You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

637 lines
16 KiB

'use strict'
var bl = require('bl')
var inherits = require('inherits')
var EE = require('events').EventEmitter
var Packet = require('./packet')
var constants = require('./constants')
function Parser (opt) {
if (!(this instanceof Parser)) return new Parser(opt)
this.settings = opt || {}
this._states = [
inherits(Parser, EE)
Parser.prototype._resetState = function () {
this.packet = new Packet()
this.error = null
this._list = bl()
this._stateCounter = 0
Parser.prototype.parse = function (buf) {
if (this.error) this._resetState()
while ((this.packet.length !== -1 || this._list.length > 0) &&
this[this._states[this._stateCounter]]() &&
!this.error) {
if (this._stateCounter >= this._states.length) this._stateCounter = 0
return this._list.length
Parser.prototype._parseHeader = function () {
// There is at least one byte in the buffer
var zero = this._list.readUInt8(0)
this.packet.cmd = constants.types[zero >> constants.CMD_SHIFT]
this.packet.retain = (zero & constants.RETAIN_MASK) !== 0
this.packet.qos = (zero >> constants.QOS_SHIFT) & constants.QOS_MASK
this.packet.dup = (zero & constants.DUP_MASK) !== 0
return true
Parser.prototype._parseLength = function () {
// There is at least one byte in the list
var result = this._parseVarByteNum(true)
if (result) {
this.packet.length = result.value
return !!result
Parser.prototype._parsePayload = function () {
var result = false
// Do we have a payload? Do we have enough data to complete the payload?
// PINGs have no payload
if (this.packet.length === 0 || this._list.length >= this.packet.length) {
this._pos = 0
switch (this.packet.cmd) {
case 'connect':
case 'connack':
case 'publish':
case 'puback':
case 'pubrec':
case 'pubrel':
case 'pubcomp':
case 'subscribe':
case 'suback':
case 'unsubscribe':
case 'unsuback':
case 'pingreq':
case 'pingresp':
// These are empty, nothing to do
case 'disconnect':
case 'auth':
this._emitError(new Error('Not supported'))
result = true
return result
Parser.prototype._parseConnect = function () {
var protocolId // Protocol ID
var clientId // Client ID
var topic // Will topic
var payload // Will payload
var password // Password
var username // Username
var flags = {}
var packet = this.packet
// Parse protocolId
protocolId = this._parseString()
if (protocolId === null) return this._emitError(new Error('Cannot parse protocolId'))
if (protocolId !== 'MQTT' && protocolId !== 'MQIsdp') {
return this._emitError(new Error('Invalid protocolId'))
packet.protocolId = protocolId
// Parse constants version number
if (this._pos >= this._list.length) return this._emitError(new Error('Packet too short'))
packet.protocolVersion = this._list.readUInt8(this._pos)
if (packet.protocolVersion !== 3 && packet.protocolVersion !== 4 && packet.protocolVersion !== 5) {
return this._emitError(new Error('Invalid protocol version'))
if (this._pos >= this._list.length) {
return this._emitError(new Error('Packet too short'))
// Parse connect flags
flags.username = (this._list.readUInt8(this._pos) & constants.USERNAME_MASK)
flags.password = (this._list.readUInt8(this._pos) & constants.PASSWORD_MASK)
flags.will = (this._list.readUInt8(this._pos) & constants.WILL_FLAG_MASK)
if (flags.will) {
packet.will = {}
packet.will.retain = (this._list.readUInt8(this._pos) & constants.WILL_RETAIN_MASK) !== 0
packet.will.qos = (this._list.readUInt8(this._pos) &
constants.WILL_QOS_MASK) >> constants.WILL_QOS_SHIFT
packet.clean = (this._list.readUInt8(this._pos) & constants.CLEAN_SESSION_MASK) !== 0
// Parse keepalive
packet.keepalive = this._parseNum()
if (packet.keepalive === -1) return this._emitError(new Error('Packet too short'))
// parse properties
if (packet.protocolVersion === 5) {
var properties = this._parseProperties()
if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties).length) { = properties
// Parse clientId
clientId = this._parseString()
if (clientId === null) return this._emitError(new Error('Packet too short'))
packet.clientId = clientId
if (flags.will) {
if (packet.protocolVersion === 5) {
var willProperties = this._parseProperties()
if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(willProperties).length) { = willProperties
// Parse will topic
topic = this._parseString()
if (topic === null) return this._emitError(new Error('Cannot parse will topic'))
packet.will.topic = topic
// Parse will payload
payload = this._parseBuffer()
