You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

954 lines
37 KiB

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: luwei
* Date: 2017/7/17
* Time: 11:48
namespace app\modules\api\models;
use app\models\Address;
use app\models\Attr;
use app\models\AttrGroup;
use app\models\Cart;
use app\models\Cat;
use app\models\Coupon;
use app\models\CouponAutoSend;
use app\models\Form;
use app\models\FreeDeliveryRules;
use app\models\Goods;
use app\models\GoodsCat;
use app\models\Level;
use app\models\Mch;
use app\models\MiaoshaGoods;
use app\models\Option;
use app\models\PostageRules;
use app\models\Shop;
use app\models\Store;
use app\models\TerritorialLimitation;
use app\models\User;
use app\models\UserCoupon;
class OrderSubmitPreviewForm extends OrderData
public $store;
public $store_id;
public $user_id;
public $step_id;
public $address_id;
public $cart_list;
public $cart_id_list;
public $goods_info;
public $longitude;
public $latitude;
public $type; //订单类型 s--商城订单 ms--秒杀订单
public $mch_list;
public function rules()
return [
[['cart_id_list', 'goods_info', 'cart_list', 'mch_list'], 'string'],
[['address_id', 'step_id'], 'integer'],
[['longitude', 'latitude'], 'trim'],
* @return array
* [
* 'address'=>{},
* 'cart_id_list'=>[] 或 'goods_info'=>{} 或 'cart_list'=>[],
* 'coupon_list'=>[],
* 'express_price'=>"",
* 'form_list'=>{},
* 'goods_card_list'=>[],
* 'integral'=>{},
* 'is_payment'=>{},
* 'is_shop'=>'',
* 'shop_list'=>[],
* 'level'=>'',
* 'list'=>[],
* 'pay_type_list'=>[],
* 'send_type'=>'',
* total_price'=>''
* ]
public function search()
$store = Store::findOne($this->store_id);
$this->store = $store;
if (!$this->validate()) {
return $this->errorResponse;
// 快速购买
if ($this->cart_list) {
$res = $this->getCartList($this->cart_list, $store);
if ($this->cart_id_list || $this->mch_list) {
$res = $this->getDataByCartIdList($this->cart_id_list, $store);
if ($this->mch_list) {
$res['data']['mch_list'] = [];
$mch_list = json_decode($this->mch_list, true);
if (is_array($mch_list)) {
foreach ($mch_list as $mch) {
$mch_res = $this->getDataByCartIdList(json_encode($mch['cart_id_list'], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE), $store);
$mch = Mch::findOne($mch['id']);
if ($mch_res['code'] == 0 && $mch) {
$mch_res['data']['id'] = $mch->id;
$mch_res['data']['name'] = $mch->name;
$res['data']['mch_list'][] = $mch_res['data'];
if (count($res['data']['mch_list'])) {
$res['code'] = 0;
if ($this->goods_info) {
$res = $this->getDataByGoodsInfo($this->goods_info, $store);
if ($this->type == 'ms') {
$buyMaxRes = $this->checkBuyMax($res['data']['list']);
if ($buyMaxRes) {
return $buyMaxRes;
if ($res['code'] != 0) {
return $res;
$this->address = $res['data']['address'];
// 获取起送规则
$this->total_price = $res['data']['total_price']; // 暂时只计算商城价格(不包含多商户)
$this->mch_list = $res['data']['mch_list'];
$res['data']['offer_rule'] = $this->getOfferRule();
$goods_id = [];
$goods_cat_id = [];
$coupon_goods_id = [];
foreach ($res['data']['list'] as $key => $value) {
if ($res['data']['list'][$key]->cat_id == 0) {
// 多分类商品id
$goods_id[] = $res['data']['list'][$key]->goods_id;
} else {
// 单分类商品cat_id
$goods_cat_id[] = $res['data']['list'][$key]->cat_id;
$coupon_goods_id[] = $res['data']['list'][$key]->goods_id;
$goods_cat_id = array_unique($goods_cat_id); //单分类商品cat_id
$many_cat_goods = GoodsCat::find()->select('cat_id')->where(['is_delete' => 0, 'goods_id' => $goods_id])->asArray()->all();
$many_cat_id = [];
foreach ($many_cat_goods as $key => $value) {
