You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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This is type definition for typescript.
This is for library users. Thus, properties and methods for internal use is omitted.
export declare class Validator {
customFormats: {[formatName: string]: CustomFormat};
schemas: {[id: string]: Schema};
unresolvedRefs: string[];
attributes: {[property: string]: CustomProperty};
addSchema(schema?: Schema, uri?: string): Schema|void;
validate(instance: any, schema: Schema, options?: Options, ctx?: SchemaContext): ValidatorResult;
export declare class ValidatorResult {
constructor(instance: any, schema: Schema, options: Options, ctx: SchemaContext)
instance: any;
schema: Schema;
propertyPath: string;
errors: ValidationError[];
throwError: boolean;
disableFormat: boolean;
valid: boolean;
addError(detail: string|ErrorDetail): ValidationError;
toString(): string;
export declare class ValidationError {
constructor(message?: string, instance?: any, schema?: Schema, propertyPath?: any, name?: string, argument?: any);
property: string;
message: string;
schema: string|Schema;
instance: any;
name: string;
argument: any;
toString(): string;
export declare class SchemaError extends Error{
constructor(msg: string, schema: Schema);
schema: Schema;
message: string;
export declare function validate(instance: any, schema: any, options?: Options): ValidatorResult
export interface Schema {
id?: string
$schema?: string
$ref?: string
title?: string
description?: string
multipleOf?: number
maximum?: number
exclusiveMaximum?: boolean
minimum?: number
exclusiveMinimum?: boolean
maxLength?: number
minLength?: number
pattern?: string
additionalItems?: boolean | Schema
items?: Schema | Schema[]
maxItems?: number
minItems?: number
uniqueItems?: boolean
maxProperties?: number
minProperties?: number
required?: string[]
additionalProperties?: boolean | Schema
definitions?: {
[name: string]: Schema
properties?: {
[name: string]: Schema
patternProperties?: {
[name: string]: Schema
dependencies?: {
[name: string]: Schema | string[]
'enum'?: any[]
type?: string | string[]
format?: string
allOf?: Schema[]
anyOf?: Schema[]
oneOf?: Schema[]
not?: Schema
export interface Options {
skipAttributes?: string[];
allowUnknownAttributes?: boolean;
rewrite?: RewriteFunction;
propertyName?: string;
base?: string;
throwError?: boolean;
export interface RewriteFunction {
(instance: any, schema: Schema, options: Options, ctx: SchemaContext): any;
export interface SchemaContext {
schema: Schema;
options: Options;
propertyPath: string;
base: string;
schemas: {[base: string]: Schema};
export interface CustomFormat {
(input: any): boolean;
export interface CustomProperty {
(instance: any, schema: Schema, options: Options, ctx: SchemaContext): string|ValidatorResult;
export interface ErrorDetail {
message: string;
name: string;
argument: string;