You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

206 lines
5.2 KiB

'use strict';
var crypto = require('crypto');
var Connection = require('../lib/connection').Connection;
var PassThrough =
require('stream').PassThrough ||
var defer = require('when').defer;
var defs = require('../lib/defs');
var assert = require('assert');
var schedule = (typeof setImmediate === 'function') ?
setImmediate : process.nextTick;
function randomString() {
var hash = crypto.createHash('sha1');
return hash.digest('base64');
// Set up a socket pair {client, server}, such that writes to the
// client are readable from the server, and writes to the server are
// readable at the client.
// +---+ +---+
// | C | | S |
// --write->| l |----->| e |--read-->
// | i | | r |
// <--read--| e |<-----| v |<-write--
// | n | | e |
// | t | | r |
// +---+ +---+
// I also need to make sure that end called on either socket affects
// the other.
function socketPair() {
var server = new PassThrough();
var client = new PassThrough();
server.write = client.push.bind(client);
client.write = server.push.bind(server);
function end(chunk, encoding) {
if (chunk) this.push(chunk, encoding);
server.end = end.bind(client);
client.end = end.bind(server);
return {client: client, server: server};
function runServer(socket, run) {
var frames = new Connection(socket);
// We will be closing the socket without doing a closing handshake,
// so cheat
frames.expectSocketClose = true;
// We also need to create some channel buffers, again a cheat
function send(id, fields, channel, content) {
channel = channel || 0;
if (content) {
schedule(function() {
frames.sendMessage(channel, id, fields,
defs.BasicProperties, fields,
else {
schedule(function() {
frames.sendMethod(channel, id, fields);
function await(method) {
return function() {
var d = defer();
if (method) {
frames.step(function(e, f) {
if (e !== null) return d.reject(e);
if ( === method)
d.reject(new Error("Expected method: " + method +
", got " +;
else {
frames.step(function(e, f) {
if (e !== null) return d.reject(e);
else d.resolve(f);
return d.promise;
run(send, await);
return frames;
// Produce a callback that will complete the test successfully
function succeed(done) {
return function() { done(); }
// Produce a callback that will fail the test, given either an error
// (to be used as a failure continuation) or any other value (to be
// used as a success continuation when failure is expected)
function fail(done) {
return function(err) {
if (err instanceof Error) done(err);
else done(new Error("Expected to fail, instead got " + err.toString()));
// Create a function that will call done once it's been called itself
// `count` times. If it's called with an error value, it will
// immediately call done with that error value.
function latch(count, done) {
var awaiting = count;
var alive = true;
return function(err) {
if (err instanceof Error && alive) {
alive = false;
else {
if (awaiting === 0 && alive) {
alive = false;
// Call a thunk with a continuation that will be called with an error
// if the thunk throws one, or nothing if it runs to completion.
function completes(thunk, done) {
try {
catch (e) { done(e); }
// Construct a Node.JS-style callback from a success continuation and
// an error continuation
function kCallback(k, ek) {
return function(err, val) {
if (err === null) k && k(val);
else ek && ek(err);
// A noddy way to make tests depend on the node version.
function versionGreaterThan(actual, spec) {
function int(e) { return parseInt(e); }
var version = actual.split('.').map(int);
var desired = spec.split('.').map(int);
for (var i=0; i < desired.length; i++) {
var a = version[i], b = desired[i];
if (a != b) return a > b;
return false;
suite('versionGreaterThan', function() {
test('full spec', function() {
assert(versionGreaterThan('0.8.26', '0.6.12'));
assert(versionGreaterThan('0.8.26', '0.8.21'));
test('partial spec', function() {
assert(versionGreaterThan('0.9.12', '0.8'));
test('not greater', function() {
assert(!versionGreaterThan('0.8.12', '0.8.26'));
assert(!versionGreaterThan('0.6.2', '0.6.12'));
assert(!versionGreaterThan('0.8.29', '0.8'));
module.exports = {
socketPair: socketPair,
runServer: runServer,
succeed: succeed,
fail: fail,
latch: latch,
completes: completes,
kCallback: kCallback,
schedule: schedule,
randomString: randomString,
versionGreaterThan: versionGreaterThan