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// Example of using a TLS/SSL connection. Note that the server must be
// configured to accept SSL connections; see, for example,
// When trying this out, I followed the RabbitMQ SSL guide above,
// almost verbatim. I set the CN of the server certificate to
// 'localhost' rather than $(hostname) (since on my MBP hostname ends
// up being "<blah>.local", which is just weird). My client
// certificates etc., are in `../etc/client/`. My testca certificate
// is in `../etc/testca` and server certs etc., in `../etc/server`,
// and I've made a `rabbitmq.config` file, with which I start
// RabbitMQ:
// RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE=`pwd`/../etc/server/rabbitmq \
// /usr/local/sbin/rabbitmq-server &
// A way to check RabbitMQ's running with SSL OK is to use
// openssl s_client -connect localhost:5671
var amqp = require('../');
var fs = require('fs');
// Assemble the SSL options; for verification we need at least
// * a certificate to present to the server ('cert', in PEM format)
// * the private key for the certificate ('key', in PEM format)
// * (possibly) a passphrase for the private key
// The first two may be replaced with a PKCS12 file ('pfx', in pkcs12
// format)
// We will also want to list the CA certificates that we will trust,
// since we're using a self-signed certificate. It is NOT recommended
// to use `rejectUnauthorized: false`.
// Options for full client and server verification:
var opts = {
cert: fs.readFileSync('../etc/client/cert.pem'),
key: fs.readFileSync('../etc/client/key.pem'),
// cert and key or
// pfx: fs.readFileSync('../etc/client/keycert.p12'),
passphrase: 'MySecretPassword',
ca: [fs.readFileSync('../etc/testca/cacert.pem')]
// Options for just confidentiality. This requires RabbitMQ's SSL
// configuration to include the items
// {verify, verify_none},
// {fail_if_no_peer_cert,false}
// var opts = { ca: [fs.readFileSync('../etc/testca/cacert.pem')] };
// Option to use the SSL client certificate for authentication
// opts.credentials = amqp.credentials.external();
var open = amqp.connect('amqps://localhost', opts);
open.then(function(conn) {
process.on('SIGINT', conn.close.bind(conn));
return conn.createChannel().then(function(ch) {
ch.sendToQueue('foo', new Buffer('Hello World!'));
}).then(null, console.warn);