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* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 风哀伤
* Date: 2018/5/22
* Time: 15:53
namespace app\modules\api\models;
use app\models\ActivityMsgTpl;
use app\models\BargainSetting;
use app\models\common\CommonGoods;
use app\models\Goods;
use app\models\GoodsShare;
use app\models\MchPlugin;
use app\models\MchSetting;
use app\models\MiaoshaGoods;
use app\models\Model;
use app\models\MsGoods;
use app\models\MsOrder;
use app\models\MsSetting;
use app\models\Order;
use app\models\OrderDetail;
use app\models\OrderShare;
use app\models\PtGoodsDetail;
use app\models\PtOrder;
use app\models\PtOrderDetail;
use app\models\PtSetting;
use app\models\Setting;
use app\models\User;
use app\models\YyGoods;
use app\models\YyOrder;
use app\models\YySetting;
class ShareMoneyForm extends ApiModel
public $order;
public $order_type;
public function setData()
$setting = Setting::findOne(['store_id' => $this->order->store_id]);
if (!$setting || $setting->level == 0) {
return false;
if (isset($this->order->mch_id) && $this->order->mch_id > 0) {
$mchPlugin = MchPlugin::findOne(['mch_id' => $this->order->mch_id, 'store_id' => $this->order->store_id]);
if (!$mchPlugin || $mchPlugin->is_share == 0) {
return false;
$mchSetting = MchSetting::findOne(['mch_id' => $this->order->mch_id]);
if (!$mchSetting) {
return false;
if ($mchSetting->is_share == 0) {
return false;
if (isset($this->order->type) && $this->order->type == 2) {
$bargainSetting = BargainSetting::findOne(['store_id' => $this->order->store_id]);
if ($bargainSetting->is_share == 0) {
return false;
$orderDetail = $this->getDetail();
if (!$orderDetail) {
return false;
$user = User::findOne($this->order->user_id);
if (!$user) {
return false;
$order = $this->order;
$cParent1 = -1;
$cParent2 = -1;
$cParent3 = -1;
if ($this->order_type == 1 || $this->order_type == 0) {
/* @var $orderShare Order */
$orderShare = $this->order;
$cParent1 = $user->parent_id;
$orderShare->parent_id = $cParent1;
if ($user->parent_id) {
$parent = User::findOne($user->parent_id);//上级
$cParent2 = $parent->parent_id;
$orderShare->parent_id_1 = $cParent2;
if ($parent->parent_id) {
$parent_1 = User::findOne($parent->parent_id);//上上级
$cParent3 = $parent_1->parent_id;
$orderShare->parent_id_2 = $cParent3;
} else {
$orderShare->parent_id_2 = -1;
} else {
$orderShare->parent_id_1 = -1;
$orderShare->parent_id_2 = -1;
} else {
if ($this->order_type == 2) {
$type = 0;
} else {
$type = 1;
$orderShare = OrderShare::findOne(['order_id' => $order->id, 'type' => $type, 'is_delete' => 0, 'store_id' => $order->store_id]);
if (!$orderShare) {
$orderShare = new OrderShare();
$orderShare->order_id = $order->id;
$orderShare->store_id = $order->store_id;
$orderShare->is_delete = 0;
$orderShare->user_id = $order->user_id;
$orderShare->version = hj_core_version();
$orderShare->type = $type;
$orderShare->parent_id_1 = $cParent1 = $user->parent_id;
if ($user->parent_id) {
$parent = User::findOne($user->parent_id);//上级
$orderShare->parent_id_2 = $cParent2 = $parent->parent_id;
if ($parent->parent_id) {
$parent_1 = User::findOne($parent->parent_id);//上上级
$orderShare->parent_id_3 = $cParent3 = $parent_1->parent_id;
} else {
$orderShare->parent_id_3 = -1;
} else {
$orderShare->parent_id_2 = -1;
$orderShare->parent_id_3 = -1;
$share_commission_money_first = 0;//一级分销总佣金
