You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

327 lines
9.6 KiB

'use strict';
var defs = require('./defs');
var when = require('when'), defer = when.defer;
var inherits = require('util').inherits;
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var BaseChannel = require('./channel').BaseChannel;
var acceptMessage = require('./channel').acceptMessage;
var Args = require('./api_args');
function CallbackModel(connection) {
if (!(this instanceof CallbackModel))
return new CallbackModel(connection); this );
this.connection = connection;
var self = this;
['error', 'close', 'blocked', 'unblocked'].forEach(function(ev) {
connection.on(ev, self.emit.bind(self, ev));
inherits(CallbackModel, EventEmitter);
module.exports.CallbackModel = CallbackModel;
CallbackModel.prototype.close = function(cb) {
function Channel(connection) {, connection);
this.on('delivery', this.handleDelivery.bind(this));
this.on('cancel', this.handleCancel.bind(this));
inherits(Channel, BaseChannel);
module.exports.Channel = Channel;
CallbackModel.prototype.createChannel = function(cb) {
var ch = new Channel(this.connection);, ok) {
if (err === null) cb && cb(null, ch);
else cb && cb(err);
return ch;
// Wrap an RPC callback to make sure the callback is invoked with
// either `(null, value)` or `(error)`, i.e., never two non-null
// values. Also substitutes a stub if the callback is `undefined` or
// otherwise falsey, for convenience in methods for which the callback
// is optional (that is, most of them).
function callbackWrapper(ch, cb) {
return (cb) ? function(err, ok) {
if (err === null) {
cb(null, ok);
else cb(err);
} : function() {};
// This encodes straight-forward RPC: no side-effects and return the
// fields from the server response. It wraps the callback given it, so
// the calling method argument can be passed as-is. For anything that
// needs to have side-effects, or needs to change the server response,
// use `#_rpc(...)` and remember to dereference `.fields` of the
// server response.
Channel.prototype.rpc = function(method, fields, expect, cb0) {
var cb = callbackWrapper(this, cb0);
this._rpc(method, fields, expect, function(err, ok) {
cb(err, ok && ok.fields); // in case of an error, ok will be
// undefined
return this;
// === Public API === = function(cb) {
try { this.allocate(); }
catch (e) { return cb(e); }
return this.rpc(defs.ChannelOpen, {outOfBand: ""},
defs.ChannelOpenOk, cb);
Channel.prototype.close = function(cb) {
return this.closeBecause("Goodbye", defs.constants.REPLY_SUCCESS,
function() { cb && cb(null); });
Channel.prototype.assertQueue = function(queue, options, cb) {
return this.rpc(defs.QueueDeclare,
Args.assertQueue(queue, options),
defs.QueueDeclareOk, cb);
Channel.prototype.checkQueue = function(queue, cb) {
return this.rpc(defs.QueueDeclare,
defs.QueueDeclareOk, cb);
Channel.prototype.deleteQueue = function(queue, options, cb) {
return this.rpc(defs.QueueDelete,
Args.deleteQueue(queue, options),
defs.QueueDeleteOk, cb);
Channel.prototype.purgeQueue = function(queue, cb) {
return this.rpc(defs.QueuePurge,
defs.QueuePurgeOk, cb);
Channel.prototype.bindQueue =
function(queue, source, pattern, argt, cb) {
return this.rpc(defs.QueueBind,
Args.bindQueue(queue, source, pattern, argt),
defs.QueueBindOk, cb);
Channel.prototype.unbindQueue =
function(queue, source, pattern, argt, cb) {
return this.rpc(defs.QueueUnbind,
Args.unbindQueue(queue, source, pattern, argt),
defs.QueueUnbindOk, cb);
Channel.prototype.assertExchange = function(ex, type, options, cb0) {
var cb = callbackWrapper(this, cb0);
Args.assertExchange(ex, type, options),
function(e, _) { cb(e, {exchange: ex}); });
return this;
Channel.prototype.checkExchange = function(exchange, cb) {
return this.rpc(defs.ExchangeDeclare,
defs.ExchangeDeclareOk, cb);
Channel.prototype.deleteExchange = function(exchange, options, cb) {
