You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

607 lines
20 KiB

var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter,
inherits = require('util').inherits;
// Get prototypes
var AggregationCursor = require('./aggregation_cursor'),
CommandCursor = require('./command_cursor'),
OrderedBulkOperation = require('./bulk/ordered').OrderedBulkOperation,
UnorderedBulkOperation = require('./bulk/unordered').UnorderedBulkOperation,
GridStore = require('./gridfs/grid_store'),
Server = require('./server'),
ReplSet = require('./replset'),
Mongos = require('./mongos'),
Cursor = require('./cursor'),
Collection = require('./collection'),
Db = require('./db'),
Admin = require('./admin');
var basicOperationIdGenerator = {
operationId: 1,
next: function() {
return this.operationId++;
var basicTimestampGenerator = {
current: function() {
return new Date().getTime();
duration: function(start, end) {
return end - start;
var senstiveCommands = ['authenticate', 'saslStart', 'saslContinue', 'getnonce',
'createUser', 'updateUser', 'copydbgetnonce', 'copydbsaslstart', 'copydb'];
var Instrumentation = function(core, options, callback) {
options = options || {};
// Optional id generators
var operationIdGenerator = options.operationIdGenerator || basicOperationIdGenerator;
// Optional timestamp generator
var timestampGenerator = options.timestampGenerator || basicTimestampGenerator;
// Extend with event emitter functionality;
// Contains all the instrumentation overloads
this.overloads = [];
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Instrument prototype
// ---------------------------------------------------------
var instrumentPrototype = function(callback) {
var instrumentations = []
// Classes to support
var classes = [GridStore, OrderedBulkOperation, UnorderedBulkOperation,
CommandCursor, AggregationCursor, Cursor, Collection, Db];
// Add instrumentations to the available list
for(var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
if(classes[i].define) {
// Return the list of instrumentation points
callback(null, instrumentations);
// Did the user want to instrument the prototype
if(typeof callback == 'function') {
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Server
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Reference
var self = this;
// Names of methods we need to wrap
var methods = ['command', 'insert', 'update', 'remove'];
// Prototype
var proto = core.Server.prototype;
// Core server method we are going to wrap
methods.forEach(function(x) {
var func = proto[x];
// Add to overloaded methods
self.overloads.push({proto: proto, name:x, func:func});
// The actual prototype
proto[x] = function() {
var requestId = core.Query.nextRequestId();
// Get the aruments
var args =, 0);
var ns = args[0];
var commandObj = args[1];
var options = args[2] || {};
var keys = Object.keys(commandObj);
var commandName = keys[0];
var db = ns.split('.')[0];
// Do we have a legacy insert/update/remove command
if(x == 'insert' && !this.lastIsMaster().maxWireVersion) {
commandName = 'insert';
// Get the collection
var col = ns.split('.');
col = col.join('.');
// Re-write the command
commandObj = {
insert: col, documents: commandObj
if(options.writeConcern && Object.keys(options.writeConcern).length > 0) {
commandObj.writeConcern = options.writeConcern;
commandObj.ordered = options.ordered != undefined ? options.ordered : true;
} else if(x == 'update' && !this.lastIsMaster().maxWireVersion) {
commandName = 'update';
// Get the collection
var col = ns.split('.');
col = col.join('.');
// Re-write the command
commandObj = {
update: col, updates: commandObj
if(options.writeConcern && Object.keys(options.writeConcern).length > 0) {
commandObj.writeConcern = options.writeConcern;
commandObj.ordered = options.ordered != undefined ? options.ordered : true;
} else if(x == 'remove' && !this.lastIsMaster().maxWireVersion) {
commandName = 'delete';
// Get the collection
var col = ns.split('.');
col = col.join('.');
// Re-write the command
commandObj = {
delete: col, deletes: commandObj
if(options.writeConcern && Object.keys(options.writeConcern).length > 0) {
commandObj.writeConcern = options.writeConcern;
commandObj.ordered = options.ordered != undefined ? options.ordered : true;
} else if(x == 'insert' || x == 'update' || x == 'remove' && this.lastIsMaster().maxWireVersion >= 2) {
// Skip the insert/update/remove commands as they are executed as actual write commands in 2.6 or higher
return func.apply(this, args);
// Get the callback
var callback = args.pop();
// Set current callback operation id from the current context or create
// a new one
var ourOpId = callback.operationId ||;
// Get a connection reference for this server instance
var connection = this.s.pool.get()
// Emit the start event for the command
var command = {
// Returns the command.
command: commandObj,
// Returns the database name.
databaseName: db,
// Returns the command name.
commandName: commandName,
// Returns the driver generated request id.
requestId: requestId,
// Returns the driver generated operation id.
// This is used to link events together such as bulk write operations. OPTIONAL.
operationId: ourOpId,
// Returns the connection id for the command. For languages that do not have this,
// this MUST return the driver equivalent which MUST include the server address and port.