$share_commission_money_second = 0;//二级分销总佣金
$share_commission_money_third = 0;//三级分销总佣金
foreach ($orderDetail as $item) {
$item_price = doubleval($item['price']);
if ($item['individual_share'] == 1) {
$rate_first = doubleval($item['share_commission_first']);
$rate_second = doubleval($item['share_commission_second']);
$rate_third = doubleval($item['share_commission_third']);
$shareType = $item['share_type'];
} else {
if (isset($item['mch_id']) && $item['mch_id'] > 0) {
$rate_first = doubleval($setting->first);
$rate_second = doubleval($setting->second);
$rate_third = doubleval($setting->third);
$shareType = $setting->price_type;
if ($shareType == 1) {
$share_commission_money_first += $rate_first * $item['num'];
$share_commission_money_second += $rate_second * $item['num'];
$share_commission_money_third += $rate_third * $item['num'];
} else {
$share_commission_money_first += $item_price * $rate_first / 100;
$share_commission_money_second += $item_price * $rate_second / 100;
$share_commission_money_third += $item_price * $rate_third / 100;
// 如果开启自购返利 一级是自己
if ($setting->is_rebate == 1 && $user->is_distributor == 1) {
$cParent1 = $user->id;
$cParent2 = $user->parent_id;
$cParent3 = $parent ? $parent->parent_id : -1;
$orderShare->rebate = $share_commission_money_first < 0.01 ? 0 : $share_commission_money_first;
$orderShare->first_price = $share_commission_money_second < 0.01 ? 0 : $share_commission_money_second;
$orderShare->second_price = $share_commission_money_third < 0.01 ? 0 : $share_commission_money_third;
$orderShare->third_price = 0;
} else {
$orderShare->rebate = 0;
$orderShare->first_price = $share_commission_money_first < 0.01 ? 0 : $share_commission_money_first;
$orderShare->second_price = $share_commission_money_second < 0.01 ? 0 : $share_commission_money_second;
$orderShare->third_price = $share_commission_money_third < 0.01 ? 0 : $share_commission_money_third;
// 发送佣金模板消息
if ($cParent1 > 0 && $share_commission_money_first >= 0.01) {
$tplMsg = new ActivityMsgTpl($cParent1, 'SHARE');
$tplMsg->accountChangeMsg('有用户下单,预计可得佣金' . sprintf('%.2f', $share_commission_money_first), '分销佣金');
if ($cParent2 > 0 && $share_commission_money_second >= 0.01) {
$tplMsg = new ActivityMsgTpl($cParent2, 'SHARE');
$tplMsg->accountChangeMsg('有用户下单,预计可得佣金' . sprintf('%.2f', $share_commission_money_second), '分销佣金');
if ($cParent3 > 0 && $share_commission_money_third >= 0.01) {
$tplMsg = new ActivityMsgTpl($cParent3, 'SHARE');
$tplMsg->accountChangeMsg('有用户下单,预计可得佣金' . sprintf('%.2f', $share_commission_money_third), '分销佣金');
$res = $orderShare->save();
if (!$res) {
return $res;
private function getDetail()
if ($this->order_type == 0) {
return $this->getOrderDetail();
} elseif ($this->order_type == 1) {
return $this->getMsOrderDetail();
} elseif ($this->order_type == 2) {
return $this->getPtOrderDetail();
} elseif ($this->order_type == 3) {
return $this->getYyOrderDetail();
} else {
return false;
private function getOrderDetail()
/* @var $order Order */
$order = $this->order;
/* @var $list OrderDetail */
$list = OrderDetail::find()->where(['is_delete' => 0, 'order_id' => $order->id])->all();
$newList = [];
foreach ($list as $value) {
$goods = $value->goods;
$buyAttrList = \Yii::$app->serializer->decode($value['attr']);
if ($goods['attr_setting_type'] === 1) {
$attrIdArr2 = [];
foreach ($buyAttrList as $attrListItem2) {