$many_cat_id[] = $value['cat_id']; // 多分类商品cat_id
$cat_id = array_merge($goods_cat_id, $many_cat_id);
$cat = Cat::find()->where(['is_delete' => 0, 'store_id' => $store->id, 'id' => $cat_id])->asArray()->all();
$goods_cat_ids = [];
$many_cat_ids = [];
foreach ($cat as $key2 => $value2) {
$goods_cat_ids[] = $value2['id'];
if ($value2['parent_id'] != 0) {
$many_cat_ids[] = $value2['parent_id'];
$cat_ids = array_merge($goods_cat_ids, $many_cat_ids);
$res['data']['coupon_list'] = $this->getCouponList($res['data']['total_price'], array_unique($cat_ids), $coupon_goods_id);
if ($store->send_type != 1) {
$res['data']['shop_list'] = $this->getShopList();
$res['data']['is_shop'] = Shop::find()->where(['is_default' => 1, 'store_id' => $this->store_id])->asArray()->one();
} else {
$res['data']['shop_list'] = [];
$res['data']['is_shop'] = '';
// }
$level = Level::find()->select([
'name', 'level', 'discount',
])->where(['level' => \Yii::$app->user->identity->level, 'store_id' => $this->store_id])->asArray()->one();
$res['data']['level'] = $level;
$res['data']['send_type'] = $store->send_type;
// 获取 店铺积分使用规则
if (!empty($res['data']['integral'])) {
if (is_array($res['data']['integral'])) {
$res['data']['integral']['integration'] = $store->integration;
if (is_object($res['data']['integral']) && isset($res['data']['integral']->integration)) {
$res['data']['integral']->integration = $store->integration;
// 获取用户当前积分
$user = User::findOne(['id' => $this->user_id, 'type' => 1, 'is_delete' => 0]);
if ($user->integral < $res['data']['integral']['forehead_integral']) {
$res['data']['integral']['forehead_integral'] = $user->integral;
$res['data']['integral']['forehead'] = sprintf("%.2f", $user->integral / $store->integral);
$res['data']['form'] = $this->formData();
if ($res['data']['express_price'] != 0) {
$free = FreeDeliveryRules::find()->where(['store_id' => $this->store_id])->asArray()->all();
foreach ($free as $k => $v) {
$city = json_decode($v['city'], true);
foreach ($city as $v1) {
if ($res['data']['address']['city_id'] == $v1['id'] && $res['data']['total_price'] >= $v['price'] && !$this->step_id) {
$res['data']['express_price'] = 0;
$pay_str = Option::get('payment', $store->id, 'admin', '{"wechat":"1"}');
$is_payment = json_decode($pay_str, true);
$res['data']['is_payment'] = $is_payment;
$pay_type_list = OrderData::getPayType($this->store_id, $is_payment);
$res['data']['pay_type_list'] = $pay_type_list;
$res['data']['is_area'] = 0;
$area = TerritorialLimitation::findOne([
'store_id' => $this->store_id,
'is_delete' => 0,
'is_enable' => 1,
if ($area) {
if (!$res['data']['address']) {
$res['data']['is_area'] = 0;
$res['data']['is_area_city_id'] = [];
$city_id = []; //限制的地区ID
$detail = json_decode($area->detail);
if (!is_array($detail)) {
$detail = [];
foreach ($detail as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value->province_list as $key2 => $value2) {
$city_id[] = $value2->id;
$addressArr = [
$addressArray = array_intersect($addressArr, $city_id);
if (empty($addressArray)) {
$res['data']['is_area'] = 1;
$res['data']['is_area_city_id'] = $city_id;
// 处理PHP浮点数计算产生的小数
if (!empty($res['data']['list']) && is_array($res['data']['list'])) {
foreach ($res['data']['list'] as &$item) {
if (is_object($item) && !empty($item->price)) {
$item->price = sprintf('%.2f', $item->price);
if (!empty($res['data']['integral']['forehead_integral'])) {
$res['data']['integral']['forehead_integral'] = sprintf('%.2f', $res['data']['integral']['forehead_integral']);
