You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

300 lines
11 KiB

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: luwei
* Date: 2017/7/1
* Time: 23:33
namespace app\modules\api\models;
use app\hejiang\ApiResponse;
use app\models\Cat;
use app\models\Goods;
use app\models\GoodsCat;
use app\models\GoodsPic;
use app\models\Mch;
use app\models\Order;
use app\models\OrderDetail;
use yii\data\Pagination;
class GoodsListForm extends ApiModel
public $store_id;
public $keyword;
public $cat_id;
public $page;
public $limit;
public $sort;
public $sort_type;
public $goods_id;
public $pic_url;
public $recommend_count;
public function rules()
return [
[['keyword'], 'trim'],
[['store_id', 'cat_id', 'page', 'limit',], 'integer'],
[['limit'], 'integer',],
[['limit',], 'default', 'value' => 12],
[['sort', 'sort_type', 'recommend_count'], 'integer',],
[['sort',], 'default', 'value' => 0],
[['goods_id',], 'string'],
public function search()
if (!$this->validate())
return $this->errorResponse;
$query = Goods::find()->alias('g')->where([
'g.status' => 1,
'g.is_delete' => 0,
'g.type' => get_plugin_type()
])->leftJoin(['m' => Mch::tableName()], '')
['g.mch_id' => 0],
['m.is_delete' => 0]
if ($this->store_id)
$query->andWhere(['g.store_id' => $this->store_id]);
if ($this->cat_id) {
$cat = Cat::find()->select('id')->where(['is_delete' => 0,])->andWhere(['OR', ['parent_id' => $this->cat_id], ['id' => $this->cat_id],])->column();
$query->leftJoin(['gc' => GoodsCat::tableName()], '');
$query->andWhere(['or', ['gc.is_delete' => 0], 'isnull(']);
['g.cat_id' => $cat],
['gc.cat_id' => $cat],
if ($this->goods_id) {
$arr = explode(',', $this->goods_id);
$query->andWhere(['in', '', $arr]);
if ($this->keyword)
$query->andWhere(['LIKE', '', $this->keyword]);
$count = $query->count();
$pagination = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $count, 'pageSize' => $this->limit, 'page' => $this->page - 1]);
if ($this->sort == 0) {
$query->orderBy('g.sort ASC, g.addtime DESC');
if ($this->sort == 1) {
$query->orderBy('g.addtime DESC');
if ($this->sort == 2) {
if ($this->sort_type == 0) {
$query->orderBy('g.price ASC');
} else {
$query->orderBy('g.price DESC');
if ($this->sort == 3) {
'( IF(gn.num, gn.num, 0) + virtual_sales)' => SORT_DESC,
'g.addtime' => SORT_DESC,
$od_query = OrderDetail::find()->alias('od')
->leftJoin(['o' => Order::tableName()], '')
->where(['od.is_delete' => 0, 'o.store_id' => $this->store_id, 'o.is_pay' => 1, 'o.is_delete' => 0])->groupBy('od.goods_id')->select('SUM(od.num) num,od.goods_id');
$list = $query
->leftJoin(['gn' => $od_query], '')
->select(',,g.price,g.original_price,g.cover_pic pic_url,gn.num,g.virtual_sales,g.unit,g.is_negotiable')
foreach ($list as $i => $item) {
if (!$item['pic_url']) {
$list[$i]['pic_url'] = Goods::getGoodsPicStatic($item['id'])->pic_url;
if ($item['is_negotiable']) {
$list[$i]['price'] = Goods::GOODS_NEGOTIABLE;
$list[$i]['sales'] = $this->numToW($item['num'] + $item['virtual_sales']) . $item['unit'];
$data = [
'row_count' => $count,
'page_count' => $pagination->pageCount,
'list' => $list,
return new ApiResponse(0, 'success', $data);
public function recommend()
if (!$this->validate())
return $this->errorResponse;
$goods_id = $this->goods_id;
if (!$goods_id) {
return new ApiResponse(1, 'error');
$cat_ids = [];
$goods = Goods::find()->select('*')->where(['store_id' => $this->store_id, 'is_delete' => 0, 'type' => get_plugin_type()])->andWhere('id=:id', [':id' => $goods_id])->one();
$cat_id = $goods->cat_id;
if ($cat_id == 0) {
$goodsCat = GoodsCat::find()->select('cat_id')->where(['store_id' => $this->store_id, 'goods_id' => $goods_id, 'is_delete' => 0])->all();
$goods_cat = [];
foreach ($goodsCat as $v) {
