You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: luwei
* Date: 2017/8/7
* Time: 12:59
namespace app\modules\mch\models;
use app\models\Attr;
use app\models\AttrGroup;
use app\models\Goods;
use app\models\GoodsCard;
use app\models\GoodsCat;
use app\models\GoodsPic;
use app\modules\mch\events\goods\BaseAddGoodsEvent;
use Hejiang\Event\EventArgument;
use yii\data\Pagination;
class GoodsForm extends MchModel
public $goods;
public $store_id;
public $name;
public $goods_pic_list;
public $cat_id;
public $price;
public $original_price;
public $service;
public $detail;
public $sort;
public $virtual_sales;
public $cover_pic;
public $video_url;
public $attr;
public $unit;
public $individual_share;
public $share_commission_first;
public $share_commission_second;
public $share_commission_third;
public $weight;
public $freight;
public $full_cut;
public $integral;
public $goods_card;
public $goods_num;
public $use_attr;
public $share_type;
public $quick_purchase;
public $hot_cakes;
public $cost_price;
public $rebate;
public $goods_no;
public $plugins; // 插件提交的数据
public $plugin; // 插件类型
public $is_level; // 是否享受会员折扣
public $confine_count;
public $is_negotiable;
public $attr_setting_type;//多规格分销佣金类型
public $attr_member_price_List;
public $single_share_commission_first;
public $single_share_commission_second;
public $single_share_commission_third;
* @return array
public function rules()
return [
[['name', 'service', 'unit', 'goods_no'], 'trim'],
[['store_id', 'name', 'price', 'cat_id', 'detail', 'goods_pic_list', 'cover_pic', 'attr_setting_type'], 'required'],
[['store_id', 'share_type', 'quick_purchase', 'hot_cakes', 'is_level', 'is_negotiable'], 'integer'],
[['price', 'original_price'], 'number', 'min' => 0.01, 'max' => 99999999],
[['detail', 'service', 'cover_pic', 'video_url', 'goods_no'], 'string'],
[['name', 'goods_no', 'unit'], 'string', 'max' => 255],
[['sort'], 'default', 'value' => 1000],
[['attr', 'individual_share', 'full_cut', 'integral', 'goods_card'], 'safe',],
[['share_commission_first', 'share_commission_second', 'share_commission_third', 'freight', 'rebate', 'virtual_sales', 'individual_share', 'goods_no', 'confine_count', 'plugin', 'cost_price', 'quick_purchase'], 'default', 'value' => 0],
[['share_commission_first', 'share_commission_second', 'share_commission_third', 'rebate', 'weight', 'cost_price'], 'number', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 99999999],
[['goods_num', 'virtual_sales', 'sort', 'freight', 'confine_count'], 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 99999999],
[['use_attr', 'plugins'], 'safe'],
[['attr', 'attr_member_price_List'], 'app\models\common\admin\validator\AttrValidator'],
[['is_negotiable'], 'default', 'value' => 0],
[['single_share_commission_first', 'single_share_commission_second', 'single_share_commission_third'], 'default', 'value' => 0],
[['single_share_commission_first', 'single_share_commission_second', 'single_share_commission_third'], 'number', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 99999999],
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'store_id' => 'Store ID',
'name' => '商品名称',
'price' => '售价',
'original_price' => '原价(只做显示用)',
'detail' => '图文详情',
'cat_id' => '商品分类',
'status' => '上架状态:0=下架,1=上架',
'goods_pic_list' => '商品图片',
'sort' => '排序',
'virtual_sales' => '已出售量',
'service' => '商品服务选项',
'cover_pic' => '商品缩略图',
'video_url' => '视频',
'unit' => '单位',
'share_commission_first' => '一级佣金比例',
'share_commission_second' => '二级佣金比例',
'share_commission_third' => '三级佣金比例',
'weight' => '重量',
'freight' => '运费规则ID',
'full_cut' => '满减',
'integral' => '积分设置',
'goods_num' => '商品库存',
'cost_price' => '成本价',
'rebate' => '自购返利',
'is_level' => '是否参与会员折扣',
'confine_count' => '限购数量',
'goods_no'=> '货号',
'is_negotiable' => '是否面议',
'attr_setting_type' => '多规格分销类型',
'single_share_commission_first' => '一级佣金',
'single_share_commission_second' => '二级佣金',
'single_share_commission_third' => '三级佣金',
public function getList($store_id)
$query = Goods::find()
->andWhere(['g.is_delete' => 0, 'g.store_id' => $store_id]);
$count = $query->count();