// The name of this field is flexible to match the object that is returned from the driver.
connectionId: connection
// Filter out any sensitive commands
if(senstiveCommands.indexOf(commandName.toLowerCase())) {
command.commandObj = {};
command.commandObj[commandName] = true;
// Emit the started event
self.emit('started', command)
// Start time
var startTime = timestampGenerator.current();
// Push our handler callback
args.push(function(err, r) {
var endTime = timestampGenerator.current();
var command = {
duration: timestampGenerator.duration(startTime, endTime),
commandName: commandName,
requestId: requestId,
operationId: ourOpId,
connectionId: connection
// If we have an error
if(err || (r && r.result && r.result.ok == 0)) {
command.failure = err || r.result.writeErrors || r.result;
// Filter out any sensitive commands
if(senstiveCommands.indexOf(commandName.toLowerCase())) {
command.failure = {};
self.emit('failed', command);
} else if(commandObj && commandObj.writeConcern
&& commandObj.writeConcern.w == 0) {
// If we have write concern 0
command.reply = {ok:1};
self.emit('succeeded', command);
} else {
command.reply = r && r.result ? r.result : r;
// Filter out any sensitive commands
if(senstiveCommands.indexOf(commandName.toLowerCase()) != -1) {
command.reply = {};
self.emit('succeeded', command);
// Return to caller
callback(err, r);
// Apply the call
func.apply(this, args);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Bulk Operations
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Inject ourselves into the Bulk methods
var methods = ['execute'];
var prototypes = [
prototypes.forEach(function(proto) {
// Core server method we are going to wrap
methods.forEach(function(x) {
var func = proto[x];
// Add to overloaded methods
self.overloads.push({proto: proto, name:x, func:func});
// The actual prototype
proto[x] = function() {
var bulk = this;
// Get the aruments
var args =, 0);
// Set an operation Id on the bulk object
this.operationId =;
// Get the callback
var callback = args.pop();
// If we have a callback use this
if(typeof callback == 'function') {
args.push(function(err, r) {
// Return to caller
callback(err, r);
// Apply the call
func.apply(this, args);
} else {
return func.apply(this, args);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Cursor
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Inject ourselves into the Cursor methods
var methods = ['_find', '_getmore', '_killcursor'];
var prototypes = [
// Command name translation
var commandTranslation = {
'_find': 'find', '_getmore': 'getMore', '_killcursor': 'killCursors', '_explain': 'explain'
prototypes.forEach(function(proto) {
// Core server method we are going to wrap
methods.forEach(function(x) {
var func = proto[x];
// Add to overloaded methods
self.overloads.push({proto: proto, name:x, func:func});
// The actual prototype
proto[x] = function() {
var cursor = this;
var requestId = core.Query.nextRequestId();
var ourOpId =;
var parts = this.ns.split('.');
var db = parts[0];
// Get the collection
var collection = parts.join('.');
// Set the command
var command = this.query;
var cmd = this.s.cmd;
// If we have a find method, set the operationId on the cursor
if(x == '_find') {
cursor.operationId = ourOpId;
// Do we have a find command rewrite it
if(x == '_getmore') {
command = {
getMore: this.cursorState.cursorId,
collection: collection,
batchSize: cmd.batchSize
if(cmd.maxTimeMS) command.maxTimeMS = cmd.maxTimeMS;
} else if(x == '_killcursors') {
command = {
killCursors: collection,
cursors: [this.cursorState.cursorId]
} else if(cmd.find) {
command = {
find: collection, filter: cmd.query
if(cmd.sort) command.sort = cmd.sort;
if(cmd.fields) command.projection = cmd.fields;
if(cmd.limit && cmd.limit < 0) {
command.limit = Math.abs(cmd.limit);
command.singleBatch = true;
} else if(cmd.limit) {
command.limit = Math.abs(cmd.limit);
// Options
if(cmd.skip) command.skip = cmd.skip;
if(cmd.hint) command.hint = cmd.hint;
if(cmd.batchSize) command.batchSize = cmd.batchSize;
if(typeof cmd.returnKey == 'boolean') command.returnKey = cmd.returnKey;
if(cmd.comment) command.comment = cmd.comment;
if(cmd.min) command.min = cmd.min;
if(cmd.max) command.max = cmd.max;
if(cmd.maxScan) command.maxScan = cmd.maxScan;
if(cmd.maxTimeMS) command.maxTimeMS = cmd.maxTimeMS;
// Flags
if(typeof cmd.awaitData == 'boolean') command.awaitData = cmd.awaitData;
if(typeof cmd.snapshot == 'boolean') command.snapshot = cmd.snapshot;
if(typeof cmd.tailable == 'boolean') command.tailable = cmd.tailable;
if(typeof cmd.oplogReplay == 'boolean') command.oplogReplay = cmd.oplogReplay;
if(typeof cmd.noCursorTimeout == 'boolean') command.noCursorTimeout = cmd.noCursorTimeout;
if(typeof cmd.partial == 'boolean') command.partial = cmd.partial;
if(typeof cmd.showDiskLoc == 'boolean') command.showRecordId = cmd.showDiskLoc;
// Read Concern
if(cmd.readConcern) command.readConcern = cmd.readConcern;
// Override method
if(cmd.explain) command.explain = cmd.explain;
if(cmd.exhaust) command.exhaust = cmd.exhaust;
// If we have a explain flag
if(cmd.explain) {
// Create fake explain command
command = {
explain: command,
verbosity: 'allPlansExecution'
// Set readConcern on the command if available
if(cmd.readConcern) command.readConcern = cmd.readConcern
// Set up the _explain name for the command
x = '_explain';
} else {
command = cmd;
// Set up the connection
var connectionId = null;
// Set local connection
if(this.connection) connectionId = this.connection;
if(!connectionId && this.server && this.server.getConnection) connectionId = this.server.getConnection();
// Get the command Name
var commandName = x == '_find' ? Object.keys(command)[0] : commandTranslation[x];
// Emit the start event for the command
var command = {
// Returns the command.