if (!empty($res['data']['mch_list']) && is_array($res['data']['mch_list'])) {
foreach ($res['data']['mch_list'] as &$mch) {
if (!empty($mch['list']) && is_array($mch['list'])) {
foreach ($mch['list'] as &$item) {
if (is_object($item) && !empty($item->price)) {
$item->price = sprintf('%.2f', $item->price);
if (is_array($res['data']['list']) && count($res['data']['list']) == 0 && is_array($res['data']['mch_list']) && count($res['data']['mch_list']) > 0) {
$res['data']['send_type'] = 0;
return $res;
private function getCouponList($goods_total_price, $cat_ids, $coupon_goods_id)
$list = UserCoupon::find()->alias('uc')
->leftJoin(['c' => Coupon::tableName()], '')
->leftJoin(['cas' => CouponAutoSend::tableName()], '')
['uc.is_delete' => 0],
['uc.is_use' => 0],
['uc.is_expire' => 0],
['uc.user_id' => $this->user_id],
['<=', 'c.min_price', $goods_total_price],
->select(' user_coupon_id,c.sub_price,c.min_price,cas.event,uc.begin_time,uc.end_time,uc.type,c.appoint_type,c.cat_id_list,c.goods_id_list')
$events = [
0 => '平台发放',
1 => '分享红包',
2 => '购物返券',
3 => '领券中心',
$new_list = [];
foreach ($list as $i => $item) {
if ($item['begin_time'] > (strtotime(date('Y-M-d')) + 86400) || $item['end_time'] < time()) {
$list[$i]['status'] = 0;
if ($item['is_use']) {
$list[$i]['status'] = 1;
if ($item['is_expire']) {
$list[$i]['status'] = 2;
$list[$i]['min_price_desc'] = $item['min_price'] == 0 ? '无门槛' : '满' . $item['min_price'] . '元可用';
$list[$i]['begin_time'] = date('Y.m.d H:i', $item['begin_time']);
$list[$i]['end_time'] = date('Y.m.d H:i', $item['end_time']);
if (!$item['event']) {
if ($item['type'] == 2) {
$list[$i]['event'] = $item['event'] = 3;
} else {
$list[$i]['event'] = $item['event'] = 0;
$list[$i]['event_desc'] = $events[$item['event']];
$list[$i]['min_price'] = doubleval($item['min_price']);
$list[$i]['sub_price'] = doubleval($item['sub_price']);
if ($list[$i]['appoint_type'] == 1) {
$list[$i]['cat_id_list'] = json_decode($list[$i]['cat_id_list']);
if ($list[$i]['cat_id_list'] != null) {
if (!array_intersect($list[$i]['cat_id_list'], $cat_ids)) {
} elseif ($list[$i]['appoint_type'] == 2) {
$list[$i]['goods_id_list'] = json_decode($list[$i]['goods_id_list']);
if ($list[$i]['goods_id_list'] != null) {
if (!array_intersect($list[$i]['goods_id_list'], $coupon_goods_id)) {
$new_list[] = $list[$i];
return $new_list;
* @param $cart_list json eg:[{"id":"39","num":2,"attr":""},{"id":"140","num":2,"attr":[{"attr_group_id":1,"attr_group_name":"颜色","attr_id":1,"attr_name":"白色"},{"attr_group_id":2,"attr_group_name":"尺码","attr_id":4,"attr_name":"M"},{"attr_group_id":22,"attr_group_name":"机箱","attr_id":293,"attr_name":"外机"}]}]
* @param $store object
* @return array
private function getCartList($cart_list, $store)
$cart_list = json_decode($cart_list);
$list = [];
$total_price = 0;
$new_cart_id_list = [];
$goodsList = [];
$resIntegral = [
'forehead' => 0,
'forehead_integral' => 0,
$goodsIds = [];
$goods_card_list = [];
foreach ($cart_list as $item) {
$goods = Goods::findOne([
'store_id' => $this->store_id,
'id' => $item->id,
'is_delete' => 0,
'status' => 1,
if (!$goods) {
if (!$goods->use_attr) {
$gf = new GoodsForm();
$gf->id = $goods->id;
$gf->store_id = $goods->store_id;
$gfr = $gf->search();
if ($gfr->code == 0) {
$attr_group_list = $gfr->data['attr_group_list'];
$item->attr = [];
foreach ($attr_group_list as $attr_group) {
$item->attr[] = (object)[
'attr_group_id' => $attr_group->attr_group_id,
'attr_group_name' => $attr_group->attr_group_name,