$goods_cat[] = $v->cat_id;
} else {
$goods_cat = array(intval($cat_id));
$cat_ids = $goods_cat;
// $cat1 = Cat::find()->select(['id','parent_id'])->where(['store_id' =>$this->store_id,'is_delete' => 0])->andWhere(['in','id',$goods_cat])->all();
// $parents=[];
// foreach($cat1 as $v){
// if($v->parent_id===0){
// $cat_ids[] = $v->id;
// }else{
// $parents[] = $v->parent_id;
// }
// };
// $cat2 = Cat::find()->select('id')->where(['store_id' =>$this->store_id,'is_delete' => 0])->andWhere(['in','id',$parents])->all();
// foreach($cat2 as $v){
// $cat_ids[] = $v->id;
// }
// $cat_list = Cat::find()->select('id')->where(['store_id'=>$this->store_id,'is_delete'=>0])->andWhere(['in','parent_id',$cat_ids])->all();
// foreach($cat_list as $v){
// $cat_ids[] =$v->id;
// }
$goodscat_list = GoodsCat::find()->select(['goods_id'])->where(['store_id' => $this->store_id, 'is_delete' => 0])->andWhere(['in', 'cat_id', $cat_ids])->all();
$cats = [];
foreach ($goodscat_list as $v) {
$cats[] = $v->goods_id;
$query = Goods::find()->alias('g')
->where(['and', "!=$goods_id", 'cat_id=0', "g.store_id=$this->store_id", 'g.is_delete=0', 'g.status=1', ['in', '', $cats]])
->orWhere(['and', "!=$goods_id", "g.store_id=$this->store_id", 'g.is_delete=0', 'g.status=1', ['in', 'g.cat_id', $cat_ids]])
->andWhere(['g.type' => get_plugin_type()])
->leftJoin(['m' => Mch::tableName()], '')
['g.mch_id' => 0],
['m.is_delete' => 0]
$count = $query->count();
$pagination = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $count, 'pageSize' => $this->limit, 'page' => $this->page - 1]);
$query->orderBy('g.sort ASC');
$od_query = OrderDetail::find()->alias('od')
->leftJoin(['o' => Order::tableName()], '')
->where(['od.is_delete' => 0, 'o.store_id' => $this->store_id, 'o.is_pay' => 1, 'o.is_delete' => 0])->groupBy('od.goods_id')->select('SUM(od.num) num,od.goods_id');
$limit = $pagination->limit;
$offset = $pagination->offset;
$recommend_count = $this->recommend_count;
if ($offset > $recommend_count) {
return new ApiResponse(1, 'error');
} else if ($offset + $limit > $recommend_count) {
$limit = $recommend_count - $offset;
$list = $query
->leftJoin(['gn' => $od_query], '')
->select(',,g.price,g.original_price,g.cover_pic pic_url,gn.num,g.virtual_sales,g.unit')
foreach ($list as $i => $item) {
if (!$item['pic_url']) {
$list[$i]['pic_url'] = Goods::getGoodsPicStatic($item['id'])->pic_url;
$list[$i]['sales'] = $this->numToW($item['num'] + $item['virtual_sales']) . $item['unit'];
$data = [
'row_count' => $count,
'page_count' => $pagination->pageCount,
'list' => $list,
return new ApiResponse(0, 'success', $data);
private function numToW($sales)
if ($sales < 10000) {
return $sales;
} else {
return round($sales / 10000, 2) . 'W';
public function couponSearch()
// ,'name','price','original_price','pic_url','num','virtual_sales','unit'
$arr = explode(",", $this->goods_id);
$query = Goods::find()->where(['store_id' => $this->store_id, 'is_delete' => 0, 'status' => 1])->andWhere(['in', 'id', $arr]);
$count = $query->count();
$pagination = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $count, 'pageSize' => $this->limit, 'page' => $this->page - 1]);
if ($this->sort == 0) {
$query->orderBy('sort ASC,addtime DESC');
if ($this->sort == 1) {
$query->orderBy('addtime DESC');
if ($this->sort == 2) {
if ($this->sort_type == 0) {
$query->orderBy('price ASC');
} else {
$query->orderBy('price DESC');
if ($this->sort == 3) {
'virtual_sales' => SORT_DESC,
'addtime' => SORT_DESC,
$list = $query
->select(['id', 'name', 'cover_pic as pic_url', 'price', 'original_price', 'virtual_sales as sales', 'unit'])
return [
'code' => 0,
'msg' => 'success',
'data' => [
'row_count' => $count,
'page_count' => $pagination->pageCount,
'list' => $list,