You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

88 lines
2.0 KiB

var minimist = require('minimist')
var targets = require('./targets')
if (process.env.npm_config_argv) {
var npmargs = ['compile', 'build-from-source', 'debug']
try {
var npmArgv = JSON.parse(process.env.npm_config_argv).cooked
for (var i = 0; i < npmargs.length; ++i) {
if (npmArgv.indexOf('--' + npmargs[i]) !== -1) {
process.argv.push('--' + npmargs[i])
if (npmArgv.indexOf('--no-' + npmargs[i]) !== -1) {
process.argv.push('--no-' + npmargs[i])
} catch (e) { }
var npmconfigs = ['proxy', 'https-proxy', 'local-address', 'target', 'abi']
for (var j = 0; j < npmconfigs.length; ++j) {
var envname = 'npm_config_' + npmconfigs[j].replace('-', '_')
if (process.env[envname]) {
process.argv.push('--' + npmconfigs[j])
// Ensure that modules used inside electron are build from source
if (process.env['npm_config_runtime'] === 'electron' &&
process.argv.indexOf('--build-from-source') === -1) {
var rc = module.exports = require('rc')('prebuild', {
target: process.version,
arch: process.arch,
libc: process.env.LIBC,
platform: process.platform,
abi: process.versions.modules,
all: false,
force: false,
debug: false,
verbose: false,
path: '.',
backend: 'node-gyp',
proxy: process.env['HTTP_PROXY'],
'https-proxy': process.env['HTTPS_PROXY']
}, minimist(process.argv, {
alias: {
target: 't',
prebuild: 'b',
help: 'h',
arch: 'a',
path: 'p',
force: 'f',
version: 'v',
upload: 'u',
download: 'd',
'build-from-source': 'compile',
compile: 'c',
preinstall: 'i'
if (rc.path === true) {
delete rc.path
if (rc.prebuild) {
rc.pb = rc.prebuild
if (rc.pb) {
rc.prebuild = rc.pb
if (rc.all === true) {
delete rc.prebuild
rc.prebuild = targets
if (rc['upload-all']) {
rc.upload = rc['upload-all']
if (!module.parent) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(module.exports, null, 2))