You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

999 lines
30 KiB

if (!defined('__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__')) exit;
* Typecho Blog Platform
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Typecho team (
* @license GNU General Public License 2.0
* @version $Id$
* 内容基类
* @package Widget
class Widget_Abstract_Contents extends Widget_Abstract
* 将tags取出
* @access protected
* @return array
protected function ___tags()
return $this->db->fetchAll($this->db
->join('table.relationships', 'table.relationships.mid = table.metas.mid')
->where('table.relationships.cid = ?', $this->cid)
->where('table.metas.type = ?', 'tag'), array($this->widget('Widget_Abstract_Metas'), 'filter'));
* 文章作者
* @access protected
* @return Typecho_Config
protected function ___author()
return $this->widget('Widget_Users_Author@' . $this->cid, array('uid' => $this->authorId));
* 获取词义化日期
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function ___dateWord()
return $this->date->word();
* 获取父id
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function ___parentId()
return $this->row['parent'];
* 对文章的简短纯文本描述
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function ___description()
$plainTxt = str_replace("\n", '', trim(strip_tags($this->excerpt)));
$plainTxt = $plainTxt ? $plainTxt : $this->title;
return Typecho_Common::subStr($plainTxt, 0, 100, '...');
* ___fields
* @access protected
* @return Typecho_Config
protected function ___fields()
$fields = array();
$rows = $this->db->fetchAll($this->db->select()->from('table.fields')
->where('cid = ?', $this->cid));
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$fields[$row['name']] = $row[$row['type'] . '_value'];
return new Typecho_Config($fields);
* 获取文章内容摘要
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function ___excerpt()
if ($this->hidden) {
return $this->text;
$content = $this->pluginHandle(__CLASS__)->trigger($plugged)->excerpt($this->text, $this);
if (!$plugged) {
$content = $this->isMarkdown ? $this->markdown($content)
: $this->autoP($content);
$contents = explode('<!--more-->', $content);
list($excerpt) = $contents;
return Typecho_Common::fixHtml($this->pluginHandle(__CLASS__)->excerptEx($excerpt, $this));
* 获取文章内容
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function ___content()
if ($this->hidden) {
return $this->text;
$content = $this->pluginHandle(__CLASS__)->trigger($plugged)->content($this->text, $this);
if (!$plugged) {
$content = $this->isMarkdown ? $this->markdown($content)
: $this->autoP($content);
return $this->pluginHandle(__CLASS__)->contentEx($content, $this);
* 输出文章的第一行作为摘要
* @return string
protected function ___summary()
$content = $this->content;
$parts = preg_split("/(<\/\s*(?:p|blockquote|q|pre|table)\s*>)/i", $content, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
if (!empty($parts)) {
$content = $parts[0] . $parts[1];
return $content;
* 锚点id
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function ___theId()
return $this->type . '-' . $this->cid;
* 回复框id
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function ___respondId()
return 'respond-' . $this->theId;
* 评论地址
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function ___commentUrl()
/** 生成反馈地址 */
/** 评论 */
return Typecho_Router::url('feedback',
array('type' => 'comment', 'permalink' => $this->pathinfo), $this->options->index);
* trackback地址
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function ___trackbackUrl()
return Typecho_Router::url('feedback',
array('type' => 'trackback', 'permalink' => $this->pathinfo), $this->options->index);
* 回复地址
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function ___responseUrl()
return $this->permalink . '#' . $this->respondId;
* 获取页面偏移
* @access protected
* @param string $column 字段名
* @param integer $offset 偏移值
* @param string $type 类型
* @param string $status 状态值
* @param integer $authorId 作者
* @param integer $pageSize 分页值
* @return integer
protected function getPageOffset($column, $offset, $type, $status = NULL, $authorId = 0, $pageSize = 20)
$select = $this->db->select(array('COUNT(table.contents.cid)' => 'num'))->from('table.contents')
->where("table.contents.{$column} > {$offset}")
->where("table.contents.type = ?", $type);
if (!empty($status)) {
$select->where("table.contents.status = ?", $status);
