You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

69 lines
2.9 KiB

* 文章归档
* @package custom
if (!defined('__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__')) exit;
<!-- aside -->
$stat = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Stat');
<!-- / aside -->
<!-- <div id="content" class="app-content"> -->
<a class="off-screen-toggle hide"></a>
<main class="app-content-body <?php echo Content::returnPageAnimateClass($this); ?>">
<header class="bg-light lter b-b wrapper-md">
<h1 class="entry-title m-n font-thin h3 text-black l-h">文章归档</h1>
<small class="text-muted letterspacing indexWords"><?php echo sprintf(_mt("好! 目前共计 %d 篇日志。 继续努力。"),$stat->publishedPostsNum); ?></small>
<div class="wrapper">
<ul class="timeline">
Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Contents_Post_Recent', 'pageSize='.$stat->publishedPostsNum)->to($archives);
$color = array("light","info","dark","success","black","warning","primary","danger");
$year=0; $mon=0; $i=0; $j=0;
$output = '';
$num = 0;
$year_tmp = date('Y',$archives->created);
$mon_tmp = date('m',$archives->created);
$y=$year; $m=$mon;
if ($year > $year_tmp || $mon > $mon_tmp) {
$output .= '';
if ($year != $year_tmp || $mon != $mon_tmp) {
if ($x != 0){
$output .= '</div>';//.tl-body
$year = $year_tmp;
$mon = $mon_tmp;
if($x>=8) $x=1;
$colorsec = $color[$x];
$output .= '<li
class="tl-header"><h2 class="btn btn-sm btn-'.$colorsec.' btn-rounded m-t-none">'.date('Y年m月',$archives->created).'</h2></li><div
class="tl-body" >';//输出月份
$output .= '<li class="tl-item"><div class="tl-wrap b-'.$colorsec.'"><span class="tl-date">'.date('d日',$archives->created).'</span><h3 class="tl-content panel padder h5 l-h bg-'.$colorsec.'"><span class="arrow arrow-'
.$colorsec.' left pull-up" aria-hidden="true"></span><a href="'.$archives->permalink .'" class="text-lt">'. $archives->title .'</a></h3></div></li>'; //输出文章
echo $output;
<li class="tl-header">
<div class="btn btn-sm btn-default btn-rounded">开始</div></li>
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<?php $this->need('component/footer.php'); ?>
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