You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

345 lines
13 KiB

5 years ago
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* Typecho Blog Platform
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Typecho team (
* @license GNU General Public License 2.0
* @version $Id$
* 后台菜单显示
* @package Widget
class Widget_Menu extends Typecho_Widget
* 父菜单列表
* @access private
* @var array
private $_menu = array();
* 当前父菜单
* @access private
* @var integer
private $_currentParent = 1;
* 当前子菜单
* @access private
* @var integer
private $_currentChild = 0;
* 当前页面
* @access private
* @var string
private $_currentUrl;
* 全局选项
* @access protected
* @var Widget_Options
protected $options;
* 用户对象
* @access protected
* @var Widget_User
protected $user;
* 当前菜单标题
* @var string
public $title;
* 当前增加项目链接
* @var string
public $addLink;
* 构造函数,初始化组件
* @access public
* @param mixed $request request对象
* @param mixed $response response对象
* @param mixed $params 参数列表
* @return void
public function __construct($request, $response, $params = NULL)
parent::__construct($request, $response, $params);
/** 初始化常用组件 */
$this->options = $this->widget('Widget_Options');
$this->user = $this->widget('Widget_User');
* 执行函数,初始化菜单
* @access public
* @return void
public function execute()
$parentNodes = array(NULL, _t('控制台'), _t('撰写'), _t('管理'), _t('设置'));
$childNodes = array(
array(_t('登录'), _t('登录到%s', $this->options->title), 'login.php', 'visitor'),
array(_t('注册'), _t('注册到%s', $this->options->title), 'register.php', 'visitor')
array(_t('概要'), _t('网站概要'), 'index.php', 'subscriber'),
array(_t('个人设置'), _t('个人设置'), 'profile.php', 'subscriber'),
array(_t('插件'), _t('插件管理'), 'plugins.php', 'administrator'),
array(array('Widget_Plugins_Config', 'getMenuTitle'), array('Widget_Plugins_Config', 'getMenuTitle'), 'options-plugin.php?config=', 'administrator', true),
array(_t('外观'), _t('网站外观'), 'themes.php', 'administrator'),
array(array('Widget_Themes_Files', 'getMenuTitle'), array('Widget_Themes_Files', 'getMenuTitle'), 'theme-editor.php', 'administrator', true),
array(_t('设置外观'), _t('设置外观'), 'options-theme.php', 'administrator', true),
array(_t('备份'), _t('备份'), 'backup.php', 'administrator'),
array(_t('升级'), _t('升级程序'), 'upgrade.php', 'administrator', true),
array(_t('欢迎'), _t('欢迎使用'), 'welcome.php', 'subscriber', true)
array(_t('撰写文章'), _t('撰写新文章'), 'write-post.php', 'contributor'),
array(array('Widget_Contents_Post_Edit', 'getMenuTitle'), array('Widget_Contents_Post_Edit', 'getMenuTitle'), 'write-post.php?cid=', 'contributor', true),
array(_t('创建页面'), _t('创建新页面'), 'write-page.php', 'editor'),
array(array('Widget_Contents_Page_Edit', 'getMenuTitle'), array('Widget_Contents_Page_Edit', 'getMenuTitle'), 'write-page.php?cid=', 'editor', true),
array(_t('文章'), _t('管理文章'), 'manage-posts.php', 'contributor', false, 'write-post.php'),
array(array('Widget_Contents_Post_Admin', 'getMenuTitle'), array('Widget_Contents_Post_Admin', 'getMenuTitle'), 'manage-posts.php?uid=', 'contributor', true),
array(_t('独立页面'), _t('管理独立页面'), 'manage-pages.php', 'editor', false, 'write-page.php'),
array(_t('评论'), _t('管理评论'), 'manage-comments.php', 'contributor'),
array(array('Widget_Comments_Admin', 'getMenuTitle'), array('Widget_Comments_Admin', 'getMenuTitle'), 'manage-comments.php?cid=', 'contributor', true),
array(_t('分类'), _t('管理分类'), 'manage-categories.php', 'editor', false, 'category.php'),
array(_t('新增分类'), _t('新增分类'), 'category.php', 'editor', true),
array(array('Widget_Metas_Category_Admin', 'getMenuTitle'), array('Widget_Metas_Category_Admin', 'getMenuTitle'), 'manage-categories.php?parent=', 'editor', true, array('Widget_Metas_Category_Admin', 'getAddLink')),
array(array('Widget_Metas_Category_Edit', 'getMenuTitle'), array('Widget_Metas_Category_Edit', 'getMenuTitle'), 'category.php?mid=', 'editor', true),
array(array('Widget_Metas_Category_Edit', 'getMenuTitle'), array('Widget_Metas_Category_Edit', 'getMenuTitle'), 'category.php?parent=', 'editor', true),
array(_t('标签'), _t('管理标签'), 'manage-tags.php', 'editor'),
array(array('Widget_Metas_Tag_Admin', 'getMenuTitle'), array('Widget_Metas_Tag_Admin', 'getMenuTitle'), 'manage-tags.php?mid=', 'editor', true),
array(_t('文件'), _t('管理文件'), 'manage-medias.php', 'editor'),
