You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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var urilib = require('url');
var helpers = require('./helpers');
module.exports.SchemaScanResult = SchemaScanResult;
function SchemaScanResult(found, ref){ = found;
this.ref = ref;
* Adds a schema with a certain urn to the Validator instance.
* @param string uri
* @param object schema
* @return {Object}
module.exports.scan = function scan(base, schema){
function scanSchema(baseuri, schema){
if(!schema || typeof schema!='object') return;
// Mark all referenced schemas so we can tell later which schemas are referred to, but never defined
var resolvedUri = urilib.resolve(baseuri, schema.$ref);
ref[resolvedUri] = ref[resolvedUri] ? ref[resolvedUri]+1 : 0;
var ourBase = ? urilib.resolve(baseuri, : baseuri;
if (ourBase) {
// If there's no fragment, append an empty one
if(ourBase.indexOf('#')<0) ourBase += '#';
if(!helpers.deepCompareStrict(found[ourBase], schema)){
throw new Error('Schema <'+schema+'> already exists with different definition');
return found[ourBase];
found[ourBase] = schema;
// strip trailing fragment
found[ourBase.substring(0, ourBase.length-1)] = schema;
scanArray(ourBase+'/items', ((schema.items instanceof Array)?schema.items:[schema.items]));
scanArray(ourBase+'/extends', ((schema.extends instanceof Array)?schema.extends:[schema.extends]));
scanSchema(ourBase+'/additionalItems', schema.additionalItems);
scanSchema(ourBase+'/additionalProperties', schema.additionalProperties);
scanObject(ourBase+'/definitions', schema.definitions);
scanObject(ourBase+'/patternProperties', schema.patternProperties);
scanObject(ourBase+'/dependencies', schema.dependencies);
scanArray(ourBase+'/disallow', schema.disallow);
scanArray(ourBase+'/allOf', schema.allOf);
scanArray(ourBase+'/anyOf', schema.anyOf);
scanArray(ourBase+'/oneOf', schema.oneOf);
scanSchema(ourBase+'/not', schema.not);
function scanArray(baseuri, schemas){
if(!(schemas instanceof Array)) return;
for(var i=0; i<schemas.length; i++){
scanSchema(baseuri+'/'+i, schemas[i]);
function scanObject(baseuri, schemas){
if(!schemas || typeof schemas!='object') return;
for(var p in schemas){
scanSchema(baseuri+'/'+p, schemas[p]);
var found = {};
var ref = {};
var schemaUri = base;
scanSchema(base, schema);
return new SchemaScanResult(found, ref);