if ($authorId > 0) {
$select->where('table.contents.authorId = ?', $authorId);
$count = $this->db->fetchObject($select)->num + 1;
return ceil($count / $pageSize);
* 获取查询对象
* @access public
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function select()
return $this->db->select('table.contents.cid', 'table.contents.title', 'table.contents.slug', 'table.contents.created', 'table.contents.authorId',
'table.contents.modified', 'table.contents.type', 'table.contents.status', 'table.contents.text', 'table.contents.commentsNum', 'table.contents.order',
'table.contents.template', 'table.contents.password', 'table.contents.allowComment', 'table.contents.allowPing', 'table.contents.allowFeed',
* 插入内容
* @access public
* @param array $content 内容数组
* @return integer
public function insert(array $content)
/** 构建插入结构 */
$insertStruct = array(
'title' => empty($content['title']) ? NULL : htmlspecialchars($content['title']),
'created' => empty($content['created']) ? $this->options->time : $content['created'],
'modified' => $this->options->time,
'text' => empty($content['text']) ? NULL : $content['text'],
'order' => empty($content['order']) ? 0 : intval($content['order']),
'authorId' => isset($content['authorId']) ? $content['authorId'] : $this->user->uid,
'template' => empty($content['template']) ? NULL : $content['template'],
'type' => empty($content['type']) ? 'post' : $content['type'],
'status' => empty($content['status']) ? 'publish' : $content['status'],
'password' => empty($content['password']) ? NULL : $content['password'],
'commentsNum' => empty($content['commentsNum']) ? 0 : $content['commentsNum'],
'allowComment' => !empty($content['allowComment']) && 1 == $content['allowComment'] ? 1 : 0,
'allowPing' => !empty($content['allowPing']) && 1 == $content['allowPing'] ? 1 : 0,
'allowFeed' => !empty($content['allowFeed']) && 1 == $content['allowFeed'] ? 1 : 0,
'parent' => empty($content['parent']) ? 0 : intval($content['parent'])
if (!empty($content['cid'])) {
$insertStruct['cid'] = $content['cid'];
/** 首先插入部分数据 */
$insertId = $this->db->query($this->db->insert('table.contents')->rows($insertStruct));
/** 更新缩略名 */
if ($insertId > 0) {
$this->applySlug(empty($content['slug']) ? NULL : $content['slug'], $insertId);
return $insertId;
* 更新内容
* @access public
* @param array $content 内容数组
* @param Typecho_Db_Query $condition 更新条件
* @return integer
public function update(array $content, Typecho_Db_Query $condition)
/** 首先验证写入权限 */
if (!$this->isWriteable(clone $condition)) {
return false;
/** 构建更新结构 */
$preUpdateStruct = array(
'title' => empty($content['title']) ? NULL : htmlspecialchars($content['title']),
'order' => empty($content['order']) ? 0 : intval($content['order']),
'text' => empty($content['text']) ? NULL : $content['text'],
'template' => empty($content['template']) ? NULL : $content['template'],
'type' => empty($content['type']) ? 'post' : $content['type'],
'status' => empty($content['status']) ? 'publish' : $content['status'],
'password' => empty($content['password']) ? NULL : $content['password'],
'allowComment' => !empty($content['allowComment']) && 1 == $content['allowComment'] ? 1 : 0,
'allowPing' => !empty($content['allowPing']) && 1 == $content['allowPing'] ? 1 : 0,
'allowFeed' => !empty($content['allowFeed']) && 1 == $content['allowFeed'] ? 1 : 0,
'parent' => empty($content['parent']) ? 0 : intval($content['parent'])
$updateStruct = array();
foreach ($content as $key => $val) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $preUpdateStruct)) {
$updateStruct[$key] = $preUpdateStruct[$key];
/** 更新创建时间 */
if (!empty($content['created'])) {
$updateStruct['created'] = $content['created'];
$updateStruct['modified'] = $this->options->time;
/** 首先插入部分数据 */
$updateCondition = clone $condition;
$updateRows = $this->db->query($condition->update('table.contents')->rows($updateStruct));
/** 更新缩略名 */
if ($updateRows > 0 && isset($content['slug'])) {
$this->applySlug(empty($content['slug']) ? NULL : $content['slug'], $updateCondition);
return $updateRows;
* 删除内容
* @access public
* @param Typecho_Db_Query $condition 查询对象
* @return integer
public function delete(Typecho_Db_Query $condition)
return $this->db->query($condition->delete('table.contents'));
* 为内容应用缩略名
* @access public
* @param string $slug 缩略名
