @param WP_REST_Request $request Full data about the request.
* @return WP_Error|WP_REST_Response
public function callback( $request ) {
$status = array();
include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php' ); // get_home_path()
include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/misc.php' ); // extract_from_markers()
$this->add_rewrite_status( $status );
$this->add_cache_disabled_status( $status );
$this->add_compression_status( $status );
$this->add_php_mod_rewrite_status( $status );
$this->add_preload_status( $status );
if ( empty( $status ) ) {
return rest_ensure_response( new stdclass() );
} else {
return rest_ensure_response( $status );
* @param array $status
protected function add_preload_status( & $status ) {
global $wp_cache_config_file;
include( $wp_cache_config_file );
if ( false == $cache_enabled ) {
$status[ 'preload_disabled_cache_off' ] = true;
if ( false == $super_cache_enabled ) {
$status[ 'preload_disabled_supercache_off' ] = true;
if ( true === defined( 'DISABLESUPERCACHEPRELOADING' ) ) {
$status[ 'preload_disabled_by_admin' ] = true;
* @param array $status
protected function add_php_mod_rewrite_status( & $status ) {
global $wp_cache_config_file;
include( $wp_cache_config_file );
if ( $cache_enabled && !$wp_cache_mod_rewrite ) {
$scrules = trim( implode( "\n", extract_from_markers( trailingslashit( get_home_path() ) . '.htaccess', 'WPSuperCache' ) ) );
if ( $scrules != '' ) {
$status[ 'php_mod_rewrite' ] = true;
* @param array $status
protected function add_cache_disabled_status( & $status ) {
global $wp_cache_config_file;
if ( ! is_writeable_ACLSafe( $wp_cache_config_file ) ) {
$status['cache_disabled'] = true;
* @param array $status
protected function add_compression_status( & $status ) {
if ( defined( 'WPSC_DISABLE_COMPRESSION' ) ) {
$status['compression_disabled_by_admin'] = true;
} elseif ( false == function_exists( 'gzencode' ) ) {
$status['compression_disabled_no_gzencode'] = true;
* @param array $status
protected function add_rewrite_status( & $status ) {
global $home_path, $wp_cache_config_file;
include( $wp_cache_config_file );
// Return if the rewrite caching is disabled.
if ( ! $cache_enabled || ! $super_cache_enabled || ! $wp_cache_mod_rewrite ) {
$scrules = implode( "\n", extract_from_markers( $home_path . '.htaccess', 'WPSuperCache' ) );
extract( wpsc_get_htaccess_info() );
if ( $scrules != $rules ) {
$status[ 'mod_rewrite_rules' ] = true;
$got_rewrite = apache_mod_loaded( 'mod_rewrite', true );
if ( $wp_cache_mod_rewrite && false == apply_filters( 'got_rewrite', $got_rewrite ) ) {
$status[ 'mod_rewrite_missing' ] = true;
if ( !is_writeable_ACLSafe( $home_path . ".htaccess" ) ) {
$status[ 'htaccess_ro' ] = true;