You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

363 lines
10 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2012-2016 LevelUP contributors
* See list at <>
* MIT License
* <>
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
var inherits = require('util').inherits
var deprecate = require('util').deprecate
var extend = require('xtend')
var prr = require('prr')
var DeferredLevelDOWN = require('deferred-leveldown')
var IteratorStream = require('level-iterator-stream')
var Batch = require('./batch')
var Codec = require('level-codec')
var getLevelDOWN = require('./leveldown')
var errors = require('level-errors')
var util = require('./util')
var WriteError = errors.WriteError
var ReadError = errors.ReadError
var NotFoundError = errors.NotFoundError
var OpenError = errors.OpenError
var EncodingError = errors.EncodingError
var InitializationError = errors.InitializationError
var LevelUPError = errors.LevelUPError
var getOptions = util.getOptions
var defaultOptions = util.defaultOptions
var dispatchError = util.dispatchError
function getCallback (options, callback) {
return typeof options === 'function' ? options : callback
// Possible LevelUP#_status values:
// - 'new' - newly created, not opened or closed
// - 'opening' - waiting for the database to be opened, post open()
// - 'open' - successfully opened the database, available for use
// - 'closing' - waiting for the database to be closed, post close()
// - 'closed' - database has been successfully closed, should not be
// used except for another open() operation
function LevelUP (location, options, callback) {
if (!(this instanceof LevelUP)) { return new LevelUP(location, options, callback) }
var error
if (typeof location === 'function') {
options = typeof options === 'object' ? options : {}
options.db = location
location = null
} else if (typeof location === 'object' && typeof location.db === 'function') {
options = location
location = null
if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options
options = {}
if ((!options || typeof options.db !== 'function') && typeof location !== 'string') {
error = new InitializationError(
'Must provide a location for the database')
if (callback) {
return process.nextTick(function () {
throw error
options = getOptions(options)
this.options = extend(defaultOptions, options)
this._codec = new Codec(this.options)
this._status = 'new'
// set this.location as enumerable but not configurable or writable
prr(this, 'location', location, 'e')
inherits(LevelUP, EventEmitter) = function (callback) {
var self = this
var dbFactory
var db
if (this.isOpen()) {
if (callback) { process.nextTick(function () { callback(null, self) }) }
return this
if (this._isOpening()) {
return callback && this.once('open', function () { callback(null, self) })
this._status = 'opening'
this.db = new DeferredLevelDOWN(this.location)
if (typeof this.options.db !== 'function' &&
typeof getLevelDOWN !== 'function') {
throw new LevelUPError('missing db factory, you need to set options.db')
dbFactory = this.options.db || getLevelDOWN()
db = dbFactory(this.location), function (err) {
if (err) {
return dispatchError(self, new OpenError(err), callback)
self.db = db
self._status = 'open'
if (callback) { callback(null, self) }
LevelUP.prototype.close = function (callback) {
var self = this
if (this.isOpen()) {
this._status = 'closing'
this.db.close(function () {
self._status = 'closed'
if (callback) { callback.apply(null, arguments) }
this.db = new DeferredLevelDOWN(this.location)
} else if (this._status === 'closed' && callback) {
return process.nextTick(callback)
} else if (this._status === 'closing' && callback) {
this.once('closed', callback)
} else if (this._isOpening()) {
this.once('open', function () {
LevelUP.prototype.isOpen = function () {
return this._status === 'open'
LevelUP.prototype._isOpening = function () {
return this._status === 'opening'
LevelUP.prototype.isClosed = function () {
return (/^clos/).test(this._status)
function maybeError (db, options, callback) {
if (!db._isOpening() && !db.isOpen()) {
dispatchError(db, new ReadError('Database is not open'), callback)
return true
function writeError (db, message, callback) {
dispatchError(db, new WriteError(message), callback)
function readError (db, message, callback) {
dispatchError(db, new ReadError(message), callback)
LevelUP.prototype.get = function (key_, options, callback) {
var self = this
var key
callback = getCallback(options, callback)
if (maybeError(this, options, callback)) { return }
if (key_ === null || key_ === undefined || typeof callback !== 'function') {
