You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

450 lines
11 KiB

'use strict'
var stringifySafe = require('fast-safe-stringify')
var format = require('quick-format-unescaped')
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
var os = require('os')
var fs = require('fs')
var flatstr = require('flatstr')
var once = require('once')
var util = require('util')
var pid =
var hostname = os.hostname()
var baseLog = flatstr('{"pid":' + pid + ',"hostname":"' + hostname + '",')
var extend = require('object.assign').getPolyfill()
var defaultOptions = {
safe: true,
name: undefined,
serializers: {},
timestamp: true,
slowtime: false,
extreme: false,
level: 'info',
enabled: true
var levels = {
fatal: 60,
error: 50,
warn: 40,
info: 30,
debug: 20,
trace: 10
var nums = Object.keys(levels).reduce(function (o, k) {
o[levels[k]] = k
return o
}, {})
// level string catch
var lscache = Object.keys(nums).reduce(function (o, k) {
o[k] = flatstr('"level":' + Number(k))
return o
}, {})
function streamIsBlockable (s) {
if (s.hasOwnProperty('_handle') && s._handle.hasOwnProperty('fd') && s._handle.fd) return true
if (s.hasOwnProperty('fd') && s.fd) return true
return false
function pino (opts, stream) {
var iopts = opts
var istream = stream
if (iopts && (iopts.writable || iopts._writableState)) {
istream = iopts
iopts = defaultOptions
istream = istream || process.stdout
iopts = extend({}, defaultOptions, iopts)
// internal options
iopts.stringify = ? stringifySafe : JSON.stringify
iopts.formatOpts = {lowres: true}
iopts.end = ',"v":' + LOG_VERSION + '}\n'
iopts.cache = !iopts.extreme ? null : {
size: 4096,
buf: ''
iopts.chindings = ''
if (iopts.enabled === false) {
iopts.level = 'silent'
var logger = new Pino(iopts, istream)
if (iopts.cache) {
// setImmediate is causing a very weird crash:
// Assertion failed: (cb_v->IsFunction()), function MakeCallback...
// but setTimeout isn't *shrug*
setTimeout(function () {
if (!streamIsBlockable(istream)) {
logger.emit('error', new Error('stream must have a file descriptor in extreme mode'))
}, 100)
onExit(function (code, evt) {
var buf = iopts.cache.buf
if (buf) {
// We need to block the process exit long enough to flush the buffer
// to the destination stream. We do that by forcing a synchronous
// write directly to the stream's file descriptor.
var fd = (istream.fd) ? istream.fd : istream._handle.fd
fs.writeSync(fd, buf)
if (!process._events[evt] || process._events[evt].length < 2 || !process._events[evt].filter(function (f) {
return f + '' !== onExit.passCode + '' && f + '' !== onExit.insertCode + ''
}).length) {
} else {
return 'no exit'
return logger
Object.defineProperty(pino, 'levels', {
value: {
values: copy({}, levels),
labels: copy({}, nums)
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(pino.levels.values, 'silent', {value: 100})
Object.defineProperty(pino.levels.labels, '100', {value: 'silent'})
pino.addLevel = function addLevel (name, lvl) {
if (pino.levels.values.hasOwnProperty(name)) return false
if (pino.levels.labels.hasOwnProperty(lvl)) return false
pino.levels.values[name] = lvl
pino.levels.labels[lvl] = name
lscache[lvl] = flatstr('"level":' + Number(lvl))
Pino.prototype[name] = genLog(lvl)
return true
function Pino (opts, stream) { = stream
this.serializers = opts.serializers
this.stringify = opts.stringify
this.end = opts.end =
this.timestamp = opts.timestamp
this.slowtime = opts.slowtime
this.chindings = opts.chindings
this.cache = opts.cache
this.formatOpts = opts.formatOpts
this._baseLog = flatstr(baseLog +
( === undefined ? '' : '"name":' + this.stringify( + ','))
if (opts.timestamp === false) {
this.time = getNoTime
} else if (opts.slowtime) {
this.time = getSlowTime
} else {
this.time = getTime
Pino.prototype = new EventEmitter()
Pino.prototype.fatal = genLog(levels.fatal)
Pino.prototype.error = genLog(levels.error)
Pino.prototype.warn = genLog(levels.warn) = genLog(
Pino.prototype.debug = genLog(levels.debug)
Pino.prototype.trace = genLog(levels.trace)
Object.defineProperty(Pino.prototype, 'levels', {value: pino.levels})
Object.defineProperty(Pino.prototype, 'levelVal', {
get: function getLevelVal () {
return this._levelVal
set: function setLevelVal (num) {
if (typeof num === 'string') { return this._setLevel(num) }
if (this.emit) {
this.emit('level-change', pino.levels.labels[num], num, pino.levels.labels[this._levelVal], this._levelVal)
this._levelVal = num
for (var key in pino.levels.values) {
if (num > pino.levels.values[key]) {
this[key] = noop
this[key] = Pino.prototype[key]
Pino.prototype._setLevel = function _setLevel (level) {
if (typeof level === 'number') { level = pino.levels.labels[level] }
if (!pino.levels.values[level]) {
throw new Error('unknown level ' + level)