$attrIdArr2[] = $attrListItem2['attr_id'];
$goodsData = [
'attr' => $goods['attr'],
'price' => $goods['price'],
'is_level' => $goods['is_level'],
$res = CommonGoods::currentGoodsAttr($goodsData, $attrIdArr2);
$newItem = [
'individual_share' => $goods['individual_share'],
'share_commission_first' => $res['share_commission_first'],
'share_commission_second' => $res['share_commission_second'],
'share_commission_third' => $res['share_commission_third'],
'share_type' => $goods['share_type'],
'num' => $value['num'],
'price' => $value['total_price'],
'mch_id' => $goods['mch_id']
} else {
$newItem = [
'individual_share' => $goods['individual_share'],
'share_commission_first' => $goods['share_commission_first'],
'share_commission_second' => $goods['share_commission_second'],
'share_commission_third' => $goods['share_commission_third'],
'share_type' => $goods['share_type'],
'num' => $value['num'],
'price' => $value['total_price'],
'mch_id' => $goods['mch_id']
array_push($newList, $newItem);
return $newList;
private function getMsOrderDetail()
/* @var $order MsOrder */
$order = $this->order;
$ms_setting = MsSetting::findOne(['store_id' => $order->store_id]);
if (!$ms_setting || $ms_setting->is_share == 0) {
return false;
$date = date('Y-m-d', $order->addtime);
$hour = date('H', $order->addtime);
$miaoshaGoods = MiaoshaGoods::find()->where([
'goods_id' => $order->goods_id,
'store_id' => $this->getCurrentStoreId(),
'open_date' => $date,
'start_time' => $hour,
'is_delete' => Model::IS_DELETE_FALSE
$msGoods = MsGoods::find()->where(['id' => $order->goods_id])->select('id,original_price')->one();
$miaoshaGoods['price'] = $msGoods->original_price;
$goodsShare = GoodsShare::find()->where(['relation_id' => $miaoshaGoods['id'], 'type' => GoodsShare::SHARE_GOODS_TYPE_MS])->asArray()->one();
$buyAttrList = \Yii::$app->serializer->decode($order['attr']);
$newList = [];
if ((int)$goodsShare['attr_setting_type'] === 1) {
$attrIdArr2 = [];
foreach ($buyAttrList as $attrListItem2) {
$attrIdArr2[] = $attrListItem2['attr_id'];
$goodsData = [
'attr' => $miaoshaGoods['attr'],
'price' => $msGoods['original_price'],
// 'is_level' => $msGoods['is_discount'],
'is_level' => $miaoshaGoods['is_level'],
$res = CommonGoods::currentGoodsAttr($goodsData, $attrIdArr2, [
'type' => 'MIAOSHA',
'original_price' => $msGoods['original_price']
$newItem = [
'individual_share' => $goodsShare['individual_share'],
'share_commission_first' => $res['share_commission_first'],
'share_commission_second' => $res['share_commission_second'],
'share_commission_third' => $res['share_commission_third'],
'share_type' => $goodsShare['share_type'],
'num' => $order->num,
'price' => doubleval($order->pay_price - $order->express_price),
} else {
$newItem = [
'individual_share' => $goodsShare['individual_share'],
'share_commission_first' => $goodsShare['share_commission_first'],
'share_commission_second' => $goodsShare['share_commission_second'],
'share_commission_third' => $goodsShare['share_commission_third'],
'share_type' => $goodsShare['share_type'],
'num' => $order->num,
'price' => doubleval($order->pay_price - $order->express_price)
array_push($newList, $newItem);
return $newList;
private function getPtOrderDetail()
/* @var $order PtOrder */
$order = $this->order;
$pt_setting = PtSetting::findOne(['store_id' => $order->store_id]);
if (!$pt_setting || $pt_setting->is_share == 0) {