return readError(this, 'get() requires key and callback arguments', callback)
options = util.getOptions(options)
key = this._codec.encodeKey(key_, options)
options.asBuffer = this._codec.valueAsBuffer(options)
this.db.get(key, options, function (err, value) {
if (err) {
if ((/notfound/i).test(err) || err.notFound) {
err = new NotFoundError(
'Key not found in database [' + key_ + ']', err)
} else {
err = new ReadError(err)
return dispatchError(self, err, callback)
if (callback) {
try {
value = self._codec.decodeValue(value, options)
} catch (e) {
return callback(new EncodingError(e))
callback(null, value)
LevelUP.prototype.put = function (key_, value_, options, callback) {
var self = this
var key
var value
callback = getCallback(options, callback)
if (key_ === null || key_ === undefined) { return writeError(this, 'put() requires a key argument', callback) }
if (maybeError(this, options, callback)) { return }
options = getOptions(options)
key = this._codec.encodeKey(key_, options)
value = this._codec.encodeValue(value_, options)
this.db.put(key, value, options, function (err) {
if (err) {
return dispatchError(self, new WriteError(err), callback)
self.emit('put', key_, value_)
if (callback) { callback() }
LevelUP.prototype.del = function (key_, options, callback) {
var self = this
var key
callback = getCallback(options, callback)
if (key_ === null || key_ === undefined) { return writeError(this, 'del() requires a key argument', callback) }
if (maybeError(this, options, callback)) { return }
options = getOptions(options)
key = this._codec.encodeKey(key_, options)
this.db.del(key, options, function (err) {
if (err) {
return dispatchError(self, new WriteError(err), callback)
self.emit('del', key_)
if (callback) { callback() }
LevelUP.prototype.batch = function (arr_, options, callback) {
var self = this
var arr
if (!arguments.length) { return new Batch(this, this._codec) }
callback = getCallback(options, callback)
if (!Array.isArray(arr_)) { return writeError(this, 'batch() requires an array argument', callback) }
if (maybeError(this, options, callback)) { return }
options = getOptions(options)
arr = self._codec.encodeBatch(arr_, options)
arr = (op) {
if (!op.type && op.key !== undefined && op.value !== undefined) { op.type = 'put' }
return op
this.db.batch(arr, options, function (err) {
if (err) {
return dispatchError(self, new WriteError(err), callback)
self.emit('batch', arr_)
if (callback) { callback() }
LevelUP.prototype.approximateSize = deprecate(function (start_, end_, options, callback) {
var self = this
var start
var end
callback = getCallback(options, callback)
options = getOptions(options)
if (start_ === null || start_ === undefined || end_ === null ||
end_ === undefined || typeof callback !== 'function') {
return readError(this, 'approximateSize() requires start, end and callback arguments', callback)
start = this._codec.encodeKey(start_, options)
end = this._codec.encodeKey(end_, options)
this.db.approximateSize(start, end, function (err, size) {
if (err) {
return dispatchError(self, new OpenError(err), callback)
} else if (callback) {
callback(null, size)
}, 'db.approximateSize() is deprecated. Use db.db.approximateSize() instead')
LevelUP.prototype.readStream =
LevelUP.prototype.createReadStream = function (options) {
options = extend({keys: true, values: true}, this.options, options)
options.keyEncoding = options.keyEncoding
options.valueEncoding = options.valueEncoding
options = this._codec.encodeLtgt(options)
options.keyAsBuffer = this._codec.keyAsBuffer(options)
options.valueAsBuffer = this._codec.valueAsBuffer(options)
if (typeof options.limit !== 'number') { options.limit = -1 }
return new IteratorStream(this.db.iterator(options), extend(options, {
decoder: this._codec.createStreamDecoder(options)
LevelUP.prototype.keyStream =
LevelUP.prototype.createKeyStream = function (options) {
return this.createReadStream(extend(options, { keys: true, values: false }))
LevelUP.prototype.valueStream =
LevelUP.prototype.createValueStream = function (options) {
return this.createReadStream(extend(options, { keys: false, values: true }))
LevelUP.prototype.toString = function () {
return 'LevelUP'
function utilStatic (name) {
return function (location, callback) {
getLevelDOWN()[name](location, callback || function () {})
module.exports = LevelUP
module.exports.errors = require('level-errors')
module.exports.destroy = deprecate(
'levelup.destroy() is deprecated. Use leveldown.destroy() instead'
) = deprecate(
' is deprecated. Use instead'