You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

350 lines
11 KiB

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: luwei
* Date: 2017/7/27
* Time: 14:14
namespace app\modules\mch\models;
use app\models\common\admin\order\CommonOrderStatistics;
use app\models\common\admin\store\CommonStore;
use app\models\Goods;
use app\models\Model;
use app\models\Order;
use app\models\User;
class StoreDataForm extends MchModel
public $store_id;
public $is_offline;
public $user_id;
public $clerk_id;
public $parent_id;
public $shop_id;
public $sign;
public $type;
public function search()
$date = $this->getDate();
if ($this->type == 'order') {
return [
'code' => 0,
'data' => $this->getOrderStatistics(),
if ($this->type == 'goods') {
return [
'code' => 0,
'data' => $this->getGoodsStatistics(),
$data = [
'panel_1' => $this->getStoreInfo(),
'panel_2' => [
'goods_zero_count' => $this->getCountZeroGoodsNum(),
'order_no_send_count' => $this->getOrderNoSendCount(),
'order_refunding_count' => $this->getOrderRefundingCount(),
'panel_3' => [
'data_1' => [
'order_goods_count' => $this->getOrderGoodsCount($date['startTime'], $date['endTime']),
'order_price_count' => $this->getOrderPriceCount($date['startTime'], $date['endTime']),
'order_price_average' => $this->getOrderPriceAverage($date['startTime'], $date['endTime']),
'panel_4' => [
'order_goods_data' => $this->getDaysOrderGoodsData(7),
'order_goods_price_data' => $this->getDaysOrderGoodsPriceData(7),
'panel_5' => [
'data_1' => $this->getGoodsSaleTopList($date['startTime'], $date['endTime'], 0, 5),
'panel_6' => $this->getUserTopList(10),
$data['panel_4']['date'] = [];
foreach ($data['panel_4']['order_goods_data']['list'] as $item) {
$data['panel_4']['date'][] = $item['date'];
return [
'code' => 0,
'data' => $data,
public function getStoreInfo()
$common = new CommonStore();
$storeInfo = $common->storeInfo();
return $storeInfo;
public function getOrderStatistics()
$date = $this->getDate();
return [
'panel_3' => [
'data_1' => [
'order_goods_count' => $this->getOrderGoodsCount($date['startTime'], $date['endTime']),
'order_price_count' => $this->getOrderPriceCount($date['startTime'], $date['endTime']),
'order_price_average' => $this->getOrderPriceAverage($date['startTime'], $date['endTime']),
public function getGoodsStatistics()
$date = $this->getDate();
return [
'panel_5' => [
'data_1' => $this->getGoodsSaleTopList($date['startTime'], $date['endTime'], 0, 5),
* 获取售罄商品数量
public function getCountZeroGoodsNum()
$cache_key = 'zero_goods_nym_' . $this->getCurrentStoreId();
$count = \Yii::$app->cache->get($cache_key);
if ($count !== false) {
return $count;
/** @var Goods[] $goods_list */
$goods_list = Goods::find()->where([
'is_delete' => Model::IS_DELETE_FALSE,
'store_id' => $this->getCurrentStoreId(),
'type' => 0
$count = 0;
foreach ($goods_list as $goods) {
if ($goods->getNum() == 0) {
\Yii::$app->cache->set($cache_key, $count, 60);
return $count;
* 获取待发货订单数
public function getOrderNoSendCount()
$common = new CommonOrderStatistics();
$noSendCount = $common->getOrderNoSendCount();
return $noSendCount;
* 获取售后中订单数
public function getOrderRefundingCount()
$common = new CommonOrderStatistics();
$refundCount = $common->getOrderRefundingCount();
return $refundCount;
* 获取订单商品总数
* @param null $startTime
* @param null $endTime
* @return int
public function getOrderGoodsCount($startTime = null, $endTime = null)
$common = new CommonOrderStatistics();
return $common->getOrderGoodsCount($startTime, $endTime);
* 获取订单金额总数(实际付款)
* @param null $startTime
* @param null $endTime
* @return string
public function getOrderPriceCount($startTime = null, $endTime = null)
$common = new CommonOrderStatistics();
$orderPriceCount = $common->getOrderPriceCount($startTime, $endTime);
return number_format($orderPriceCount, 2);
* 获取订单平均消费金额(实际付款)
* @param null $startTime
* @param null $endTime