command: command,
// Returns the database name.
databaseName: db,
// Returns the command name.
commandName: commandName,
// Returns the driver generated request id.
requestId: requestId,
// Returns the driver generated operation id.
// This is used to link events together such as bulk write operations. OPTIONAL.
operationId: this.operationId,
// Returns the connection id for the command. For languages that do not have this,
// this MUST return the driver equivalent which MUST include the server address and port.
// The name of this field is flexible to match the object that is returned from the driver.
connectionId: connectionId
// Get the aruments
var args =, 0);
// Get the callback
var callback = args.pop();
// We do not have a callback but a Promise
if(typeof callback == 'function' || command.commandName == 'killCursors') {
var startTime = timestampGenerator.current();
// Emit the started event
self.emit('started', command)
// Emit succeeded event with killcursor if we have a legacy protocol
if(command.commandName == 'killCursors'
&& this.server.lastIsMaster()
&& this.server.lastIsMaster().maxWireVersion < 4) {
// Emit the succeeded command
var command = {
duration: timestampGenerator.duration(startTime, timestampGenerator.current()),
commandName: commandName,
requestId: requestId,
operationId: cursor.operationId,
connectionId: cursor.server.getConnection(),
reply: [{ok:1}]
// Emit the command
return self.emit('succeeded', command)
// Add our callback handler
args.push(function(err, r) {
if(err) {
// Command
var command = {
duration: timestampGenerator.duration(startTime, timestampGenerator.current()),
commandName: commandName,
requestId: requestId,
operationId: ourOpId,
connectionId: cursor.server.getConnection(),
failure: err };
// Emit the command
self.emit('failed', command)
} else {
// Do we have a getMore
if(commandName.toLowerCase() == 'getmore' && r == null) {
r = {
cursor: {
id: cursor.cursorState.cursorId,
ns: cursor.ns,
nextBatch: cursor.cursorState.documents
}, ok:1
} else if(commandName.toLowerCase() == 'find' && r == null) {
r = {
cursor: {
id: cursor.cursorState.cursorId,
ns: cursor.ns,
firstBatch: cursor.cursorState.documents
}, ok:1
} else if(commandName.toLowerCase() == 'killcursors' && r == null) {
r = {
// cursor id is zero, we can issue success command
var command = {
duration: timestampGenerator.duration(startTime, timestampGenerator.current()),
commandName: commandName,
requestId: requestId,
operationId: cursor.operationId,
connectionId: cursor.server.getConnection(),
reply: r && r.result ? r.result : r
// Emit the command
self.emit('succeeded', command)
// Return
if(!callback) return;
// Return to caller
callback(err, r);
// Apply the call
func.apply(this, args);
} else {
// Assume promise, push back the missing value
// Get the promise
var promise = func.apply(this, args);
// Return a new promise
return new cursor.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
var startTime = timestampGenerator.current();
// Emit the started event
self.emit('started', command)
// Execute the function
promise.then(function(r) {
// cursor id is zero, we can issue success command
var command = {
duration: timestampGenerator.duration(startTime, timestampGenerator.current()),
commandName: commandName,
requestId: requestId,
operationId: cursor.operationId,
connectionId: cursor.server.getConnection(),
reply: cursor.cursorState.documents
// Emit the command
self.emit('succeeded', command)
}).catch(function(err) {
// Command
var command = {
duration: timestampGenerator.duration(startTime, timestampGenerator.current()),
commandName: commandName,
requestId: requestId,
operationId: ourOpId,
connectionId: cursor.server.getConnection(),
failure: err };
// Emit the command
self.emit('failed', command)
// reject the promise
inherits(Instrumentation, EventEmitter);
Instrumentation.prototype.uninstrument = function() {
for(var i = 0; i < this.overloads.length; i++) {
var obj = this.overloads[i];
obj.proto[] = obj.func;
// Remove all listeners
module.exports = Instrumentation;