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* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Administrator
* Date: 2017/8/8
* Time: 18:30
namespace app\modules\mch\models;
use app\models\Option;
* @property \app\models\Setting $list;
class ShareBasicForm extends MchModel
public $list;
public $store_id;
public $level;
public $condition;
public $share_condition;
public $content;
public $pay_type;
public $bank;
public $agree;
public $min_money;
public $pic_url_1;
public $pic_url_2;
public $cash_success_tpl;
public $cash_fail_tpl;
public $apply_tpl;
public $remaining_sum;
public $cash_max_day, $auto_share_val;
public $is_rebate;
public $cash_service_charge;
public $share_good_status;
public $share_good_id;
public function rules()
return [
[['level', 'condition', 'share_condition','remaining_sum','is_rebate', 'share_good_status', 'share_good_id'], 'integer'],
[['content', 'agree', 'pic_url_1', 'pic_url_2', 'cash_success_tpl', 'cash_fail_tpl','apply_tpl'], 'trim'],
[['min_money'], 'number', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 999999],
[['min_money'], 'default', 'value' => 1],
[['pay_type'], 'required'],
[['cash_max_day', 'cash_service_charge'], 'default', 'value' => 0],
[['cash_max_day', 'cash_service_charge'], 'number', 'min' => 0],
[['auto_share_val'], 'default', 'value' => 0],
[['auto_share_val'], 'number', 'min' => 0],
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'min_money' => '最小提现金额',
'content' => '用户须知',
'agree' => '申请协议',
'pay_type' => '提现方式',
'bank' => '银行卡支付',
'cash_max_day' => '每日提现上限',
'auto_share_val' => '消费自动成为分销商',
'remaining_sum' => '余额提现',
'is_rebate' => '是否开启分销自购返利',
'cash_service_charge' => '提现手续费',
public function save()
if ($this->validate()) {
$list = $this->list;
if ($list->isNewRecord) {
$list->store_id = $this->store_id;
$list->first = 0;
$list->second = 0;
$list->third = 0;
$list->first_name = '一级';
$list->second_name = '二级';
$list->third_name = '三级';
$list->level = $this->level;
$list->condition = $this->condition;
$list->content = $this->content;
$list->share_condition = $this->share_condition;
$list->agree = $this->agree;
$list->min_money = $this->min_money;
$list->pic_url_1 = $this->pic_url_1;
$list->pic_url_2 = $this->pic_url_2;
$list->is_rebate = $this->is_rebate;
$list->share_good_status = $this->share_good_status;
$list->share_good_id = $this->share_good_id ? $this->share_good_id : 0;
$pay_type = $this->pay_type;
isset($pay_type['bank'])? $list->bank = 1:$list->bank = 0;
isset($pay_type['remaining_sum'])? $list->remaining_sum = 1:$list->remaining_sum = 0;
if (isset($pay_type['wechat']) && !isset($pay_type['alipay'])) {
$list->pay_type = 0;
if (isset($pay_type['alipay']) && !isset($pay_type['wechat'])) {
$list->pay_type = 1;
if (isset($pay_type['wechat']) && isset($pay_type['alipay'])) {
$list->pay_type = 2;
if (!isset($pay_type['wechat']) && !isset($pay_type['alipay'])) {
$list->pay_type = 3;
// TODO 不知道这两个参数是什么意思,这段代码应移到模版消息管理代码中
'name' => 'cash_max_day',
'value' => number_format($this->cash_max_day, 2, '.', ''),
'name' => 'auto_share_val',
'value' => number_format($this->auto_share_val, 2, '.', ''),
'name' => 'cash_service_charge',
'value' => number_format($this->cash_service_charge, 2, '.', ''),
], $this->store_id, 'share');
if ($list->save()) {
return [
'code' => 0,
'msg' => '成功'
} else {
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '失败',
'data' => $list->errors
} else {
return $this->errorResponse;