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"Password is among the 1,000,000 most common ones. Please make it unique." : "Kodeordet er i blandt de 1.000.000 mest almindelige kodeord. Vælg venligst et andet.",
"Password is present in compromised password list. Please choose a different password." : "Adgangskoden findes i liste over kompromitterede adgangskoder. Vælg en anden adgangsode.",
"Password needs to be at least %s characters long" : "Kodeord skal mindst være %s tegn lang",
"Password needs to contain at least one numeric character." : "Kodeord skal mindst indeholde et tal.",
"Password needs to contain at least one special character." : "Kodeord skal indeholde mindst et special tegn.",
"Password needs to contain at least one lower and one upper case character." : "Kodeord skal mindst indeholde et lille bogstav og et stort bogstav ",
"Password policy" : "Kodeord politik",
"Allows admins to configure a password policy" : "Tillad en administrator at fastsætte en politik for adgsngskoder",
"Allow admin to define certain pre-conditions for password, e.g. enforce a minimum length" : "Tillad en administrator af fastsætte krav til adgangskoder, f.eks. at sætte en mindstelængde",
"Minimal length" : "Minimums længde",
"Forbid common passwords" : "Forbyd almindelige kodeord",
"Enforce upper and lower case characters" : "Tving små og store bogstaver",
"Enforce numeric characters" : "Tving tal",
"Enforce special characters" : "Tving special tegn",
"Check password against the list of breached passwords from" : "Kontroller adgangskoden op imod listen over kompromitterede adgangskoder i",
"This check creates a hash of the password and sends the first 5 characters of this hash to the API to retrieve a list of all hashes that start with those. Then it checks on the Nextcloud instance if the password hash is in the result set." : "Dette check danner et krypteret kendetegn af adgangskoden og sender de første 4 tegn af dette kendetegn til's API for at modtage en liste med alle kendetegn, der starter med disse tegn. Derefter checker det, om adgsngskodekendetegnet findes i Nextclud-installationen."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");