* @param mixed $cid 内容id
* @return string
public function applySlug($slug, $cid)
if ($cid instanceof Typecho_Db_Query) {
$cid = $this->db->fetchObject($cid->select('cid')
/** 生成一个非空的缩略名 */
$slug = Typecho_Common::slugName($slug, $cid);
$result = $slug;
/** 对草稿的slug做特殊处理 */
$draft = $this->db->fetchObject($this->db->select('type', 'parent')
->from('table.contents')->where('cid = ?', $cid));
if ('_draft' == substr($draft->type, -6) && $draft->parent) {
$result = '@' . $result;
/** 判断是否在数据库中已经存在 */
$count = 1;
while ($this->db->fetchObject($this->db->select(array('COUNT(cid)' => 'num'))
->from('table.contents')->where('slug = ? AND cid <> ?', $result, $cid))->num > 0) {
$result = $slug . '-' . $count;
$count ++;
$this->db->query($this->db->update('table.contents')->rows(array('slug' => $result))
->where('cid = ?', $cid));
return $result;
* 删除自定义字段
* @param integer $cid
* @access public
* @return integer
public function deleteFields($cid)
return $this->db->query($this->db->delete('table.fields')
->where('cid = ?', $cid));
* 检查字段名是否符合要求
* @param string $name
* @access public
* @return boolean
public function checkFieldName($name)
return preg_match("/^[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*$/i", $name);
* 保存自定义字段
* @param array $fields
* @param mixed $cid
* @access public
* @return void
public function applyFields(array $fields, $cid)
$exists = array_flip(Typecho_Common::arrayFlatten($this->db->fetchAll($this->db->select('name')
->from('table.fields')->where('cid = ?', $cid)), 'name'));
foreach ($fields as $name => $value) {
$type = 'str';
if (is_array($value) && 2 == count($value)) {
$type = $value[0];
$value = $value[1];
} else if (strpos($name, ':') > 0) {
list ($type, $name) = explode(':', $name, 2);
if (!$this->checkFieldName($name)) {
$isFieldReadOnly = $this->pluginHandle(__CLASS__)->trigger($plugged)->isFieldReadOnly($name);
if ($plugged && $isFieldReadOnly) {
if (isset($exists[$name])) {
$this->setField($name, $type, $value, $cid);
foreach ($exists as $name => $value) {
->where('cid = ? AND name = ?', $cid, $name));
* 设置单个字段
* @param string $name
* @param string $type
* @param string $value
* @param integer $cid
* @access public
* @return integer
public function setField($name, $type, $value, $cid)
if (empty($name) || !$this->checkFieldName($name)
|| !in_array($type, array('str', 'int', 'float'))) {
return false;
$exist = $this->db->fetchRow($this->db->select('cid')->from('table.fields')
->where('cid = ? AND name = ?', $cid, $name));
if (empty($exist)) {
return $this->db->query($this->db->insert('table.fields')
'cid' => $cid,
'name' => $name,
'type' => $type,
'str_value' => 'str' == $type ? $value : NULL,
'int_value' => 'int' == $type ? intval($value) : 0,
'float_value' => 'float' == $type ? floatval($value) : 0
} else {
return $this->db->query($this->db->update('table.fields')
'type' => $type,
'str_value' => 'str' == $type ? $value : NULL,
'int_value' => 'int' == $type ? intval($value) : 0,
'float_value' => 'float' == $type ? floatval($value) : 0
->where('cid = ? AND name = ?', $cid, $name));
* 自增一个整形字段
* @param string $name
* @param integer $value
* @param integer $cid
* @access public
* @return integer
public function incrIntField($name, $value, $cid)
if (!$this->checkFieldName($name)) {
return false;
$exist = $this->db->fetchRow($this->db->select('type')->from('table.fields')
->where('cid = ? AND name = ?', $cid, $name));
$value = intval($value);
if (empty($exist)) {
return $this->db->query($this->db->insert('table.fields')
'cid' => $cid,
'name' => $name,
'type' => 'int',
'str_value' => NULL,
'int_value' => $value,
'float_value' => 0
} else {
$struct = array(
'str_value' => NULL,
'float_value' => NULL
if ('int' != $exist['type']) {
$struct['type'] = 'int';
return $this->db->query($this->db->update('table.fields')
->expression('int_value', 'int_value ' . ($value >= 0 ? '+' : '') . $value)
->where('cid = ? AND name = ?', $cid, $name));
* 内容是否可以被修改
* @access public
* @param Typecho_Db_Query $condition 条件
* @return mixed
public function isWriteable(Typecho_Db_Query $condition)
$post = $this->db->fetchRow($condition->select('authorId')->from('table.contents')->limit(1));
return $post && ($this->user->pass('editor', true) || $post['authorId'] == $this->user->uid);
* 按照条件计算内容数量
* @access public