'attr_id' => $attr_group->attr_list[0]->attr_id,
'attr_name' => $attr_group->attr_list[0]->attr_name,
$attr_id_list = [];
foreach ($item->attr as $key => $value) {
array_push($attr_id_list, $value->attr_id);
$goods_attr_info = $goods->getAttrInfo($attr_id_list);
$attr_num = intval(empty($goods_attr_info['num']) ? 0 : $goods_attr_info['num']);
$goods_pic = isset($goods_attr_info['pic']) ? $goods_attr_info['pic'] ?: $goods->getGoodsPic(0)->pic_url : $goods->getGoodsPic(0)->pic_url;
if ($attr_num < $item->num) {
$new_item = (object)[
'goods_id' => $goods->id,
'goods_name' => $goods->name,
'goods_pic' => $goods_pic,
'num' => $item->num,
'price' => doubleval(empty($goods_attr_info['price']) ? $goods->price : $goods_attr_info['price']) * $item->num,
'attr_list' => $item->attr,
'give' => 0,
'single_price' => doubleval(empty($goods_attr_info['price']) ? $goods->price : $goods_attr_info['price']),
'freight' => $goods->freight,
'integral' => $goods->integral,
'weight' => $goods->weight,
'full_cut' => $goods->full_cut,
'cat_id' => $goods->cat_id,
$total_price += $new_item->price;
$new_cart_id_list[] = $item->id;
$list[] = $new_item;
$goods_card = Goods::getGoodsCard($goods->id);
$goods_card_list = array_merge($goods_card_list, $goods_card);
$new_goods = [
'goods_id' => $goods->id,
'goods_name' => $goods->name,
'freight' => $goods->freight,
'weight' => $goods->weight,
'num' => $item->num,
'full_cut' => $goods->full_cut,
'price' => $new_item->price,
$goodsList[] = $new_goods;
// 单个商品积分计算
$arr = OrderData::integral($new_item, $store->integral, $goodsIds);
$resIntegral['forehead_integral'] += $arr['resIntegral']['forehead_integral'];
$resIntegral['forehead'] += $arr['resIntegral']['forehead'];
$goodsIds[] = $goods->id;
$address = $this->getAddress();
$express_price = 0;
if (count($list)) {
if ($address) {
$resGoodsList = Goods::cutFull($goodsList);
$express_price = PostageRules::getExpressPriceMore($this->store_id, $address['city_id'], $resGoodsList, $address['province_id']);
return [
'code' => 0,
'msg' => 'success',
'data' => [
'total_price' => $total_price,
'list' => $list,
'cart_list' => $cart_list,
'address' => $address,
'express_price' => $express_price,
'integral' => $resIntegral,
'goods_card_list' => $goods_card_list,
* @param string $cart_id_list eg. [12,32,7]
private function getDataByCartIdList($cart_id_list, $store)
/* @var Cart[] $cart_list */
$cart_list = Cart::find()->where([
'store_id' => $this->store_id,
'user_id' => $this->user_id,
'is_delete' => 0,
'id' => json_decode($cart_id_list, true),
$list = [];
$total_price = 0;
$new_cart_id_list = [];
$goodsList = [];
$resIntegral = [
'forehead' => 0,
'forehead_integral' => 0,
$goodsIds = [];
$goods_card_list = [];
foreach ($cart_list as $item) {
$goods = Goods::findOne([
'store_id' => $this->store_id,
'id' => $item->goods_id,
'is_delete' => 0,
'status' => 1,
if (!$goods) {
$attr_list = Attr::find()->alias('a')
->leftJoin(['ag' => AttrGroup::tableName()], '')
->where(['' => json_decode($item->attr, true)])
$goods_attr_info = $goods->getAttrInfo(json_decode($item->attr, true));
$attr_num = intval(empty($goods_attr_info['num']) ? 0 : $goods_attr_info['num']);
$goods_pic = isset($goods_attr_info['pic']) ? $goods_attr_info['pic'] ?: $goods->getGoodsPic(0)->pic_url : $goods->getGoodsPic(0)->pic_url;
if ($attr_num < $item->num) {
$goods_item = (object)[
'cart_id' => $item->id,
'goods_id' => $goods->id,
'goods_name' => $goods->name,
'goods_pic' => $goods_pic,
'num' => $item->num,
