You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

250 lines
7.0 KiB

* Nextcloud - Gallery
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later. See the COPYING file.
* @author Olivier Paroz <>
* @copyright Olivier Paroz 2017
namespace OCA\Gallery\Config;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException;
use OCP\Files\Folder;
use OCP\Files\File;
* Parses configuration files
* @package OCA\Gallery\Config
class ConfigParser {
/** @var ConfigValidator */
private $configValidator;
* Constructor
public function __construct() {
$this->configValidator = new ConfigValidator();
* Returns a parsed global configuration if one was found in the root folder
* @param Folder $folder the current folder
* @param string $configName name of the configuration file
* @return null|array
public function getFeaturesList($folder, $configName) {
$featuresList = [];
$parsedConfig = $this->parseConfig($folder, $configName);
$key = 'features';
if (array_key_exists($key, $parsedConfig)) {
$featuresList = $this->parseFeatures($parsedConfig[$key]);
return $featuresList;
* Returns a parsed configuration if one was found in the current folder
* @param Folder $folder the current folder
* @param string $configName name of the configuration file
* @param array $currentConfig the configuration collected so far
* @param array <string,bool> $completionStatus determines if we already have all we need for a
* config sub-section
* @param int $level the starting level is 0 and we add 1 each time we visit a parent folder
* @return array <null|array,array<string,bool>>
* @throws ConfigException
public function getFolderConfig($folder, $configName, $currentConfig, $completionStatus, $level
) {
$parsedConfig = $this->parseConfig($folder, $configName);
list($config, $completionStatus) =
$this->buildAlbumConfig($currentConfig, $parsedConfig, $completionStatus, $level);
return [$config, $completionStatus];
* Returns a parsed configuration
* @param Folder $folder the current folder
* @param string $configName
* @return array
* @throws ConfigException
private function parseConfig($folder, $configName) {
try {
/** @var File $configFile */
$configFile = $folder->get($configName);
$rawConfig = $configFile->getContent();
$saneConfig = $this->bomFixer($rawConfig);
$yaml = new Parser();
$parsedConfig = $yaml->parse($saneConfig);
//\OC::$server->getLogger()->debug("rawConfig : {path}", ['path' => $rawConfig]);
return $parsedConfig;
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
$errorMessage = "Problem while reading or parsing the configuration file";
throw new ConfigException($errorMessage);
* Returns only the features which have been enabled
* @param array <string,string> $featuresList the list of features collected from the
* configuration file
* @return array
private function parseFeatures($featuresList) {
$parsedFeatures = $featuresList;
if (!empty($parsedFeatures)) {
$parsedFeatures = array_keys($featuresList, 'yes');
return $parsedFeatures;
* Removes the BOM from a file
* @param string $file
* @return string
private function bomFixer($file) {
$bom = pack("CCC", 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf);
if (strncmp($file, $bom, 3) === 0) {
$file = substr($file, 3);
return $file;
* Returns either the local config or one merged with a config containing sorting information
* @param array $currentConfig the configuration collected so far
* @param array $parsedConfig the configuration collected in the current folder
* @param array <string,bool> $completionStatus determines if we already have all we need for a
* config sub-section
* @param int $level the starting level is 0 and we add 1 each time we visit a parent folder
* @return array <null|array,array<string,bool>>
private function buildAlbumConfig($currentConfig, $parsedConfig, $completionStatus, $level) {
foreach ($completionStatus as $key => $complete) {
if (!$this->isConfigItemComplete($key, $parsedConfig, $complete)) {
$parsedConfigItem = $parsedConfig[$key];
if ($this->isConfigUsable($key, $parsedConfigItem, $level)) {
list($configItem, $itemComplete) =
$this->addConfigItem($key, $parsedConfigItem, $level);
$currentConfig = array_merge($currentConfig, $configItem);
$completionStatus[$key] = $itemComplete;
return [$currentConfig, $completionStatus];
* Determines if we already have everything we need for this configuration sub-section
* @param string $key the configuration sub-section identifier
* @param array $parsedConfig the configuration for that sub-section
* @param bool $complete
* @return bool
private function isConfigItemComplete($key, $parsedConfig, $complete) {
return !(!$complete
&& array_key_exists($key, $parsedConfig)
&& !empty($parsedConfig[$key]));
* Determines if we can use this configuration sub-section
* It's possible in two cases:
* * the configuration was collected from the currently opened folder
* * the configuration was collected in a parent folder and is inheritable
* We also need to make sure that the values contained in the configuration are safe for web use
* @param string $key the configuration sub-section identifier
* @param array $parsedConfigItem the configuration for a sub-section
* @param int $level the starting level is 0 and we add 1 each time we visit a parent folder
* @return bool
private function isConfigUsable($key, $parsedConfigItem, $level) {
$inherit = $this->isConfigInheritable($parsedConfigItem);
$usable = $level === 0 || $inherit;
$safe = $this->configValidator->isConfigSafe($key, $parsedConfigItem);
return $usable && $safe;
* Adds a config sub-section to the global config
* @param string $key the configuration sub-section identifier
* @param array $parsedConfigItem the configuration for a sub-section
* @param int $level the starting level is 0 and we add 1 each time we visit a parent folder
* @return array<null|array<string,string>,bool>
private function addConfigItem($key, $parsedConfigItem, $level) {
if ($key === 'sorting' && !array_key_exists('type', $parsedConfigItem)) {
return [[], false];
} else {
$parsedConfigItem['level'] = $level;
$configItem = [$key => $parsedConfigItem];
$itemComplete = true;
return [$configItem, $itemComplete];
* Determines if we can use a configuration sub-section found in parent folders
* @param array $parsedConfigItem the configuration for a sub-section
* @return bool
private function isConfigInheritable($parsedConfigItem) {
$inherit = false;
if (array_key_exists('inherit', $parsedConfigItem)) {
$inherit = $parsedConfigItem['inherit'];
if ($inherit === 'yes') {
$inherit = true;
return $inherit;