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* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: luwei
* Date: 2017/6/26
* Time: 14:38
namespace app\modules\mch\models;
use app\models\Option;
use app\models\Store;
use app\models\WechatApp;
class StoreSettingForm extends MchModel
public $store_id;
public $name;
public $order_send_tpl;
public $app_id;
public $app_secret;
public $mch_id;
public $key;
public $cert_pem;
public $key_pem;
public $contact_tel;
public $show_customer_service;
public $dial;
public $dial_pic;
public $copyright;
public $copyright_pic_url;
public $copyright_url;
public $delivery_time;
public $after_sale_time;
public $kdniao_mch_id;
public $kdniao_api_key;
public $cat_style;
public $cut_thread;
public $purchase_frame;
public $is_recommend;
public $recommend_count;
public $address;
public $cat_goods_cols;
public $over_day;
public $is_offline;
public $is_coupon;
public $cat_goods_count;
public $send_type;
public $nav_count;
public $service;
public $integral;
public $integration;
public $notice;
public $postage;
public $web_service;
public $web_service_url;
public $payment;
public $wxapp;
public $is_comment;
public $is_sales;
public $is_share_price;
public $is_member_price;
public $quick_navigation;
public $phone_auth;
public $good_negotiable;
public $buy_member;
public $logo;
public $quick_map;
public $is_official_account;
public function rules()
return [
[['name', 'app_id', 'app_secret', 'mch_id', 'key', 'order_send_tpl', 'contact_tel', 'copyright', 'copyright_pic_url', 'copyright_url', 'kdniao_mch_id', 'kdniao_api_key', 'address', 'cert_pem', 'key_pem', 'dial_pic', 'web_service', 'web_service_url', 'payment', 'wxapp', 'quick_navigation', 'good_negotiable', 'quick_map'], 'trim'],
[['name', 'cat_goods_cols', 'integral',], 'required'],
[['order_send_tpl', 'contact_tel', 'kdniao_mch_id', 'kdniao_api_key', 'address', 'service', 'integration', 'notice', 'web_service', 'web_service_url', 'logo'], 'string'],
[['show_customer_service', 'cat_style', 'cut_thread', 'purchase_frame', 'is_recommend', 'cat_goods_cols', 'is_offline', 'is_coupon', 'cat_goods_count', 'send_type', 'nav_count', 'dial', 'is_comment', 'is_sales', 'phone_auth', 'buy_member'], 'integer', 'max'=>99999999],
['cat_goods_count', 'default', 'value' => 6],
[['cat_goods_count', 'recommend_count', 'is_share_price', 'is_member_price', 'is_official_account'], 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100],
[['cert_pem', 'key_pem'], 'default', 'value' => '0'],
[['postage'], 'number', 'min' => -1],
[['over_day'], 'number', 'min' => 0],
[['delivery_time', 'after_sale_time', 'over_day',], 'integer', 'min' => 0,'max'=>200000000],
[['integral'],'integer','min'=>1, 'max'=>99999999],
[['name'], 'string', 'max'=>255]
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'admin_id' => 'Admin ID',
'is_delete' => 'Is Delete',
'is_recycle' => '回收站:0=否,1=是',
'acid' => '微擎公众号id',
'user_id' => '用户id',
'wechat_platform_id' => '微信公众号id',
'wechat_app_id' => '微信小程序id',
'name' => '店铺名称',
'order_send_tpl' => '发货通知模板消息id',
'contact_tel' => '联系电话',
'show_customer_service' => '是否显示在线客服:0=否,1=是',
'copyright' => 'Copyright',
'copyright_pic_url' => 'Copyright Pic Url',
'copyright_url' => '版权的超链接',
'delivery_time' => '收货时间',
'after_sale_time' => '售后时间',
'use_wechat_platform_pay' => '是否使用公众号支付:0=否,1=是',
'kdniao_mch_id' => '快递鸟商户号',
'kdniao_api_key' => '快递鸟api key',
'cat_style' => '分类页面样式:1=无侧栏,2=有侧栏',
'cut_thread' => '分类分割线 0关闭 1开启',
'home_page_module' => '首页模块布局',
'address' => '店铺地址',
'cat_goods_cols' => '首页分类商品列数',