$p = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $count, 'pageSize' => 20]);
$list = $query
->select(['g.*', ' AS cname'])
->leftJoin('{{%cat}} c', '')
->orderBy('g.sort ASC')
return [$list, $p];
// 获取商品小程序码
* 编辑
* @return array
public function save()
if ($this->validate()) {
if (!is_array($this->goods_pic_list) || empty($this->goods_pic_list) || count($this->goods_pic_list) == 0 || !$this->goods_pic_list[0]) {
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '商品图片不能为空',
if($this->full_cut['pieces'] && $this->full_cut['pieces'] > 99999999.99){
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '满件包邮售价的值必须不大于99999999',
if($this->full_cut['forehead'] && $this->full_cut['forehead'] > 99999999.99){
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '满额包邮的值必须不大于99999999',
if($this->integral['give'] && $this->integral['give'] > 99999999){
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '积分赠送的值必须不大于99999999',
if($this->integral['forehead'] && $this->integral['forehead'] > 99999999.99){
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '积分抵扣的值必须不大于99999999',
if (!$this->use_attr && ($this->goods_num === null || $this->goods_num === '')) {
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '请填写商品库存',
if (!$this->original_price) {
$this->original_price = $this->price;
if ($this->original_price > 99999999.99) {
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '商品原价超过限制',
if (!$this->cost_price) {
$this->cost_price = $this->price;
if ($this->cost_price > 99999999.99) {
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '商品成本价超过限制',
if ($this->price > 99999999.99) {
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '商品售价超过限制',
// 商品规格有特殊符不能提交
if (isset($this->attr) && count($this->attr) > 0 && $this->use_attr) {
foreach ($this->attr as $item) {
if (preg_match("/[\'=]|\\\|\"|\|/", $item['no'])) {
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '商品规格组、规格名称、规格详情不能包含\',",\\,=等特殊符',
foreach ($item['attr_list'] as $i) {
foreach ($i as $i2) {
if (preg_match("/[\'=]|\\\|\"|\|/", $i2)) {
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '商品规格组、规格名称、规格详情不能包含\',",\\,=等特殊符',
$goods = $this->goods;
if ($goods->isNewRecord) {
$goods->is_delete = 0;
$goods->addtime = time();
$goods->status = 0;
$goods->attr = \Yii::$app->serializer->encode([]);
$this->full_cut = \Yii::$app->serializer->encode($this->full_cut);
if (!isset($this->integral['more'])) {
$this->integral['more'] = '';
$this->integral = \Yii::$app->serializer->encode($this->integral);
$_this_attributes = $this->attributes;
$this->cat_id = array_unique($this->cat_id);
foreach ($this->cat_id as $index => $value) {
if (!$value) {
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '请选择分类'
$cat_id = $this->cat_id;
$_this_attributes['cat_id'] = 0;
$goods->attributes = $_this_attributes;
function userTextEncode($str){
if(!is_string($str)) return $str;
if(!$str || $str=='undefined')return '';
$text = json_encode($str); //暴露出unicode
$text = preg_replace_callback("/(\\\u[ed][0-9a-f]{3})/i",function($str){
return addslashes($str[0]);
},$text); //将emoji的unicode留下,其他不动,这里的正则比原答案增加了d,因为我发现我很多emoji实际上是\ud开头的,反而暂时没发现有\ue开头。
return json_decode($text);
$goods->detail = preg_replace('/\\\u[a-z0-9]{4}/', '', userTextEncode($_this_attributes['detail']));
$goods->quick_purchase = $this->quick_purchase;
$goods->is_level = $this->is_level;
$goods->hot_cakes = $this->hot_cakes;
$goods->attr_setting_type = $this->attr_setting_type;
$goods->use_attr = $this->use_attr ? 1 : 0;
$t = \Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction();
$goods->type = get_plugin_type();
if ($goods->type === 5) {
$goods->is_level = 0;
if ($goods->save()) {
GoodsCat::updateAll(['is_delete' => 1], ['goods_id' => $goods->id]);
foreach ($cat_id as $index => $value) {
$cat = new GoodsCat();
$cat->goods_id = $goods->id;
$cat->store_id = $goods->store_id;
$cat->addtime = time();
$cat->cat_id = $value;
$cat->is_delete = 0;
GoodsPic::updateAll(['is_delete' => 1], ['goods_id' => $goods->id]);
foreach ($this->goods_pic_list as $pic_url) {
$goods_pic = new GoodsPic();
$goods_pic->goods_id = $goods->id;
$goods_pic->pic_url = $pic_url;
