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* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: luwei
* Date: 2018/1/3
* Time: 14:38
namespace app\modules\mch\models;
use app\models\WechatApp;
use luweiss\wechat\DataTransform;
use luweiss\wechat\Wechat;
class WechatSettingForm extends MchModel
/** @var WechatApp $model */
public $model;
public $app_id;
public $app_secret;
public $mch_id;
public $key;
public $cert_pem;
public $key_pem;
public function rules()
return [
[['app_id', 'app_secret', 'mch_id', 'key', 'cert_pem', 'key_pem'], 'trim'],
[['app_id', 'app_secret', 'mch_id', 'key', 'model'], 'required'],
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'app_id' => '小程序AppId',
'app_secret' => '小程序AppSecret',
'mch_id' => '微信支付商户号',
'key' => '微信支付Api密钥',
public function save()
if (!$this->validate()) {
return $this->errorResponse;
$this->model->attributes = $this->attributes;
if (!is_dir(\Yii::$app->runtimePath . '/pem')) {
mkdir(\Yii::$app->runtimePath . '/pem');
file_put_contents(\Yii::$app->runtimePath . '/pem/index.html', '');
$cert_pem_file = null;
if ($this->cert_pem) {
$cert_pem_file = \Yii::$app->runtimePath . '/pem/' . md5($this->cert_pem);
if (!file_exists($cert_pem_file)) {
file_put_contents($cert_pem_file, $this->cert_pem);
if (!file_exists($cert_pem_file)) {
return [
$key_pem_file = null;
if ($this->key_pem) {
$key_pem_file = \Yii::$app->runtimePath . '/pem/' . md5($this->key_pem);
if (!file_exists($key_pem_file)) {
file_put_contents($key_pem_file, $this->key_pem);
if (!file_exists($key_pem_file)) {
return [
$wechat = new Wechat([
'appId' => $this->app_id,
'appSecret' => $this->app_secret,
'mchId' => $this->mch_id,
'apiKey' => $this->key,
'certPem' => $cert_pem_file,
'keyPem' => $key_pem_file,
$res = $wechat->getAccessToken(true);
if ($wechat->errCode == 40013) {
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '小程序AppId错误'
if ($wechat->errCode == 40125) {
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '小程序AppSecret错误'
if ($wechat->curl->error_code == 58) {
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '微信支付证书错误'
if ($this->mch_id || $this->key || !($this->mch_id == 0 && $this->key == 0)) {
$order_no = date('YmdHis') . mt_rand(1000, 9999);
$res = $wechat->pay->orderQuery($order_no);
if ($res['return_code'] == "FAIL") {
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '微信支付商户号或微信支付Api密钥错误--('.$res['return_msg'].')'
if ($this->model->save()) {
return [
'code' => 0,
'msg' => '保存成功',
return $this->getErrorResponse($this->model);