if (payload === null) return this._emitError(new Error('Cannot parse will payload'))
packet.will.payload = payload
// Parse username
if (flags.username) {
username = this._parseString()
if (username === null) return this._emitError(new Error('Cannot parse username'))
packet.username = username
// Parse password
if (flags.password) {
password = this._parseBuffer()
if (password === null) return this._emitError(new Error('Cannot parse password'))
packet.password = password
// need for right parse auth packet and self set up
this.settings = packet
return packet
Parser.prototype._parseConnack = function () {
var packet = this.packet
if (this._list.length < 2) return null
packet.sessionPresent = !!(this._list.readUInt8(this._pos++) & constants.SESSIONPRESENT_MASK)
if (this.settings.protocolVersion === 5) {
packet.reasonCode = this._list.readUInt8(this._pos++)
} else {
packet.returnCode = this._list.readUInt8(this._pos++)
if (packet.returnCode === -1 || packet.reasonCode === -1) return this._emitError(new Error('Cannot parse return code'))
// mqtt 5 properties
if (this.settings.protocolVersion === 5) {
var properties = this._parseProperties()
if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties).length) { = properties
Parser.prototype._parsePublish = function () {
var packet = this.packet
packet.topic = this._parseString()
if (packet.topic === null) return this._emitError(new Error('Cannot parse topic'))
// Parse messageId
if (packet.qos > 0) if (!this._parseMessageId()) { return }
// Properties mqtt 5
if (this.settings.protocolVersion === 5) {
var properties = this._parseProperties()
if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties).length) { = properties
packet.payload = this._list.slice(this._pos, packet.length)
Parser.prototype._parseSubscribe = function () {
var packet = this.packet
var topic
var options
var qos
var rh
var rap
var nl
var subscription
if (packet.qos !== 1) {
return this._emitError(new Error('Wrong subscribe header'))
packet.subscriptions = []
if (!this._parseMessageId()) { return }
// Properties mqtt 5
if (this.settings.protocolVersion === 5) {
var properties = this._parseProperties()
if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties).length) { = properties
while (this._pos < packet.length) {
// Parse topic
topic = this._parseString()
if (topic === null) return this._emitError(new Error('Cannot parse topic'))
if (this._pos >= packet.length) return this._emitError(new Error('Malformed Subscribe Payload'))
options = this._parseByte()
qos = options & constants.SUBSCRIBE_OPTIONS_QOS_MASK
nl = ((options >> constants.SUBSCRIBE_OPTIONS_NL_SHIFT) & constants.SUBSCRIBE_OPTIONS_NL_MASK) !== 0
rap = ((options >> constants.SUBSCRIBE_OPTIONS_RAP_SHIFT) & constants.SUBSCRIBE_OPTIONS_RAP_MASK) !== 0
rh = (options >> constants.SUBSCRIBE_OPTIONS_RH_SHIFT) & constants.SUBSCRIBE_OPTIONS_RH_MASK
subscription = { topic: topic, qos: qos }
// mqtt 5 options
if (this.settings.protocolVersion === 5) { = nl
subscription.rap = rap
subscription.rh = rh
// Push pair to subscriptions
Parser.prototype._parseSuback = function () {
var packet = this.packet
this.packet.granted = []
if (!this._parseMessageId()) { return }
// Properties mqtt 5
if (this.settings.protocolVersion === 5) {
var properties = this._parseProperties()
if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties).length) { = properties
// Parse granted QoSes
while (this._pos < this.packet.length) {
Parser.prototype._parseUnsubscribe = function () {
var packet = this.packet
packet.unsubscriptions = []
// Parse messageId
if (!this._parseMessageId()) { return }
// Properties mqtt 5
if (this.settings.protocolVersion === 5) {
var properties = this._parseProperties()
if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties).length) { = properties
while (this._pos < packet.length) {
var topic
// Parse topic
topic = this._parseString()
if (topic === null) return this._emitError(new Error('Cannot parse topic'))
// Push topic to unsubscriptions
Parser.prototype._parseUnsuback = function () {
var packet = this.packet
if (!this._parseMessageId()) return this._emitError(new Error('Cannot parse messageId'))
// Properties mqtt 5
if (this.settings.protocolVersion === 5) {
var properties = this._parseProperties()
if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties).length) { = properties
// Parse granted QoSes
packet.granted = []
while (this._pos < this.packet.length) {
// parse packets like puback, pubrec, pubrel, pubcomp
