You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

54 lines
1.5 KiB

var recvCount = 0;
var body = "hello world";
var properties = {
"contentType" : "application/test",
"contentEncoding" : "binary",
"priority" : 9,
"correlationId" : "test for correlationId",
"replyTo" : "test for replyTo",
"expiration" : "10000",
"messageId" : "test for messageId",
"timestamp" : parseInt( / 1000, 10),
"type" : "test for type",
"userId" : "guest",
"appId" : "test for appId",
"clusterId" : null
connection.addListener('ready', function () {
puts("connected to " + connection.serverProperties.product);
var exchange ='node-json-fanout', {type: 'fanout'});
var q = connection.queue('node-json-queue', function() {
q.bind(exchange, "*");
q.subscribe(function (json, headers, deliveryInfo) {
var key = deliveryInfo.routingKey;
assert.equal(properties[key], deliveryInfo[key]);
.addCallback(function () {
puts("publishing " + Object.keys(properties).length + " messages");
Object.keys(properties).forEach(function(p) {
var props = {};
props[p] = properties[p];
exchange.publish(p, body, props);
setTimeout(function () {
// wait one second to receive the message, then quit
}, 1000);
process.addListener('exit', function () {
assert.equal(Object.keys(properties).length, recvCount);