'price' => doubleval(empty($goods_attr_info['price']) ? $goods->price : $goods_attr_info['price']) * $item->num,
'single_price' => doubleval(empty($goods_attr_info['price']) ? $goods->price : $goods_attr_info['price']),
'attr_list' => $attr_list,
'give' => 0,
'freight' => $goods->freight,
'integral' => $goods->integral,
'weight' => $goods->weight,
'full_cut' => $goods->full_cut,
'cat_id' => $goods->cat_id,
'mch_id' => $goods->mch_id,
$total_price += $goods_item->price;
$new_cart_id_list[] = $item->id;
$list[] = $goods_item;
$goods_card = Goods::getGoodsCard($goods->id);
$goods_card_list = array_merge($goods_card_list, $goods_card);
$new_goods = [
'goods_id' => $goods->id,
'goods_name' => $goods->name,
'freight' => $goods->freight,
'weight' => $goods->weight,
'num' => $item->num,
'full_cut' => $goods->full_cut,
'price' => $goods_item->price,
'mch_id' => $goods->mch_id,
$goodsList[] = $new_goods;
// 单个商品积分计算
$arr = OrderData::integral($goods_item, $store->integral, $goodsIds);
$resIntegral['forehead_integral'] += $arr['resIntegral']['forehead_integral'];
$resIntegral['forehead'] += $arr['resIntegral']['forehead'];
$goodsIds[] = $goods->id;
$address = $this->getAddress();
$express_price = 0;
if (count($list)) {
if ($address) {
$resGoodsList = Goods::cutFull($goodsList);
$express_price = PostageRules::getExpressPriceMore($this->store_id, $address['city_id'], $resGoodsList, $address['province_id']);
return [
'code' => 0,
'msg' => 'success',
'data' => [
'total_price' => $total_price,
'cart_id_list' => $new_cart_id_list,
'list' => $list,
'address' => $address,
'express_price' => round($express_price, 2),
'integral' => $resIntegral,
'goods_card_list' => $goods_card_list,
* @param string $goods_info
* JSON,eg.{"goods_id":"22","attr":[{"attr_group_id":1,"attr_group_name":"颜色","attr_id":3,"attr_name":"橙色"},{"attr_group_id":2,"attr_group_name":"尺码","attr_id":7,"attr_name":"L"}],"num":1}
private function getDataByGoodsInfo($goods_info, $store)
$goods_info = json_decode($goods_info);
$goods = Goods::findOne([
'id' => $goods_info->goods_id,
'is_delete' => 0,
'store_id' => $this->store_id,
'status' => 1,
if (!$goods) {
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '商品不存在或已下架',
$attr_id_list = [];
foreach ($goods_info->attr as $item) {
array_push($attr_id_list, $item->attr_id);
$total_price = 0;
$goods_attr_info = $goods->getAttrInfo($attr_id_list);
$attr_list = Attr::find()->alias('a')
->leftJoin(['ag' => AttrGroup::tableName()], '')
->where(['' => $attr_id_list])
$goods_pic = isset($goods_attr_info['pic']) ? $goods_attr_info['pic'] ?: $goods->getGoodsPic(0)->pic_url : $goods->getGoodsPic(0)->pic_url;
$goods_item = (object)[
'goods_id' => $goods->id,
'goods_name' => $goods->name,
'goods_pic' => $goods_pic,
'num' => $goods_info->num,
'price' => doubleval(empty($goods_attr_info['price']) ? $goods->price : $goods_attr_info['price']) * $goods_info->num,
'single_price' => doubleval(empty($goods_attr_info['price']) ? $goods->price : $goods_attr_info['price']),
'attr_list' => $attr_list,
'give' => 0,
'freight' => $goods->freight,
'integral' => $goods->integral,
'weight' => $goods->weight,
'full_cut' => $goods->full_cut,
'cat_id' => $goods->cat_id,
'mch_id' => $goods->mch_id,
$list = [];
$mch_list = [];
$address = $this->getAddress();
$express_price = 0;
$resIntegral = 0;
$goods_card_list = [];
if ($goods->mch_id) { //入驻商的商品
$mch = Mch::findOne($goods->mch_id);
$express_price = $this->Express($goods_item, $address, $goods->full_cut);
$mch_list[] = [
'id' => $mch->id,