* @param Typecho_Db_Query $condition 查询对象
* @return integer
public function size(Typecho_Db_Query $condition)
return $this->db->fetchObject($condition
->select(array('COUNT(DISTINCT table.contents.cid)' => 'num'))
* 获取当前所有自定义模板
* @access public
* @return array
public function getTemplates()
$files = glob($this->options->themeFile($this->options->theme, '*.php'));
$result = array();
foreach ($files as $file) {
$info = Typecho_Plugin::parseInfo($file);
$file = basename($file);
if ('index.php' != $file && 'custom' == $info['title']) {
$result[$file] = $info['description'];
return $result;
* 通用过滤器
* @access public
* @param array $value 需要过滤的行数据
* @return array
* @throws Typecho_Widget_Exception
public function filter(array $value)
/** 取出所有分类 */
$value['categories'] = $this->db->fetchAll($this->db
->join('table.relationships', 'table.relationships.mid = table.metas.mid')
->where('table.relationships.cid = ?', $value['cid'])
->where('table.metas.type = ?', 'category')
->order('table.metas.order', Typecho_Db::SORT_ASC), array($this->widget('Widget_Metas_Category_List'), 'filter'));
$value['category'] = NULL;
$value['directory'] = array();
/** 取出第一个分类作为slug条件 */
if (!empty($value['categories'])) {
$value['category'] = $value['categories'][0]['slug'];
$value['directory'] = $this->widget('Widget_Metas_Category_List')->getAllParentsSlug($value['categories'][0]['mid']);
$value['directory'][] = $value['category'];
$value['date'] = new Typecho_Date($value['created']);
/** 生成日期 */
$value['year'] = $value['date']->year;
$value['month'] = $value['date']->month;
$value['day'] = $value['date']->day;
/** 生成访问权限 */
$value['hidden'] = false;
/** 获取路由类型并判断此类型在路由表中是否存在 */
$type = $value['type'];
$routeExists = (NULL != Typecho_Router::get($type));
$tmpSlug = $value['slug'];
$tmpCategory = $value['category'];
$tmpDirectory = $value['directory'];
$value['slug'] = urlencode($value['slug']);
$value['category'] = urlencode($value['category']);
$value['directory'] = implode('/', array_map('urlencode', $value['directory']));
/** 生成静态路径 */
$value['pathinfo'] = $routeExists ? Typecho_Router::url($type, $value) : '#';
/** 生成静态链接 */
$value['permalink'] = Typecho_Common::url($value['pathinfo'], $this->options->index);
/** 处理附件 */
if ('attachment' == $type) {
$content = @unserialize($value['text']);
$value['attachment'] = new Typecho_Config($content);
$value['attachment']->isImage = in_array($content['type'], array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'tiff', 'bmp'));
$value['attachment']->url = Widget_Upload::attachmentHandle($value);
if ($value['attachment']->isImage) {
$value['text'] = '<img src="' . $value['attachment']->url . '" alt="' .
$value['title'] . '" />';
} else {
$value['text'] = '<a href="' . $value['attachment']->url . '" title="' .
$value['title'] . '">' . $value['title'] . '</a>';
/** 处理Markdown **/
if (isset($value['text'])) {
$value['isMarkdown'] = (0 === strpos($value['text'], '<!--markdown-->'));
if ($value['isMarkdown']) {
$value['text'] = substr($value['text'], 15);
/** 生成聚合链接 */
/** RSS 2.0 */
$value['feedUrl'] = $routeExists ? Typecho_Router::url($type, $value, $this->options->feedUrl) : '#';
/** RSS 1.0 */
$value['feedRssUrl'] = $routeExists ? Typecho_Router::url($type, $value, $this->options->feedRssUrl) : '#';
/** ATOM 1.0 */
$value['feedAtomUrl'] = $routeExists ? Typecho_Router::url($type, $value, $this->options->feedAtomUrl) : '#';
$value['slug'] = $tmpSlug;
$value['category'] = $tmpCategory;
$value['directory'] = $tmpDirectory;
/** 处理密码保护流程 */
if (!empty($value['password']) &&
$value['password'] !== Typecho_Cookie::get('protectPassword') &&
$value['authorId'] != $this->user->uid &&
!$this->user->pass('editor', true)) {
$value['hidden'] = true;
/** 抛出错误 */
if ($this->request->isPost() && isset($this->request->protectPassword)) {
throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('对不起,您输入的密码错误'), 403);
$value = $this->pluginHandle(__CLASS__)->filter($value, $this);
/** 如果访问权限被禁止 */
if ($value['hidden']) {
$value['text'] = '<form class="protected" action="' . $this->security->getTokenUrl($value['permalink'])
. '" method="post">' .
'<p class="word">' . _t('请输入密码访问') . '</p>' .
'<p><input type="password" class="text" name="protectPassword" />
<input type="submit" class="submit" value="' . _t('提交') . '" /></p>' .