return this.rpc(defs.ExchangeDelete,
Args.deleteExchange(exchange, options),
defs.ExchangeDeleteOk, cb);
Channel.prototype.bindExchange =
function(dest, source, pattern, argt, cb) {
return this.rpc(defs.ExchangeBind,
Args.bindExchange(dest, source, pattern, argt),
defs.ExchangeBindOk, cb);
Channel.prototype.unbindExchange =
function(dest, source, pattern, argt, cb) {
return this.rpc(defs.ExchangeUnbind,
Args.unbindExchange(dest, source, pattern, argt),
defs.ExchangeUnbindOk, cb);
Channel.prototype.publish =
function(exchange, routingKey, content, options) {
var fieldsAndProps = Args.publish(exchange, routingKey, options);
return this.sendMessage(fieldsAndProps, fieldsAndProps, content);
Channel.prototype.sendToQueue = function(queue, content, options) {
return this.publish('', queue, content, options);
Channel.prototype.consume = function(queue, callback, options, cb0) {
var cb = callbackWrapper(this, cb0);
var fields = Args.consume(queue, options);
var self = this;
defs.BasicConsume, fields, defs.BasicConsumeOk,
function(err, ok) {
if (err === null) {
self.registerConsumer(ok.fields.consumerTag, callback);
cb(null, ok.fields);
else cb(err);
return this;
Channel.prototype.cancel = function(consumerTag, cb0) {
var cb = callbackWrapper(this, cb0);
var self = this;
defs.BasicCancel, Args.cancel(consumerTag), defs.BasicCancelOk,
function(err, ok) {
if (err === null) {
cb(null, ok.fields);
else cb(err);
return this;
Channel.prototype.get = function(queue, options, cb0) {
var self = this;
var fields = Args.get(queue, options);
var cb = callbackWrapper(this, cb0);
this.sendOrEnqueue(defs.BasicGet, fields, function(err, f) {
if (err === null) {
if ( === defs.BasicGetEmpty) {
cb(null, false);
else if ( = defs.BasicGetOk) {
self.handleMessage = acceptMessage(function(m) {
m.fields = f.fields;
cb(null, m);
else {
cb(new Error("Unexpected response to BasicGet: " +
return this;
Channel.prototype.ack = function(message, allUpTo) {
defs.BasicAck, Args.ack(message.fields.deliveryTag, allUpTo));
return this;
Channel.prototype.ackAll = function() {
this.sendImmediately(defs.BasicAck, Args.ack(0, true));
return this;
Channel.prototype.nack = function(message, allUpTo, requeue) {
Args.nack(message.fields.deliveryTag, allUpTo, requeue));
return this;
Channel.prototype.nackAll = function(requeue) {
defs.BasicNack, Args.nack(0, true, requeue))
return this;
Channel.prototype.reject = function(message, requeue) {
Args.reject(message.fields.deliveryTag, requeue));
return this;
Channel.prototype.prefetch = function(count, global, cb) {
return this.rpc(defs.BasicQos,
Args.prefetch(count, global),
defs.BasicQosOk, cb);
Channel.prototype.recover = function(cb) {
return this.rpc(defs.BasicRecover,
defs.BasicRecoverOk, cb);
function ConfirmChannel(connection) {, connection);
inherits(ConfirmChannel, Channel);
module.exports.ConfirmChannel = ConfirmChannel;
CallbackModel.prototype.createConfirmChannel = function(cb) {
var ch = new ConfirmChannel(this.connection); {
if (err !== null) return cb && cb(err);
else {
ch.rpc(defs.ConfirmSelect, {nowait: false},
defs.ConfirmSelectOk, function(err, _ok) {
if (err !== null) return cb && cb(err);
else cb && cb(null, ch);
return ch;
ConfirmChannel.prototype.publish = function(exchange, routingKey,
content, options, cb) {
this, exchange, routingKey, content, options);
ConfirmChannel.prototype.sendToQueue = function(queue, content,
options, cb) {
return this.publish('', queue, content, options, cb);
ConfirmChannel.prototype.waitForConfirms = function(k) {
var awaiting = [];
var unconfirmed = this.unconfirmed;
unconfirmed.forEach(function(val, index) {
if (val === null); // already confirmed
else {
var confirmed = defer();
unconfirmed[index] = function(err) {
if (val) val(err);
if (err === null) confirmed.resolve();
else confirmed.reject(err);
return when.all(awaiting).then(function() { k(); },
function(err) { k(err); });