'name' => $mch->name,
'logo' => $mch->logo,
'express_price' => $express_price,
'total_price' => $goods_item->price,
'list' => [$goods_item],
} else { //自营的商品
$total_price = $goods_item->price;
$express_price = $this->Express($goods_item, $address, $goods->full_cut);
$integral_res = OrderData::integral($goods_item, $store->integral);
$resIntegral = $integral_res['resIntegral'];
$goods_item->give = $integral_res['give'];
$goods_card_list = Goods::getGoodsCard($goods->id);
$list[] = $goods_item;
return [
'code' => 0,
'msg' => 'success',
'data' => [
'total_price' => $total_price,
'goods_info' => $goods_info,
'list' => $list,
'address' => $address,
'express_price' => $express_price,
'integral' => $resIntegral,
'goods_card_list' => $goods_card_list,
'mch_list' => $mch_list,
private function getShopList()
$list = Shop::find()->select(['address', 'mobile', 'id', 'name', 'longitude', 'latitude'])
->where(['store_id' => $this->store_id, 'is_delete' => 0])->asArray()->all();
$distance = array();
foreach ($list as $index => $item) {
$list[$index]['distance'] = -1;
if ($item['longitude'] && $this->longitude) {
$from = [$this->longitude, $this->latitude];
$to = [$item['longitude'], $item['latitude']];
$list[$index]['distance'] = $this->get_distance($from, $to, false, 2);
$distance[] = $list[$index]['distance'];
array_multisort($distance, SORT_ASC, $list);
$min = min(count($list), 30);
$list_arr = array();
foreach ($list as $index => $item) {
if ($index <= $min) {
$list[$index]['distance'] = $this->distance($item['distance']);
array_push($list_arr, $list[$index]);
return $list;
* @param Goods $goods
* @param array $attr_id_list eg.[12,34,22]
* @return array ['attr_list'=>[],'miaosha_price'=>'秒杀价格','miaosha_num'=>'秒杀数量','sell_num'=>'已秒杀商品数量']
private function getMiaoshaData($goods, $attr_id_list = [])
$miaosha_goods = MiaoshaGoods::findOne([
'goods_id' => $goods->id,
'is_delete' => 0,
'open_date' => date('Y-m-d'),
'start_time' => intval(date('H')),
if (!$miaosha_goods) {
return null;
$attr_data = json_decode($miaosha_goods->attr, true);
$miaosha_data = null;
foreach ($attr_data as $i => $attr_data_item) {
$_tmp_attr_id_list = [];
foreach ($attr_data_item['attr_list'] as $item) {
$_tmp_attr_id_list[] = $item['attr_id'];
if ($attr_id_list == $_tmp_attr_id_list) {
$miaosha_data = $attr_data_item;
return $miaosha_data;
* 获取商品秒杀价格,若库存不足则使用商品原价,若有部分库存,则部分数量使用秒杀价,部分使用商品原价,商品库存不足返回false
* @param array $miaosha_data ['attr_list'=>[],'miaosha_price'=>'秒杀价格','miaosha_num'=>'秒杀数量','sell_num'=>'已秒杀商品数量']
* @param Goods $goods
* @param array $attr_id_list eg.[12,34,22]
* @param integer $buy_num 购买数量
* @return false|float
private function getMiaoshaPrice($miaosha_data, $goods, $attr_id_list, $buy_num)
$attr_data = json_decode($goods->attr, true);
$goost_attr_data = null;
foreach ($attr_data as $i => $attr_data_item) {
$_tmp_attr_id_list = [];
foreach ($attr_data_item['attr_list'] as $item) {
$_tmp_attr_id_list[] = intval($item['attr_id']);
if ($attr_id_list == $_tmp_attr_id_list) {
$goost_attr_data = $attr_data_item;
$goods_price = $goost_attr_data['price'];
if (!$goods_price) {
$goods_price = $goods->price;
$miaosha_price = min($miaosha_data['miaosha_price'], $goods_price);
if ($buy_num > $goost_attr_data['num']) { //商品库存不足
'res' => '库存不足',
'm_data' => $miaosha_data,
'g_data' => $goost_attr_data,
'$attr_id_list' => $attr_id_list,
return false;
if ($buy_num <= ($miaosha_data['miaosha_num'] - $miaosha_data['sell_num'])) {
'res' => '库存充足',
'price' => $buy_num * $miaosha_price,
