You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

446 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2015
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3
* or later.
* See the COPYING-README file.
/* global Handlebars */
(function(OC) {
* @class OC.SystemTags.SystemTagsInputField
* @classdesc
* Displays a file's system tags
var SystemTagsInputField = OC.Backbone.View.extend(
/** @lends OC.SystemTags.SystemTagsInputField.prototype */ {
_rendered: false,
_newTag: null,
_lastUsedTags: [],
className: 'systemTagsInputFieldContainer',
template: function(data) {
return '<input class="systemTagsInputField" type="hidden" name="tags" value=""/>';
* Creates a new SystemTagsInputField
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {string} [options.objectType=files] object type for which tags are assigned to
* @param {bool} [options.multiple=false] whether to allow selecting multiple tags
* @param {bool} [options.allowActions=true] whether tags can be renamed/delete within the dropdown
* @param {bool} [options.allowCreate=true] whether new tags can be created
* @param {bool} [options.isAdmin=true] whether the user is an administrator
* @param {Function} options.initSelection function to convert selection to data
initialize: function(options) {
options = options || {};
this._multiple = !!options.multiple;
this._allowActions = _.isUndefined(options.allowActions) || !!options.allowActions;
this._allowCreate = _.isUndefined(options.allowCreate) || !!options.allowCreate;
this._isAdmin = !!options.isAdmin;
if (_.isFunction(options.initSelection)) {
this._initSelection = options.initSelection;
this.collection = options.collection || OC.SystemTags.collection;
var self = this;
this.collection.on('change:name remove', function() {
// refresh selection
_.defer(_.bind(this._getLastUsedTags, this));
_getLastUsedTags: function() {
var self = this;
type: 'GET',
url: OC.generateUrl('/apps/systemtags/lastused'),
success: function (response) {
self._lastUsedTags = response;
* Refreshes the selection, triggering a call to
* select2's initSelection
_refreshSelection: function() {
this.$tagsField.select2('val', this.$tagsField.val());
* Event handler whenever the user clicked the "rename" action.
* This will display the rename field.
_onClickRenameTag: function(ev) {
var $item = $('.systemtags-item');
var tagId = $item.attr('data-id');
var tagModel = this.collection.get(tagId);
var oldName = tagModel.get('name');
var $renameForm = $(OC.SystemTags.Templates['result_form']({
cid: this.cid,
name: oldName,
deleteTooltip: t('core', 'Delete'),
renameLabel: t('core', 'Rename'),
isAdmin: this._isAdmin
$item.find('.label, .systemtags-actions').addClass('hidden');
placement: 'bottom',
container: 'body'
$renameForm.find('input').focus().selectRange(0, oldName.length);
return false;
* Event handler whenever the rename form has been submitted after
* the user entered a new tag name.
* This will submit the change to the server.
* @param {Object} ev event
_onSubmitRenameTag: function(ev) {
var $form = $(;
var $item = $form.closest('.systemtags-item');
var tagId = $item.attr('data-id');
var tagModel = this.collection.get(tagId);
var newName = $('input').val().trim();
if (newName && newName !== tagModel.get('name')) {{'name': newName});
// TODO: spinner, and only change text after finished saving
$item.find('.label, .systemtags-actions').removeClass('hidden');
* Event handler whenever a tag must be deleted
* @param {Object} ev event
_onClickDeleteTag: function(ev) {
var $item = $('.systemtags-item');
var tagId = $item.attr('data-id');
// TODO: spinner
return false;
_addToSelect2Selection: function(selection) {
var data = this.$tagsField.select2('data');
this.$tagsField.select2('data', data);
* Event handler whenever a tag is selected.
* Also called whenever tag creation is requested through the dummy tag object.
* @param {Object} e event
_onSelectTag: function(e) {
var self = this;
var tag;
if (e.object && e.object.isNew) {
// newly created tag, check if existing
// create a new tag
tag = this.collection.create({
userVisible: true,
userAssignable: true,
canAssign: true
}, {
success: function(model) {
self.trigger('select', model);
error: function(model, xhr) {
if (xhr.status === 409) {
// re-fetch collection to get the missing tag
success: function(collection) {
// find the tag in the collection
var model = collection.where({
userVisible: true,
userAssignable: true
if (model.length) {
model = model[0];
// the tag already exists or was already assigned,
// add it to the list anyway
self.trigger('select', model);
return false;
} else {
tag = this.collection.get(;
this._newTag = null;
this.trigger('select', tag);
* Event handler whenever a tag gets deselected.