$value['title'] = _t('此内容被密码保护');
$value['tags'] = array();
$value['commentsNum'] = 0;
return $value;
* 将每行的值压入堆栈
* @access public
* @param array $value 每行的值
* @return array
public function push(array $value)
$value = $this->filter($value);
return parent::push($value);
* 输出文章发布日期
* @access public
* @param string $format 日期格式
public function date($format = NULL)
echo $this->date->format(empty($format) ? $this->options->postDateFormat : $format);
* 输出文章内容
* @access public
* @param mixed $more 文章截取后缀
public function content($more = false)
echo false !== $more && false !== strpos($this->text, '<!--more-->') ?
$this->excerpt . "<p class=\"more\"><a href=\"{$this->permalink}\" title=\"{$this->title}\">{$more}</a></p>" : $this->content;
* 输出文章摘要
* @access public
* @param integer $length 摘要截取长度
* @param string $trim 摘要后缀
public function excerpt($length = 100, $trim = '...')
echo Typecho_Common::subStr(strip_tags($this->excerpt), 0, $length, $trim);
* 输出标题
* @access public
* @param integer $length 标题截取长度
* @param string $trim 截取后缀
public function title($length = 0, $trim = '...')
$title = $this->pluginHandle()->trigger($plugged)->title($this->title, $this);
if (!$plugged) {
echo $length > 0 ? Typecho_Common::subStr($this->title, 0, $length, $trim) : $this->title;
} else {
echo $title;
* 输出文章评论数
* @access public
public function commentsNum()
$args = func_get_args();
if (!$args) {
$args[] = '%d';
$num = intval($this->commentsNum);
echo sprintf(isset($args[$num]) ? $args[$num] : array_pop($args), $num);
* 获取文章权限
* @access public
public function allow()
$permissions = func_get_args();
$allow = true;
foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
$permission = strtolower($permission);
if ('edit' == $permission) {
$allow &= ($this->user->pass('editor', true) || $this->authorId == $this->user->uid);
} else {
/** 对自动关闭反馈功能的支持 */
if (('ping' == $permission || 'comment' == $permission) && $this->options->commentsPostTimeout > 0 &&
$this->options->commentsAutoClose) {
if ($this->options->time - $this->created > $this->options->commentsPostTimeout) {
return false;
$allow &= ($this->row['allow' . ucfirst($permission)] == 1) and !$this->hidden;
return $allow;
* 输出文章分类
* @access public
* @param string $split 多个分类之间分隔符
* @param boolean $link 是否输出链接
* @param string $default 如果没有则输出
* @return void
public function category($split = ',', $link = true, $default = NULL)
$categories = $this->categories;
if ($categories) {
$result = array();
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$result[] = $link ? '<a href="' . $category['permalink'] . '">'
. $category['name'] . '</a>' : $category['name'];
echo implode($split, $result);
} else {
echo $default;
* 输出文章多级分类
* @access public
* @param string $split 多个分类之间分隔符
* @param boolean $link 是否输出链接
* @param string $default 如果没有则输出
* @return void
public function directory($split = '/', $link = true, $default = NULL)
$category = $this->categories[0];
$directory = $this->widget('Widget_Metas_Category_List')->getAllParents($category['mid']);
$directory[] = $category;
if ($directory) {
$result = array();
foreach ($directory as $category) {
$result[] = $link ? '<a href="' . $category['permalink'] . '">'
. $category['name'] . '</a>' : $category['name'];
echo implode($split, $result);
} else {
echo $default;
* 输出文章标签
* @access public
* @param string $split 多个标签之间分隔符
* @param boolean $link 是否输出链接
* @param string $default 如果没有则输出
* @return void
public function tags($split = ',', $link = true, $default = NULL)
/** 取出tags */
if ($this->tags) {
$result = array();
foreach ($this->tags as $tag) {
$result[] = $link ? '<a href="' . $tag['permalink'] . '">'
. $tag['name'] . '</a>' : $tag['name'];
echo implode($split, $result);
} else {
echo $default;
* 输出当前作者
* @access public
* @param string $item 需要输出的项目
* @return void
public function author($item = 'screenName')
echo $this->author->{$item};
* autoP
* @param mixed $text
* @access public
* @return string
public function autoP($text)
$html = $this->pluginHandle(__CLASS__)->trigger($parsed)->autoP($text);
if (!$parsed) {
static $parser;
if (empty($parser)) {
$parser = new AutoP();
$html = $parser->parse($text);
return $html;
* markdown
* @param mixed $text
* @access public
* @return string
public function markdown($text)
$html = $this->pluginHandle(__CLASS__)->trigger($parsed)->markdown($text);
if (!$parsed) {
$html = Markdown::convert($text);
return $html;