return false;
// 阶梯团ID
$classGroupId = $order->class_group;
/* @var $list PtOrderDetail */
$list = PtOrderDetail::find()->where(['is_delete' => 0, 'order_id' => $order->id])->all();
$newList = [];
foreach ($list as $value) {
$share = $value->share;
// 阶梯团有不同分销佣金设置
if ($classGroupId > 0) {
$share = GoodsShare::find()->where([
'relation_id' => $classGroupId,
$buyAttrList = \Yii::$app->serializer->decode($value['attr']);
if ($share['attr_setting_type'] === 1) {
$goods = $value->goods;
$ptGoods = $value->goods;
if ($classGroupId > 0) {
$goods = PtGoodsDetail::findOne($classGroupId);
$attrIdArr2 = [];
foreach ($buyAttrList as $attrListItem2) {
$attrIdArr2[] = $attrListItem2['attr_id'];
$goodsData = [
'attr' => $goods['attr'],
'price' => $ptGoods['price'],
'is_level' => $ptGoods['is_level'],
$otherData = [
'type' => 'PINTUAN',
'single_price' => $ptGoods['original_price'],
'order_type' => $order->is_group == 0 ? 'ONLY_BUY' : ''
$res = CommonGoods::currentGoodsAttr($goodsData, $attrIdArr2, $otherData);
$newItem = [
'individual_share' => $share['individual_share'],
'share_commission_first' => $res['share_commission_first'],
'share_commission_second' => $res['share_commission_second'],
'share_commission_third' => $res['share_commission_third'],
'share_type' => $share['share_type'],
'num' => $value['num'],
'price' => doubleval($order->pay_price - $order->express_price)
} else {
$newItem = [
'individual_share' => $share['individual_share'],
'share_commission_first' => $share['share_commission_first'],
'share_commission_second' => $share['share_commission_second'],
'share_commission_third' => $share['share_commission_third'],
'share_type' => $share['share_type'],
'num' => $value['num'],
'price' => doubleval($order->pay_price - $order->express_price)
array_push($newList, $newItem);
return $newList;
private function getYyOrderDetail()
/* @var $order YyOrder */
$order = $this->order;
$yy_setting = YySetting::findOne(['store_id' => $order->store_id]);
if (!$yy_setting || $yy_setting->is_share == 0) {
return false;
$share = GoodsShare::findOne(['goods_id' => $order->goods_id, 'store_id' => $order->store_id, 'type' => GoodsShare::SHARE_GOODS_TYPE_YY]);
$yyGoods = YyGoods::findOne(['id' => $order->goods_id, 'store_id' => $order->store_id]);
$buyAttrList = \Yii::$app->serializer->decode($order['attr']);
$newList = [];
if ($share['attr_setting_type'] === 1) {
$attrIdArr2 = [];
foreach ($buyAttrList as $attrListItem2) {
$attrIdArr2[] = $attrListItem2['attr_id'];
$goodsData = [
'attr' => $yyGoods['attr'],
'price' => $yyGoods['price'],
'is_level' => $yyGoods['is_level'],
$res = CommonGoods::currentGoodsAttr($goodsData, $attrIdArr2);
$newItem = [
'individual_share' => $share['individual_share'],
'share_commission_first' => $res['share_commission_first'],
'share_commission_second' => $res['share_commission_second'],
'share_commission_third' => $res['share_commission_third'],
'share_type' => $share['share_type'],
'num' => 1,
'price' => $order->pay_price
} else {
$newItem = [
'individual_share' => $share['individual_share'],
'share_commission_first' => $share['share_commission_first'],
'share_commission_second' => $share['share_commission_second'],
'share_commission_third' => $share['share_commission_third'],
'share_type' => $share['share_type'],
'num' => 1,
'price' => $order->pay_price
array_push($newList, $newItem);
return $newList;