You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

69 lines
2.5 KiB

// test-type-and-headers.js
var recvCount = 0;
var body = "the devil is in the type, and also in the headers";
connection.addListener('ready', function () {
puts("connected to " + connection.serverProperties.product);'node-th-fanout', {type: 'fanout'}, function(exchange) {
connection.queue('node-th-queue', function(q) {
q.bind(exchange, "*");
q.on('queueBindOk', function() {
q.on('basicConsumeOk', function () {
puts("publishing message");
exchange.publish("message.text", body,
type: 'typeProperty',
stringHeader: "Hello, World",
bigIntP : 0xffffffff + 1,
bigIntN : -0xffffffff - 1,
intP : 1234,
intN : (-1234),
floatP: 1.1234,
floatN: -1.1234,
boolT: true,
boolF: false,
date: new Date(2001, 00, 01),
obj: { hello: "world" },
buf: new Buffer([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15])
q.subscribeRaw(function (m) {
puts("--- Message (" + m.deliveryTag + ", '" + m.routingKey + "') ---");
puts("--- type: " + m.type);
puts("--- headers: " + JSON.stringify(m.headers));
assert.equal('typeProperty', m.type);
assert.equal('Hello, World', m.headers.stringHeader);
assert.equal(0xffffffff + 1, m.headers.bigIntP);
assert.equal(-0xffffffff - 1, m.headers.bigIntN);
assert.equal(1234, m.headers.intP);
assert.equal(-1234, m.headers.intN);
assert.equal(1.1234, m.headers.floatP);
assert.equal(-1.1234, m.headers.floatN);
assert.equal(true, m.headers.boolT);
assert.equal(false, m.headers.boolF);
assert.equal(new Date(2001,00,01).valueOf(),;
assert.equal(JSON.stringify({hello:"world"}), JSON.stringify(m.headers.obj));
assert.equal(new Buffer([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]).toString(), m.headers.buf.toString());
setTimeout(function () {
// wait one second to receive the message, then quit
}, 1000);
process.addListener('exit', function () {
assert.equal(1, recvCount);