You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

197 lines
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/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */
(function(define) { 'use strict';
define(function(require) {
var defaultStackJumpSeparator = 'from execution context:';
var defaultStackFilter = /[\s\(\/\\](node|module|timers)\.js:|when([\/\\]{1,2}(lib|monitor|es6-shim)[\/\\]{1,2}|\.js)|(new\sPromise)\b|(\b(PromiseMonitor|ConsoleReporter|Scheduler|RunHandlerTask|ProgressTask|Promise|.*Handler)\.[\w_]\w\w+\b)|\b(tryCatch\w+|getHandler\w*)\b/i;
var setTimer = require('../lib/env').setTimer;
var error = require('./error');
var executionContext = [];
function PromiseMonitor(reporter) {
this.logDelay = 0;
this.stackFilter = defaultStackFilter;
this.stackJumpSeparator = defaultStackJumpSeparator;
this.filterDuplicateFrames = true;
this._reporter = reporter;
if(typeof reporter.configurePromiseMonitor === 'function') {
this._traces = [];
this._traceTask = 0;
var self = this;
this._doLogTraces = function() {
PromiseMonitor.prototype.monitor = function(Promise) {
var self = this;
Promise.createContext = function(p, context) {
p.context = self.createContext(p, context);
Promise.enterContext = function(p) {
Promise.exitContext = function() {
Promise.onPotentiallyUnhandledRejection = function(rejection, extraContext) {
return self.addTrace(rejection, extraContext);
Promise.onPotentiallyUnhandledRejectionHandled = function(rejection) {
return self.removeTrace(rejection);
Promise.onFatalRejection = function(rejection, extraContext) {
return self.fatal(rejection, extraContext);
return this;
PromiseMonitor.prototype.createContext = function(at, parentContext) {
var context = {
parent: parentContext || executionContext[executionContext.length - 1],
stack: void 0
error.captureStack(context, at.constructor);
return context;
PromiseMonitor.prototype.addTrace = function(handler, extraContext) {
var t, i;
for(i = this._traces.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {
t = this._traces[i];
if(t.handler === handler) {
if(i >= 0) {
t.extraContext = extraContext;
} else {
handler: handler,
extraContext: extraContext
PromiseMonitor.prototype.removeTrace = function(/*handler*/) {
PromiseMonitor.prototype.fatal = function(handler, extraContext) {
var err = new Error();
err.stack = this._createLongTrace(handler.value, handler.context, extraContext).join('\n');
setTimer(function() {
throw err;
}, 0);
PromiseMonitor.prototype.logTraces = function() {
if(!this._traceTask) {
this._traceTask = setTimer(this._doLogTraces, this.logDelay);
PromiseMonitor.prototype._logTraces = function() {
this._traceTask = void 0;
this._traces = this._traces.filter(filterHandled);
PromiseMonitor.prototype.formatTraces = function(traces) {
return {
return this._createLongTrace(t.handler.value, t.handler.context, t.extraContext);
}, this);
PromiseMonitor.prototype._createLongTrace = function(e, context, extraContext) {
var trace = error.parse(e) || [String(e) + ' (WARNING: non-Error used)'];
trace = filterFrames(this.stackFilter, trace, 0);
this._appendContext(trace, context);
this._appendContext(trace, extraContext);
return this.filterDuplicateFrames ? this._removeDuplicates(trace) : trace;
PromiseMonitor.prototype._removeDuplicates = function(trace) {
var seen = {};
var sep = this.stackJumpSeparator;
var count = 0;
return trace.reduceRight(function(deduped, line, i) {
if(i === 0) {
} else if(line === sep) {
if(count > 0) {
count = 0;
} else if(!seen[line]) {
seen[line] = true;
return deduped;
}, []);
PromiseMonitor.prototype._appendContext = function(trace, context) {
trace.push.apply(trace, this._createTrace(context));
PromiseMonitor.prototype._createTrace = function(traceChain) {
var trace = [];
var stack;
while(traceChain) {
stack = error.parse(traceChain);
if (stack) {
stack = filterFrames(this.stackFilter, stack);
appendStack(trace, stack, this.stackJumpSeparator);
traceChain = traceChain.parent;
return trace;
function appendStack(trace, stack, separator) {
if (stack.length > 1) {
stack[0] = separator;
trace.push.apply(trace, stack);
function filterFrames(stackFilter, stack) {
return stack.filter(function(frame) {
return !stackFilter.test(frame);
function filterHandled(t) {
return !t.handler.handled;
return PromiseMonitor;
}(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(require); }));