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* Nextcloud - Gallery
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later. See the COPYING file.
* @author Olivier Paroz <>
* @copyright Olivier Paroz 2017
/* global Handlebars, Gallery, Thumbnails, GalleryImage */
(function ($, Gallery) {
"use strict";
* Creates a new album object to store information about an album
* @param {string} path
* @param {Array<Album|GalleryImage>} subAlbums
* @param {Array<Album|GalleryImage>} images
* @param {string} name
* @param {number} fileId
* @param {number} mTime
* @param {string} etag
* @param {number} size
* @param {Boolean} sharedWithUser
* @param {string} owner
* @param {number} freeSpace
* @param {number} permissions
* @constructor
var Album = function (path, subAlbums, images, name, fileId, mTime, etag, size, sharedWithUser,
owner, freeSpace, permissions) {
this.path = path;
this.subAlbums = subAlbums;
this.images = images;
this.viewedItems = 0; = name;
this.fileId = fileId;
this.mTime = mTime;
this.etag = etag;
this.size = size;
this.sharedWithUser = sharedWithUser;
this.owner = owner;
this.freeSpace = freeSpace;
this.permissions = permissions;
this.domDef = null;
this.loader = null;
this.preloadOffset = 0;
Album.prototype = {
requestId: null,
droppableOptions: {
accept: '#gallery > .row > a',
activeClass: 'album-droppable',
hoverClass: 'album-droppable-hover',
tolerance: 'pointer'
* Processes UI elements dropped on the album
* @param event
* @param ui
onDrop: function (event, ui) {
var $item = ui.draggable;
var $clone = ui.helper;
var $target = $(;
var targetPath = $'dir').toString();
var filePath = $'path').toString();
var fileName = OC.basename(filePath);;
$clone.fadeOut("normal", function () {
Gallery.move($item, fileName, filePath, $target, targetPath);
* Returns a new album row
* @param {number} width
* @returns {Gallery.Row}
getRow: function (width) {
return new Gallery.Row(width);
* Creates the DOM element for the album and return it immediately so as to not block the
* rendering of the rest of the interface
* * Each album also contains a link to open that folder
* * An album has a natural size of 200x200 and is comprised of 4 thumbnails which have a
* natural size of 200x200
* * Thumbnails are checked first in order to make sure that we have something to show
* @param {number} targetHeight Each row has a specific height
* @return {$} The album to be placed on the row
getDom: function (targetHeight) {
if (this.domDef === null) {
var albumElement = Gallery.Templates.galleryalbum({
targetHeight: targetHeight,
targetWidth: targetHeight,
dir: this.path,
path: this.path,
permissions: this.permissions,
freeSpace: this.freeSpace,
targetPath: '#' + encodeURIComponent(this.path)
this.domDef = $(albumElement);
this.loader = this.domDef.children('.album-loader');
this.droppableOptions.drop = this.onDrop.bind(this);
// Define a if you don't want to set the style in the template
} else {
return this.domDef;
* Fills the row with albums and images
* @param {Gallery.Row} row The row to append elements to
* @returns {$.Deferred<Gallery.Row>}
fillNextRow: function (row) {
var def = new $.Deferred();
var numberOfThumbnailsToPreload = 6;
var buffer = 5;
* Add images to the row until it's full
* @todo The number of images to preload should be a user setting
* @param {Album} album
* @param {Row} row
* @param {Array<Album|GalleryImage>} images
* @returns {$.Deferred<Gallery.Row>}
var addRowElements = function (album, row, images) {
if ((album.viewedItems + buffer) > album.preloadOffset &&
(album.preloadOffset < images.length)) {
var image = images[album.viewedItems];
return row.addElement(image).then(function (more) {
if (more && album.viewedItems < images.length) {
return addRowElements(album, row, images);
var items = this.subAlbums.concat(this.images);
addRowElements(this, row, items);
return def.promise();
* Returns IDs of thumbnails belonging to the album
* @param {number} count
* @return number[]
getThumbnailIds: function (count) {
var ids = [];
var items = this.images.concat(this.subAlbums);
for (var i = 0; i < items.length && i < count; i++) {
ids = ids.concat(items[i].getThumbnailIds(count));
return ids;
* Call when the album is clicked on.
