You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

214 lines
6.3 KiB

"use strict";
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
* An `AbstractAscoltatore` is a class that inherits from `EventEmitter`.
* It is also the base class of `ascoltatori`. It is not meant to be used alone,
* but it defines the interface for every ascoltatore.
* Every ascoltatore emits the following events:
* - `ready`, when the ascolatore is ready for subscribing and/or
* publishing messages;
* - `closed`, when the ascoltatore has closed all the connections
* and therefore it cannot accept new messages;
* - `error`, if something goes wrong.
* @api public
function AbstractAscoltatore(settings, nativeSettings) {;
settings = settings || {};
nativeSettings = nativeSettings || {};
this._separator = settings.separator || '/',
this._wildcardOne = settings.wildcardOne || '+',
this._wildcardSome = settings.wildcardSome || '*';
this._nativeSettings = nativeSettings;
if (nativeSettings.separator &&
(this._separator !== nativeSettings.separator)) {
this._reInSeparator = new RegExp('\\' + this._separator, 'g');
this._reOutSeparator = new RegExp('\\' + nativeSettings.separator, 'g');
if (nativeSettings.wildcardOne &&
(this._wildcardOne !== nativeSettings.wildcardOne)) {
this._reInWildcardOne = new RegExp('\\' + this._wildcardOne, 'g');
if (nativeSettings.wildcardSome &&
(this._wildcardSome !== nativeSettings.wildcardSome)) {
this._reInWildcardSome = new RegExp('\\' + this._wildcardSome, 'g');
this._ready = false;
this._closed = false;
var that = this;
this.on("ready", function() {
that._ready = true;
this.on("closed", function() {
that._closed = true;
this.on("newListener", function(event, listener) {
if (event === "ready" && that._ready) {
AbstractAscoltatore.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype);
AbstractAscoltatore.prototype._raiseIfClosed = function raiseIfClosed() {
if (this._closed) {
throw new Error("This ascoltatore is closed");
* This method provides a way for users to subscribe for messages.
* The messages are published on topics, that is just a "path", e.g.
* `/this/is/a/topic`.
* The topic are organized in a hierarchy, and `subscribe` support the usage
* of wildcards, e.g. you can subscribe to `*` and it will
* match all the topics
* Example:
* ascoltatore.subscribe("*", function () {
* // this will print { '0': "hello/42", '1': "a message" }
* console.log(arguments);
* });
* @param {String} topic the topic to subscribe to
* @param {Function} callback the callback that will be called when a new message is published.
* @param {Function} done the callback that will be called when the subscribe is completed
* @api public
AbstractAscoltatore.prototype.subscribe = function(topic, callback, done) {
throw new Error("Subclass to implement");
* This method allow publishing of messages to topics.
* Example:
* ascoltatore.publish("hello/42", "a message", function () {
* console.log("message published");
* });
* @param {String} topic the topic to publish to
* @param {Object} payload the callback that will be called when a new message is published.
* @param {Object} options (optional) Metadata associated with the message (e.g. qos, messageId). If you only specify 3 parameters to your method then you won't be passed this parameter.
* @param {Function} done the callback that will be called after the message has been published.
* @api public
AbstractAscoltatore.prototype.publish = function(topic, payload, options, done) {
throw new Error("Subclass to implement");
AbstractAscoltatore.prototype._setPublish = function() {
var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(this),
f = proto.publish,
if (!f) { return; }
if (f.length === 4) {
publish = this.publish;
} else {
publish = function (topic, payload, options, done) {
return, topic, payload, done);
newPublish = function (topic, payload, options, done) {
if ((typeof options === 'function') ||
(done && (typeof done !== 'function'))) {
done = options;
options = {};
} else if ((options === undefined) || (options === null)) {
options = {};
return, topic, payload, options, done);
this.publish = newPublish;
if ( === proto.publish) { = newPublish;
* This method provides the inverse of subscribe.
* @param {String} topic the topic from which to unsubscribe
* @param {Function} callback the callback that will be unsubscribed
* @param {Function} done the callback that will be called when the unsubscribe is completed
* @api public
AbstractAscoltatore.prototype.unsubscribe = function(topic, callback, done) {
throw new Error("Subclass to implement");
* This method closes the Ascoltatore.
* After this method is called every call to subscribe or publish will raise
* an exception
* @param {Function} done the callback that will be called when Ascoltatore is closed
* @api public
AbstractAscoltatore.prototype.close = function(done) {
throw new Error("Subclass to implement");
AbstractAscoltatore.prototype._subTopic = function(topic) {
if (this._reInSeparator) {
topic = topic.replace(this._reInSeparator,
if (this._reInWildcardSome) {
topic = topic.replace(this._reInWildcardSome,
if (this._reInWildcardOne) {
topic = topic.replace(this._reInWildcardOne,
return topic;
AbstractAscoltatore.prototype._recvTopic = function(topic) {
if (this._reOutSeparator) {
topic = topic.replace(this._reOutSeparator, this._separator);
return topic;
AbstractAscoltatore.prototype._pubTopic = function(topic) {
if (this._reInSeparator) {
topic = topic.replace(this._reInSeparator,
return topic;
* Exports the AbstractAscoltatore;
* @api public
module.exports = AbstractAscoltatore;