this.levelVal = pino.levels.values[level]
Pino.prototype._getLevel = function _getLevel (level) {
return pino.levels.labels[this.levelVal]
Object.defineProperty(Pino.prototype, 'level', {
get: Pino.prototype._getLevel,
set: Pino.prototype._setLevel
{value: LOG_VERSION}
Pino.prototype.asJson = function asJson (obj, msg, num) {
if (!msg && obj instanceof Error) {
msg = obj.message
var data = this._baseLog + lscache[num] + this.time()
// to catch both null and undefined
/* eslint-disable eqeqeq */
if (msg != undefined) {
data += ',"msg":' + JSON.stringify(msg)
var value
if (obj) {
if (obj.stack) {
data += ',"type":"Error","stack":' + this.stringify(obj.stack)
for (var key in obj) {
value = obj[key]
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && value !== undefined) {
value = this.stringify(this.serializers[key] ? this.serializers[key](value) : value)
if (value !== undefined) {
data += ',"' + key + '":' + value
return data + this.chindings + this.end
function getNoTime () {
return ''
function getTime () {
return ',"time":' +
function getSlowTime () {
return ',"time":"' + (new Date()).toISOString() + '"'
Pino.prototype.child = function child (bindings) {
if (!bindings) {
throw new Error('missing bindings for child Pino')
var data = ','
var value
var key
for (key in bindings) {
value = bindings[key]
if (key !== 'level' && key !== 'serializers' && bindings.hasOwnProperty(key) && value !== undefined) {
value = this.serializers[key] ? this.serializers[key](value) : value
data += '"' + key + '":' + this.stringify(value) + ','
data = this.chindings + data.substr(0, data.length - 1)
var opts = {
level: bindings.level || this.level,
serializers: bindings.hasOwnProperty('serializers') ? extend(this.serializers, bindings.serializers) : this.serializers,
stringify: this.stringify,
end: this.end,
timestamp: this.timestamp,
slowtime: this.slowtime,
chindings: data,
cache: this.cache,
formatOpts: this.formatOpts
return new Pino(opts,
Pino.prototype.write = function (obj, msg, num) {
var s = this.asJson(obj, msg, num)
if (!this.cache) {
this.cache.buf += s
if (this.cache.buf.length > this.cache.size) {
this.cache.buf = ''
Pino.prototype.flush = function () {
if (!this.cache) {
this.cache.buf = ''
function mapHttpRequest (req) {
return {
req: asReqValue(req)
function mapHttpResponse (res) {
return {
res: asResValue(res)
function asReqValue (req) {
return {
method: req.method,
url: req.url,
headers: req.headers,
remoteAddress: req.connection.remoteAddress,
remotePort: req.connection.remotePort
function asResValue (res) {
return {
statusCode: res.statusCode,
header: res._header
function asErrValue (err) {
var obj = {
message: err.message,
stack: err.stack
for (var key in err) {
if (obj[key] === undefined) {
obj[key] = err[key]
return obj
function countInterp (s, i) {
var n = 0
var pos = 0
while (true) {
pos = s.indexOf(i, pos)
if (pos >= 0) {
pos += 2
} else break
return n
function genLog (z) {
return function LOG (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) {
var l = 0
var m = null
var n = null
var o
var p
if (typeof a === 'object' && a !== null) {
m = a
n = [b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k]
l = 1
if (m.method && m.headers && m.socket) {
m = mapHttpRequest(m)
} else if (m.statusCode) {
m = mapHttpResponse(m)
} else {
n = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k]
p = n.length = arguments.length - l
if (p > 1) {
l = typeof a === 'string' ? countInterp(a, '%j') : 0
if (l) {
n.length = l + countInterp(a, '%d') + countInterp(a, '%s') + 1
o = String(util.format.apply(null, n))
} else {
o = format(n, this.formatOpts)
} else if (p) {
o = n[0]
this.write(m, o, z)
function copy (a, b) {
for (var k in b) { a[k] = b[k] }
return a
function onExit (fn) {
var oneFn = once(fn)
process.on('beforeExit', handle('beforeExit'))
process.on('exit', handle('exit'))
process.on('uncaughtException', handle('uncaughtException', 1))
process.on('SIGHUP', handle('SIGHUP', 129))
process.on('SIGINT', handle('SIGINT', 130))
process.on('SIGQUIT', handle('SIGQUIT', 131))
process.on('SIGTERM', handle('SIGTERM', 143))
function handle (evt, code) {
onExit.passCode = function (code) {
if (oneFn.value) { oneFn = once(fn) }
oneFn(code, evt)
onExit.insertCode = function () {
if (oneFn.value) { oneFn = once(fn) }
oneFn(code, evt)
return (code === undefined) ? onExit.passCode : onExit.insertCode
function noop () {}
module.exports = pino
module.exports.stdSerializers = {
req: asReqValue,
res: asResValue,
err: asErrValue
module.exports.pretty = require('./pretty')
{value: LOG_VERSION, enumerable: true}
// This is an internal API. It can change at any time, including semver-minor.
// Use it at your own risk.
{value: Pino}