$goods_pic->is_delete = 0;
GoodsCard::updateAll(['is_delete' => 1], ['goods_id' => $goods->id]);
if ($this->goods_card) {
foreach ($this->goods_card as $card_id) {
$goods_card = new GoodsCard();
$goods_card->goods_id = $goods->id;
$goods_card->card_id = $card_id;
$goods_card->is_delete = 0;
$goods_card->addtime = time();
$args = new EventArgument();
$args['data'] = $this->plugins;
$args['goods'] = $goods;
$args['post'] = true;
\Yii::$app->eventDispatcher->dispatch(new BaseAddGoodsEvent(), $args);
$results = $args->getResults();
if (is_array($results) && count($results) > 0) {
foreach ($results as $result) {
if ($result['code'] == 0) {
return [
'code' => 0,
'msg' => '保存成功',
} else {
return $result;
} else {
return [
'code' => 0,
'msg' => '保存成功',
} else {
return $this->getErrorResponse($goods);
} else {
return $this->errorResponse;
* @param Goods $goods
private function setAttr($goods)
if (!$this->use_attr) {
list($default_attr, $default_attr_group) = $this->getDefaultAttr();
$this->attr = [
'attr_list' => [
'attr_group_name' => $default_attr_group->attr_group_name,
'attr_id' => $default_attr->id,
'attr_name' => $default_attr->attr_name,
'num' => intval($this->goods_num) ? intval($this->goods_num) : 0,
'price' => 0,
'no' => $this->goods_no,
$levels = $this->attr_member_price_List;
foreach ($levels as $k => $level) {
$this->attr[0][$k] = $level;
// 单规格设置
if ($this->attr_setting_type == 1) {
$this->attr[0]['share_commission_first'] = $this->single_share_commission_first;
$this->attr[0]['share_commission_second'] = $this->single_share_commission_second;
$this->attr[0]['share_commission_third'] = $this->single_share_commission_third;
if (empty($this->attr) || !is_array($this->attr)) {
$levelForm = new LevelListForm();
$levelList = $levelForm->getAllLevel();
$new_attr = [];
foreach ($this->attr as $i => $item) {
$new_attr_item = [
'attr_list' => [],
'num' => intval($item['num']),
'price' => doubleval($item['price']),
'no' => $item['no'] ? $item['no'] : '',
'pic' => $item['pic'] ? $item['pic'] : '',
'share_commission_first' => $item['share_commission_first'] ? $item['share_commission_first'] : '',
'share_commission_second' => $item['share_commission_second'] ? $item['share_commission_second'] : '',
'share_commission_third' => $item['share_commission_third'] ? $item['share_commission_third'] : '',
foreach ($levelList as $level) {
$keyName = "member" . $level['level'];
$valueName = $item[$keyName] ? $item[$keyName]: '';
$new_attr_item[$keyName] = $valueName;
foreach ($item['attr_list'] as $a) {
$attr_group_model = AttrGroup::findOne(['store_id' => $this->store_id, 'attr_group_name' => $a['attr_group_name'], 'is_delete' => 0]);
if (!$attr_group_model) {
$attr_group_model = new AttrGroup();
$attr_group_model->attr_group_name = $a['attr_group_name'];
$attr_group_model->store_id = $this->store_id;
$attr_group_model->is_delete = 0;
$attr_model = Attr::findOne(['attr_group_id' => $attr_group_model->id, 'attr_name' => $a['attr_name'], 'is_delete' => 0]);
if (!$attr_model) {
$attr_model = new Attr();
$attr_model->attr_name = $a['attr_name'];
$attr_model->attr_group_id = $attr_group_model->id;
$attr_model->is_delete = 0;
$new_attr_item['attr_list'][] = [
'attr_id' => $attr_model->id,
'attr_name' => $attr_model->attr_name,
$new_attr[] = $new_attr_item;
$goods->attr = \Yii::$app->serializer->encode($new_attr);
* @return array
private function getDefaultAttr()
$default_attr_name = '默认';
$default_attr_group_name = '规格';
$attr = Attr::findOne([
'attr_name' => $default_attr_name,
'is_delete' => 0,
'is_default' => 1,
$attr_group = null;
if (!$attr) {
$attr_group = AttrGroup::findOne([
'attr_group_name' => $default_attr_group_name,
'is_delete' => 0,
if (!$attr_group) {
$attr_group = new AttrGroup();
$attr_group->store_id = $this->store_id;
$attr_group->attr_group_name = $default_attr_group_name;
$attr_group->is_delete = 0;
$attr = new Attr();
$attr->attr_group_id = $attr_group->id;
$attr->attr_name = $default_attr_name;
$attr->is_delete = 0;
$attr->is_default = 1;
} else {
$attr_group = AttrGroup::findOne($attr->attr_group_id);
return [$attr, $attr_group];