You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: luwei
* Date: 2017/7/25
* Time: 14:02
namespace app\modules\api\models;
use app\hejiang\ApiResponse;
use app\models\District;
use app\models\DistrictArr;
class DistrictForm extends ApiModel
public function search()
$cache_key = md5('district');
$cache_data = \Yii::$app->cache->get($cache_key);
if ($cache_data && false) {
$province_list = $cache_data;
$d = new DistrictArr();
$arr= $d->getArr();
$province_list = $d->getList($arr);
\Yii::$app->cache->set($cache_key, $province_list, 86400 * 7);
return new ApiResponse(0,'success',$province_list);
$cache_key = md5('district');
$cache_data = \Yii::$app->cache->get($cache_key);
if ($cache_data) {
$province_list = $cache_data;
} else {
$province_list = District::find()->select('id,name')->where(['level' => 'province'])->asArray()->all();
foreach ($province_list as $i => $province) {
$city_list = District::find()->select('id,name')->where(['parent_id' => $province['id']])->asArray()->all();
foreach ($city_list as $j => $city) {
$district_list = District::find()->select('id,name')->where(['parent_id' => $city['id']])->asArray()->all();
$city_list[$j]['list'] = $district_list;
$province_list[$i]['list'] = $city_list;
\Yii::$app->cache->set($cache_key, $province_list, 86400 * 7);
return new ApiResponse(0,'success',$province_list);