'over_day' => '未支付订单超时时间',
'is_offline' => '是否开启自提',
'is_coupon' => '是否开启优惠券',
'cat_goods_count' => '首页分类的商品个数',
'send_type' => '发货方式:0=快递或自提,1=仅快递,2=仅自提',
'member_content' => '会员等级说明',
'nav_count' => '首页导航栏个数 0--4个 1--5个',
'integral' => '一元抵多少积分',
'integration' => '积分使用说明',
'dial' => '一键拨号开关 0关闭 1开启',
'dial_pic' => '拨号图标',
'purchase_frame' => 'Purchase Frame',
'is_recommend' => '推荐商品状态 1:开启 0 :关闭',
'recommend_count' => '推荐商品数量',
'is_sales' => '商城商品销量开关',
'status' => '商城禁用状态 0.未禁用|1.禁用',
'is_comment' => '商城评价开关:0.关闭 1.开启',
'quick_navigation' => '首页快捷导航',
'good_negotiable' => '商品面议方式',
'buy_member' => '是否购买会员',
'logo' => '商城logo',
'is_official_account' => '关联公众号组件'
public function save()
if (!$this->validate()) {
return $this->errorResponse;
$store = Store::findOne($this->store_id);
$store->name = $this->name;
$store->order_send_tpl = $this->order_send_tpl;
$store->contact_tel = $this->contact_tel;
$store->show_customer_service = $this->show_customer_service;
$store->dial = $this->dial;
$store->dial_pic = $this->dial_pic;
$store->copyright = $this->copyright;
$store->copyright_pic_url = $this->copyright_pic_url;
$store->copyright_url = $this->copyright_url;
$store->delivery_time = $this->delivery_time;
$store->after_sale_time = $this->after_sale_time;
$store->kdniao_mch_id = $this->kdniao_mch_id;
$store->kdniao_api_key = $this->kdniao_api_key;
$store->cat_style = $this->cat_style;
$store->cut_thread = $this->cut_thread;
$store->address = $this->address;
$store->cat_goods_cols = $this->cat_goods_cols;
$store->over_day = $this->over_day;
$store->is_offline = $this->is_offline;
$store->is_coupon = $this->is_coupon;
$store->cat_goods_count = $this->cat_goods_count;
$store->send_type = $this->send_type;
$store->nav_count = $this->nav_count;
$store->integral = $this->integral ?: 10;
$store->integration = $this->integration;
$store->purchase_frame = $this->purchase_frame;
$store->is_recommend = $this->is_recommend;
$store->recommend_count = $this->recommend_count;
$store->is_comment = $this->is_comment;
$store->is_sales = $this->is_sales;
$store->is_member_price = $this->is_member_price;
$store->is_share_price = $this->is_share_price;
$store->buy_member = $this->buy_member;
$store->logo = $this->logo;
$store->is_official_account = $this->is_official_account;
// Option::set('service', $this->service, $this->store_id, 'admin');
// Option::set('notice', $this->notice, $this->store_id, 'admin');
if (!$this->payment) {
$this->payment['wechat'] = 1;
$payment = \Yii::$app->serializer->encode($this->payment);
$wxapp = \Yii::$app->serializer->encode($this->wxapp);
$quick_navigation = \Yii::$app->serializer->encode($this->quick_navigation);
if(!$this->good_negotiable) {
$this->good_negotiable['contact'] = 1;
$good_negotiable = \Yii::$app->serializer->encode($this->good_negotiable);
$list = [
'name' => 'service',
'value' => $this->service
'name' => 'notice',
'value' => $this->notice,
'name' => 'postage',
'value' => $this->postage ? $this->postage : '',
'name' => 'web_service',
'value' => $this->web_service
'name' => 'web_service_url',
'value' => urlencode($this->web_service_url)
'name' => 'payment',
'value' => $payment
'name' => 'wxapp',
'value' => $wxapp
'name' => 'quick_navigation',
'value' => $quick_navigation
'name' => 'phone_auth',
'value' => $this->phone_auth
'name' => 'good_negotiable',
'value' => $good_negotiable
'name' => 'quick_map',
'value' => $this->quick_map
Option::setList($list, $this->store_id, 'admin');
return [
'code' => 0,
'msg' => '保存成功',
'attr' => $store->attributes