You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

297 lines
7.0 KiB

"use strict";
var Redis = require('ioredis');
var msgpack = require('msgpack-lite');
var util = require("./util");
var wrap = util.wrap;
var defer = util.defer;
var TrieAscoltatore = require("./trie_ascoltatore");
var AbstractAscoltatore = require('./abstract_ascoltatore');
var SubsCounter = require("./subs_counter");
var debug = require("debug")("ascoltatori:redis");
* RedisAscoltatore is a class that inherits from AbstractAscoltatore.
* It is implemented through the `node_redis` package and it could be
* backed up by any redis version greater than 2.2.
* The RedisAscoltatore defines two
* properties _sub and _pub for handling
* the two connections needed by redis.
* The options are:
* - `port`, the optional port to connect to;
* - `host`, the optional host to connect to;
* - `db`, the database to connect to (defaults to 0);
* - `password`, the optional password to use;
* - `sub_conn`, the optional redis connection to use for the sub and psub commands;
* - `pub_conn`, the optional redis connection to use for the pub command;
* - `redis`, the redis module (it will automatically be required if not present).
* @api public
* @param {Object} opts The options object
function RedisAscoltatore(opts) {, opts, {
separator: '/',
wildcardOne: '*',
wildcardSome: '*'
this._ready_sub = false;
this._ready_pub = false;
this._opts = opts || {};
this._ascoltatores = {};
this._subs_counter = new SubsCounter();
* Create a connection to redis using a default
* from the opts if there is.
* @param {Object} opts The options object
* @param {String} connName The name of the connection
* @api private
function createConn(opts, connName) {
var conn = opts[connName];
if (conn === undefined) {
debug("connecting with ", opts);
conn = new Redis(opts);
return conn;
* Inheriting
* @api private
RedisAscoltatore.prototype = Object.create(AbstractAscoltatore.prototype);
* Start the pub connection
* @api private
RedisAscoltatore.prototype._startPub = function() {
var that = this;
if (this._client === undefined) {
this._client = createConn(this._opts, 'client_conn');
this._client.on("ready", function() {
debug("created pub connection");
return this._client;
* Start the sub connection
* @api private
RedisAscoltatore.prototype._startSub = function() {
var that = this,
handler = null;
if (this._sub === undefined) {
this._sub = createConn(this._opts, 'sub_conn');
this._sub.on("ready", function() {
debug("created sub connection");
handler = function(sub, topic, payload) {
topic = topic.toString(); // cast to string in case of Buffer instance (nodejs-redis >=2.0)
debug("new message received for topic " + topic);
defer(function() {
// we need to skip out this callback, so we do not
// break the client when an exception occurs
var ascoltatore = that._ascoltatores[sub];
topic = topic.replace(new RegExp('/$'), '');
topic = that._recvTopic(topic);
payload = msgpack.decode(payload);
if (ascoltatore) {
ascoltatore.publish(topic, payload.message, payload.options);
} else {
debug("no ascoltatore for subscription: " + sub);
this._sub.on("messageBuffer", function (topic, message) {
handler(topic, topic, message);
this._sub.on("pmessageBuffer", function(sub, topic, message) {
handler(sub, topic, message);
return this._sub;
RedisAscoltatore.prototype._updateReady = function updateReady(key) {
this[key] = true;
if (this._ready_pub && this._ready_sub) {
RedisAscoltatore.prototype._containsWildcard = function(topic) {
return (topic.indexOf(this._wildcardOne) >= 0) ||
(topic.indexOf(this._wildcardSome) >= 0);
RedisAscoltatore.prototype.subscribe = function subscribe(topic, callback, done) {
var newDone = function() {
debug("registered new subscriber for topic " + topic);
var subTopic = this._subTopic(topic);
if (!subTopic.match(new RegExp('[/*]$'))) {
subTopic += '/';
if (this._containsWildcard(topic)) {
this._sub.psubscribe(subTopic, newDone);
} else {
this._sub.subscribe(subTopic, newDone);
debug("redis subscription topic is " + subTopic);
var ascoltatore = this._ascoltatores[subTopic];
if (!ascoltatore) {
ascoltatore = this._ascoltatores[subTopic] = new TrieAscoltatore(this._opts);
ascoltatore.subscribe(topic, callback);
RedisAscoltatore.prototype.publish = function publish(topic, message, options, done) {
if (message === undefined || message === null) {
message = false; // so we can convert it to JSON
var payload = {
message: message,
options: options
topic = this._pubTopic(topic);
if (!topic.match(new RegExp('/$'))) {
topic += '/';
this._client.publish(topic, msgpack.encode(payload), function() {
debug("new message published to " + topic);
RedisAscoltatore.prototype.unsubscribe = function unsubscribe(topic, callback, done) {
var isWildcard = this._containsWildcard(topic),
subTopic = this._subTopic(topic);
if (!subTopic.match(new RegExp('[/*]$'))) {
subTopic += '/';
var ascoltatore = this._ascoltatores[subTopic];
if (ascoltatore) {
ascoltatore.unsubscribe(topic, callback);
var newDone = function() {
debug("deregistered subscriber for topic " + topic);
if (this._subs_counter.include(subTopic)) {
return this;
if (ascoltatore) {
delete this._ascoltatores[subTopic];
if (isWildcard) {
this._sub.punsubscribe(subTopic, newDone);
} else {
this._sub.unsubscribe(subTopic, newDone);
return this;
RedisAscoltatore.prototype.close = function close(done) {
var that = this,
newDone = null,
closes = 2;
newDone = function() {
if (this._closed) {
["_sub", "_client"].forEach(function(c) {
if (that[c] !== undefined) {
that[c].on("end", function() {
closes = closes - 1;
if (closes === 0) {
delete that[c];
} else {
closes = closes - 1;
for (var subTopic in this._ascoltatores) {
this._ascoltatores = {};
* Exports the RedisAscoltatore
* @api public
module.exports = RedisAscoltatore;