* @return float|int
public function getOrderPriceAverage($startTime = null, $endTime = null)
$common = new CommonOrderStatistics();
$orderCount = $common->getOrderCount($startTime, $endTime);
if ($orderCount == 0) {
return number_format($orderCount, 2);
$priceCount = $common->getOrderPriceCount($startTime, $endTime);
$price = number_format($priceCount / $orderCount, 2);
return $price;
* 获取n日内每日销量
public function getDaysOrderGoodsData($days = 7)
$list = [];
$data = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $days; $i++) {
$startTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00') . ' -' . $i . ' days');
$endTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59') . ' -' . $i . ' days');
$date = date('m-d', $startTime);
$common = new CommonOrderStatistics();
$val = $common->getOrderGoodsCount($startTime, $endTime);
$list[] = [
'date' => $date,
'val' => $val,
'start_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $startTime),
'end_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $endTime),
$data[] = $val;
return [
'list' => array_reverse($list),
'data' => array_reverse($data),
* 获取n日内每日成交额(已付款)
public function getDaysOrderGoodsPriceData($days = 7)
$list = [];
$data = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $days; $i++) {
$startTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00') . ' -' . $i . ' days');
$endTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59') . ' -' . $i . ' days');
$date = date('m-d', $startTime);
$common = new CommonOrderStatistics();
$orderPriceCount = $common->getOrderPriceCount($startTime, $endTime);
$list[] = [
'date' => $date,
'val' => $orderPriceCount,
'start_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $startTime),
'end_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $endTime),
$data[] = $orderPriceCount;
return [
'list' => array_reverse($list),
'data' => array_reverse($data),
* 获取商品销量排行
* @param null $startTime
* @param null $endTime
* @param null $mchId
* @param null $limit
* @return mixed
public function getGoodsSaleTopList($startTime = null, $endTime = null, $mchId, $limit)
$common = new CommonOrderStatistics();
$goodsSaleTop = $common->getGoodsSaleTopList($startTime, $endTime, $mchId, $limit);
return $goodsSaleTop;
* 获取用户消费排行列表
public function getUserTopList($limit = 10)
$list = Order::find()->alias('o')->leftJoin(['u' => User::tableName()], '')
'o.store_id' => $this->getCurrentStoreId(),
'o.is_pay' => 1,
'o.is_delete' => 0,
'o.type' => 0
])->groupBy('o.user_id')->limit($limit)->orderBy('money DESC')
->select(',u.nickname,u.avatar_url AS avatar,SUM(o.pay_price) AS money')
if (!$list) {
return [];
foreach ($list as $i => $item) {
$money = doubleval($item['money']);
$list[$i]['money'] = number_format($money, 2, '.', '');
return $list;
public function getDate()
$todayStartTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00'));
$todayEndTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'));
$yesterdayStartTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00') . ' -1 day');
$yesterdayEndTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59') . ' -1 day');
$lastSevenStartTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00') . ' -6 day');
$lastSevenEndTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'));
$lastThirtyStartTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00') . ' -29 day');
$lastThirtyEndTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'));
switch ($this->sign) {
case 1:
$startTime = $todayStartTime;
$endTime = $todayEndTime;
case 2:
$startTime = $yesterdayStartTime;
$endTime = $yesterdayEndTime;
case 3:
$startTime = $lastSevenStartTime;
$endTime = $lastSevenEndTime;
case 4:
$startTime = $lastThirtyStartTime;
$endTime = $lastThirtyEndTime;
$startTime = $todayStartTime;
$endTime = $todayEndTime;
return [
'startTime' => $startTime,
'endTime' => $endTime,