* @param {Object} e event
_onDeselectTag: function(e) {
* Autocomplete function for dropdown results
* @param {Object} query select2 query object
_queryTagsAutocomplete: function(query) {
var self = this;
success: function(collection) {
var tagModels = collection.filterByName(query.term.trim());
if (!self._isAdmin) {
tagModels = _.filter(tagModels, function(tagModel) {
return tagModel.get('canAssign');
results: _.invoke(tagModels, 'toJSON')
_preventDefault: function(e) {
* Formats a single dropdown result
* @param {Object} data data to format
* @return {string} HTML markup
_formatDropDownResult: function(data) {
return OC.SystemTags.Templates['result'](_.extend({
renameTooltip: t('core', 'Rename'),
allowActions: this._allowActions,
tagMarkup: this._isAdmin ? OC.SystemTags.getDescriptiveTag(data)[0].innerHTML : null,
isAdmin: this._isAdmin
}, data));
* Formats a single selection item
* @param {Object} data data to format
* @return {string} HTML markup
_formatSelection: function(data) {
return OC.SystemTags.Templates['selection'](_.extend({
tagMarkup: this._isAdmin ? OC.SystemTags.getDescriptiveTag(data)[0].innerHTML : null,
isAdmin: this._isAdmin
}, data));
* Create new dummy choice for select2 when the user
* types an arbitrary string
* @param {string} term entered term
* @return {Object} dummy tag
_createSearchChoice: function(term) {
term = term.trim();
if (this.collection.filter(function(entry) {
return entry.get('name') === term;
}).length) {
if (!this._newTag) {
this._newTag = {
id: -1,
name: term,
userAssignable: true,
userVisible: true,
canAssign: true,
isNew: true
} else { = term;
return this._newTag;
_initSelection: function(element, callback) {
var self = this;
var ids = $(element).val().split(',');
function modelToSelection(model) {
var data = model.toJSON();
if (!self._isAdmin && !data.canAssign) {
// lock static tags for non-admins
data.locked = true;
return data;
function findSelectedObjects(ids) {
var selectedModels = self.collection.filter(function(model) {
return ids.indexOf( >= 0 && (self._isAdmin || model.get('userVisible'));
return, modelToSelection);
success: function() {
* Renders this details view
render: function() {
var self = this;
this.$el.find('[title]').tooltip({placement: 'bottom'});
this.$tagsField = this.$el.find('[name=tags]');
placeholder: t('core', 'Collaborative tags'),
containerCssClass: 'systemtags-select2-container',
dropdownCssClass: 'systemtags-select2-dropdown',
closeOnSelect: false,
allowClear: false,
multiple: this._multiple,
toggleSelect: this._multiple,
query: _.bind(this._queryTagsAutocomplete, this),
id: function(tag) {
initSelection: _.bind(this._initSelection, this),
formatResult: _.bind(this._formatDropDownResult, this),
formatSelection: _.bind(this._formatSelection, this),
createSearchChoice: this._allowCreate ? _.bind(this._createSearchChoice, this) : undefined,
sortResults: function(results) {
var selectedItems = _.pluck(self.$tagsField.select2('data'), 'id');
results.sort(function(a, b) {
var aSelected = selectedItems.indexOf( >= 0;
var bSelected = selectedItems.indexOf( >= 0;
if (aSelected === bSelected) {
var aLastUsed = self._lastUsedTags.indexOf(;
var bLastUsed = self._lastUsedTags.indexOf(;
if (aLastUsed !== bLastUsed) {
if (bLastUsed === -1) {
return -1;
if (aLastUsed === -1) {
return 1;
return aLastUsed < bLastUsed ? -1 : 1;
// Both not found
return OC.Util.naturalSortCompare(,;
if (aSelected && !bSelected) {
return -1;
return 1;
return results;
formatNoMatches: function() {
return t('core', 'No tags found');
.on('select2-selecting', this._onSelectTag)
.on('select2-removing', this._onDeselectTag);
var $dropDown = this.$tagsField.select2('dropdown');
// register events for inside the dropdown
$dropDown.on('mouseup', '.rename', this._onClickRenameTag);
$dropDown.on('mouseup', '.delete', this._onClickDeleteTag);
$dropDown.on('mouseup', '.select2-result-selectable.has-form', this._preventDefault);
$dropDown.on('submit', '.systemtags-rename-form', this._onSubmitRenameTag);
remove: function() {
if (this.$tagsField) {
getValues: function() {
setValues: function(values) {
this.$tagsField.select2('val', values);
setData: function(data) {
this.$tagsField.select2('data', data);
OC.SystemTags = OC.SystemTags || {};
OC.SystemTags.SystemTagsInputField = SystemTagsInputField;