* @param event
* @private
_openAlbum: function (event) {
// show loading animation;
* Retrieves a thumbnail and adds it to the album representation
* Only attaches valid thumbnails to the album
* @param {GalleryImage} image
* @param {number} targetHeight Each row has a specific height
* @param {number} calcWidth Album width
* @param {jQuery} imageHolder
* @returns {$.Deferred<Thumbnail>}
* @private
_getOneImage: function (image, targetHeight, calcWidth, imageHolder) {
var backgroundHeight, backgroundWidth;
backgroundHeight = (targetHeight / 2);
backgroundWidth = calcWidth - 2.01;
// Adjust the size because of the margins around pictures
backgroundHeight -= 2;
imageHolder.css("height", backgroundHeight)
.css("width", backgroundWidth);
var spinner = $('<div class="icon-loading">');
// img is a Thumbnail.image, true means square thumbnails
return image.getThumbnail(true).then(function (img) {
if (image.thumbnail.valid) {
img.alt = '';
imageHolder.css("background-image", "url('" + img.src + "')")
.css('opacity', 1);
* Builds the album representation by placing 1 to 4 images on a grid
* @param {Array<GalleryImage>} images
* @param {number} targetHeight Each row has a specific height
* @param {object} a
* @returns {$.Deferred<Array>}
* @private
_getFourImages: function (images, targetHeight, a) {
var calcWidth = targetHeight;
var targetWidth;
var imagesCount = images.length;
var def = new $.Deferred();
var validImages = [];
var fail = false;
var thumbsArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < imagesCount; i++) {
targetWidth = calcWidth;
// One picture filling the album
if (imagesCount === 1) {
targetHeight = 2 * targetHeight;
// 2 bottom pictures out of 3, or 4 pictures have the size of a quarter of the album
if ((imagesCount === 3 && i !== 0) || imagesCount === 4) {
targetWidth = calcWidth / 2;
// Append the div first in order to not lose the order of images
var imageHolder = $('<div class="cropped">');
this._getOneImage(images[i], targetHeight, targetWidth, imageHolder));
// This technique allows us to wait for all objects to be resolved before making a
// decision
$.when.apply($, thumbsArray).done(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < imagesCount; i++) {
// Collect all valid images, just in case
if (images[i].thumbnail.valid) {
} else {
fail = true;
// At least one thumbnail could not be retrieved
if (fail) {
// Clean up the album
// Send back the list of images which have thumbnails
return def.promise();
* Fills the album representation with images we've received
* * Each album includes between 1 and 4 images
* * Each album is also a link to open that folder
* * An album has a natural size of 200x200 and is comprised of 4 thumbnails which have a
* natural size of 200x200 The whole thing gets resized to match the targetHeight
* @param {number} targetHeight
* @private
_fillSubAlbum: function (targetHeight) {
var album = this;
var subAlbum = this.domDef.children('.album');
if (this.images.length >= 1) {
this._getFourImages(this.images, targetHeight, subAlbum).fail(
function (validImages) {
album.images = validImages;
album._fillSubAlbum(targetHeight, subAlbum);
} else {
var imageHolder = $('<div class="cropped">');
this._showFolder(targetHeight, imageHolder);
* Shows a folder icon in the album since we couldn't get any proper thumbnail
* @param {number} targetHeight
* @param imageHolder
* @private
_showFolder: function (targetHeight, imageHolder) {
var image = new GalleryImage('Generic folder', 'Generic folder', -1, 'image/svg+xml',
null, null);
var thumb = Thumbnails.getStandardIcon(-1);
image.thumbnail = thumb;
thumb.loadingDeferred.done(function (img) {
img.height = (targetHeight - 2);
img.width = (targetHeight) - 2;
imageHolder.css('opacity', 1);
* Preloads the first $count thumbnails
* @param {number} count
* @private
_preload: function (count) {
var items = this.subAlbums.concat(this.images);
var realCounter = 0;
var maxThumbs = 0;
var fileIds = [];
var squareFileIds = [];
for (var i = this.preloadOffset; i < this.preloadOffset + count &&
i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i].subAlbums) {
maxThumbs = 4;
var imagesLength = items[i].images.length;
if (imagesLength > 0 && imagesLength < 4) {
maxThumbs = imagesLength;
var squareFileId = items[i].getThumbnailIds(maxThumbs);
squareFileIds = squareFileIds.concat(squareFileId);
realCounter = realCounter + maxThumbs;
} else {
var fileId = items[i].getThumbnailIds();
fileIds = fileIds.concat(fileId);
if (realCounter >= count) {
this.preloadOffset = i;
Thumbnails.loadBatch(fileIds, false);
Thumbnails.loadBatch(squareFileIds, true);
window.Album = Album;
})(jQuery, Gallery);