Parser.prototype._parseConfirmation = function () {
var packet = this.packet
if (this.settings.protocolVersion === 5) {
if (packet.length > 2) {
// response code
packet.reasonCode = this._parseByte()
// properies mqtt 5
var properties = this._parseProperties()
if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties).length) { = properties
return true
// parse disconnect packet
Parser.prototype._parseDisconnect = function () {
var packet = this.packet
if (this.settings.protocolVersion === 5) {
// response code
packet.reasonCode = this._parseByte()
// properies mqtt 5
var properties = this._parseProperties()
if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties).length) { = properties
return true
// parse auth packet
Parser.prototype._parseAuth = function () {
var packet = this.packet
if (this.settings.protocolVersion !== 5) {
return this._emitError(new Error('Not supported auth packet for this version MQTT'))
// response code
packet.reasonCode = this._parseByte()
// properies mqtt 5
var properties = this._parseProperties()
if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties).length) { = properties
return true
Parser.prototype._parseMessageId = function () {
var packet = this.packet
packet.messageId = this._parseNum()
if (packet.messageId === null) {
this._emitError(new Error('Cannot parse messageId'))
return false
return true
Parser.prototype._parseString = function (maybeBuffer) {
var length = this._parseNum()
var result
var end = length + this._pos
if (length === -1 || end > this._list.length || end > this.packet.length) return null
result = this._list.toString('utf8', this._pos, end)
this._pos += length
return result
Parser.prototype._parseStringPair = function () {
return {
name: this._parseString(),
value: this._parseString()
Parser.prototype._parseBuffer = function () {
var length = this._parseNum()
var result
var end = length + this._pos
if (length === -1 || end > this._list.length || end > this.packet.length) return null
result = this._list.slice(this._pos, end)
this._pos += length
return result
Parser.prototype._parseNum = function () {
if (this._list.length - this._pos < 2) return -1
var result = this._list.readUInt16BE(this._pos)
this._pos += 2
return result
Parser.prototype._parse4ByteNum = function () {
if (this._list.length - this._pos < 4) return -1
var result = this._list.readUInt32BE(this._pos)
this._pos += 4
return result
Parser.prototype._parseVarByteNum = function (fullInfoFlag) {
var bytes = 0
var mul = 1
var length = 0
var result = true
var current
var padding = this._pos ? this._pos : 0
while (bytes < 5) {
current = this._list.readUInt8(padding + bytes++)
length += mul * (current & constants.LENGTH_MASK)
mul *= 0x80
if ((current & constants.LENGTH_FIN_MASK) === 0) break
if (this._list.length <= bytes) {
result = false
if (padding) {
this._pos += bytes
result = result
? fullInfoFlag ? {
bytes: bytes,
value: length
} : length
: false
return result
Parser.prototype._parseByte = function () {
var result = this._list.readUInt8(this._pos)
return result
Parser.prototype._parseByType = function (type) {
switch (type) {
case 'byte': {
return this._parseByte() !== 0
case 'int8': {
return this._parseByte()
case 'int16': {
return this._parseNum()
case 'int32': {
return this._parse4ByteNum()
case 'var': {
return this._parseVarByteNum()
case 'string': {
return this._parseString()
case 'pair': {
return this._parseStringPair()
case 'binary': {
return this._parseBuffer()
Parser.prototype._parseProperties = function () {
var length = this._parseVarByteNum()
var start = this._pos
var end = start + length
var result = {}
while (this._pos < end) {
var type = this._parseByte()
var name = constants.propertiesCodes[type]
if (!name) {
this._emitError(new Error('Unknown property'))
return false
// user properties process
if (name === 'userProperties') {
if (!result[name]) {
result[name] = {}
var currentUserProperty = this._parseByType(constants.propertiesTypes[name])
if (result[name][]) {
if (Array.isArray(result[name][])) {
} else {
var currentValue = result[name][]
result[name][] = [currentValue]
} else {
result[name][] = currentUserProperty.value
result[name] = this._parseByType(constants.propertiesTypes[name])
return result
Parser.prototype._newPacket = function () {
if (this.packet) {
this.emit('packet', this.packet)
this.packet = new Packet()
this._pos = 0
return true
Parser.prototype._emitError = function (err) {
this.error = err
this.emit('error', err)
module.exports = Parser