'm_data' => $miaosha_data,
return $buy_num * $miaosha_price;
$miaosha_num = ($miaosha_data['miaosha_num'] - $miaosha_data['sell_num']);
$original_num = $buy_num - $miaosha_num;
'res' => '部分充足',
'price' => $miaosha_num * $miaosha_price + $original_num * $goods_price,
'm_data' => $miaosha_data,
return $miaosha_num * $miaosha_price + $original_num * $goods_price;
private static function distance($distance)
if ($distance == -1) {
return -1;
if ($distance > 1000) {
$distance = round($distance / 1000, 2) . 'km';
} else {
$distance .= 'm';
return $distance;
* 根据起点坐标和终点坐标测距离
* @param [array] $from [起点坐标(经纬度),例如:array(118.012951,36.810024)]
* @param [array] $to [终点坐标(经纬度)]
* @param [bool] $km 是否以公里为单位 false:米 true:公里(千米)
* @param [int] $decimal 精度 保留小数位数
* @return [string] 距离数值
public function get_distance($from, $to, $km = true, $decimal = 2)
$EARTH_RADIUS = 6370.996; // 地球半径系数
$distance = $EARTH_RADIUS * 2 * asin(sqrt(pow(sin(($from[0] * pi() / 180 - $to[0] * pi() / 180) / 2), 2) + cos($from[0] * pi() / 180) * cos($to[0] * pi() / 180) * pow(sin(($from[1] * pi() / 180 - $to[1] * pi() / 180) / 2), 2))) * 1000;
if ($km) {
$distance = $distance / 1000;
return round($distance, $decimal);
* 检查订单中是否有秒杀商品并且限购
* @return null||array null表示无限购
public function checkBuyMax($list)
$goods_list = [];
foreach ($list as $item) {
if (empty($goods_list[$item->goods_id])) {
$goods_list[$item->goods_id] = [
'goods_name' => $item->goods_name,
'num' => $item->num,
} else {
$goods_list[$item->goods_id]['num'] += intval($item->num);
foreach ($goods_list as $goods_id => $item) {
$miaosha_goods = MiaoshaGoods::find()->where([
'goods_id' => $goods_id,
'is_delete' => 0,
'open_date' => date('Y-m-d'),
'start_time' => intval(date('H')),
['!=', 'buy_max', 0],
['<', 'buy_max', $item['num']],
if ($miaosha_goods) {
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => "购买数量超过限制! 商品“" . $item['goods_name'] . '”最多允许购买' . $miaosha_goods->buy_max . '件,请返回重新下单',
return null;
private function formData()
$new_list = [];
$new_list['is_form'] = Option::get('is_form', $this->store_id, 'admin', 0);
$form_list = [];
if ($new_list['is_form'] == 1) {
$new_list['name'] = Option::get('form_name', $this->store_id, 'admin', '表单信息');
$form_list = Form::find()->where([
'store_id' => $this->store_id, 'is_delete' => 0,
foreach ($form_list as $index => $value) {
if (in_array($value['type'], ['radio', 'checkbox'])) {
$default = str_replace("", ",", $value['default']);
$list = explode(',', $default);
$default_list = [];
foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
$default_list[$k]['name'] = $v;
if ($k == 0) {
$default_list[$k]['is_selected'] = 1;
} else {
$default_list[$k]['is_selected'] = 0;
$form_list[$index]['default_list'] = $default_list;
$new_list['list'] = $form_list;
return $new_list;
* @param $goods_item object 重新编写的goods_item
* @param $address object||null 地址
* @param null $full_cut 单商品运费规则(满件包邮及满额包邮)
* @return float|int
private function Express($goods_item, $address, $full_cut = null)
$express_price = 0;
if ($address) {
if ($full_cut) {
$full_cut = json_decode($full_cut, true);
} else {
$full_cut = [
'pieces' => 0,
'forehead' => 0,
if ((empty($full_cut['pieces']) || $goods_item->num < ($full_cut['pieces'] ?: 0)) && (empty($full_cut['forehead']) || $goods_item->price < ($full_cut['forehead'] ?: 0))) {
$express_price = PostageRules::getExpressPrice($this->store_id, $address['city_id'], $goods_item, $goods_item->num, $address['province_id']);
return $express_price;