array(array('Widget_Contents_Attachment_Edit', 'getMenuTitle'), array('Widget_Contents_Attachment_Edit', 'getMenuTitle'), 'media.php?cid=', 'contributor', true),
array(_t('用户'), _t('管理用户'), 'manage-users.php', 'administrator', false, 'user.php'),
array(_t('新增用户'), _t('新增用户'), 'user.php', 'administrator', true),
array(array('Widget_Users_Edit', 'getMenuTitle'), array('Widget_Users_Edit', 'getMenuTitle'), 'user.php?uid=', 'administrator', true),
array(_t('基本'), _t('基本设置'), 'options-general.php', 'administrator'),
array(_t('评论'), _t('评论设置'), 'options-discussion.php', 'administrator'),
array(_t('阅读'), _t('阅读设置'), 'options-reading.php', 'administrator'),
array(_t('永久链接'), _t('永久链接设置'), 'options-permalink.php', 'administrator'),
/** 获取扩展菜单 */
$panelTable = unserialize($this->options->panelTable);
$extendingParentMenu = empty($panelTable['parent']) ? array() : $panelTable['parent'];
$extendingChildMenu = empty($panelTable['child']) ? array() : $panelTable['child'];
$currentUrl = $this->request->makeUriByRequest();
$adminUrl = $this->options->adminUrl;
$menu = array();
$defaultChildeNode = array(NULL, NULL, NULL, 'administrator', false, NULL);
$currentUrlParts = parse_url($currentUrl);
$currentUrlParams = array();
if (!empty($currentUrlParts['query'])) {
parse_str($currentUrlParts['query'], $currentUrlParams);
if ('/' == $currentUrlParts['path'][strlen($currentUrlParts['path']) - 1]) {
$currentUrlParts['path'] .= 'index.php';
foreach ($extendingParentMenu as $key => $val) {
$parentNodes[10 + $key] = $val;
foreach ($extendingChildMenu as $key => $val) {
$childNodes[$key] = array_merge(isset($childNodes[$key]) ? $childNodes[$key] : array(), $val);
foreach ($parentNodes as $key => $parentNode) {
// this is a simple struct than before
$children = array();
$showedChildrenCount = 0;
$firstUrl = NULL;
foreach ($childNodes[$key] as $inKey => $childNode) {
// magic merge
$childNode += $defaultChildeNode;
list ($name, $title, $url, $access, $hidden, $addLink) = $childNode;
// 保存最原始的hidden信息
$orgHidden = $hidden;
// parse url
$url = Typecho_Common::url($url, $adminUrl);
// compare url
$urlParts = parse_url($url);
$urlParams = array();
if (!empty($urlParts['query'])) {
parse_str($urlParts['query'], $urlParams);
$validate = true;
if ($urlParts['path'] != $currentUrlParts['path']) {
$validate = false;
} else {
foreach ($urlParams as $paramName => $paramValue) {
if (!isset($currentUrlParams[$paramName])) {
$validate = false;
if ($validate
&& basename($urlParts['path']) == 'extending.php'
&& !empty($currentUrlParams['panel']) && !empty($urlParams['panel'])
&& $urlParams['panel'] != $currentUrlParams['panel']){
$validate = false;
if ($hidden && $validate) {
$hidden = false;
if (!$hidden && !$this->user->pass($access, true)) {
$hidden = true;
if (!$hidden) {
$showedChildrenCount ++;
if (empty($firstUrl)) {
$firstUrl = $url;
if (is_array($name)) {
list($widget, $method) = $name;
$name = Typecho_Widget::widget($widget)->$method();
if (is_array($title)) {
list($widget, $method) = $title;
$title = Typecho_Widget::widget($widget)->$method();
if (is_array($addLink)) {
list($widget, $method) = $addLink;
$addLink = Typecho_Widget::widget($widget)->$method();
if ($validate) {
if ('visitor' != $access) {
$this->_currentParent = $key;
$this->_currentChild = $inKey;
$this->title = $title;
$this->addLink = $addLink ? Typecho_Common::url($addLink, $adminUrl) : NULL;
$children[$inKey] = array(
$menu[$key] = array($parentNode, $showedChildrenCount > 0, $firstUrl,$children);
$this->_menu = $menu;
$this->_currentUrl = $currentUrl;
* 获取当前菜单
* @access public
* @return array
public function getCurrentMenu()
return $this->_currentParent > 0 ? $this->_menu[$this->_currentParent][3][$this->_currentChild] : NULL;
* 输出父级菜单
* @access public
* @return string
public function output($class = 'focus', $childClass = 'focus')
foreach ($this->_menu as $key => $node) {
if (!$node[1] || !$key) {
echo "<ul class=\"root" . ($key == $this->_currentParent ? ' ' . $class : NULL)
. "\"><li class=\"parent\"><a href=\"{$node[2]}\">{$node[0]}</a>"
. "</li><ul class=\"child\">";
$last = 0;
foreach ($node[3] as $inKey => $inNode) {
if (!$inNode[4]) {
$last = $inKey;
foreach ($node[3] as $inKey => $inNode) {
if ($inNode[4]) {
$classes = array();
if ($key == $this->_currentParent && $inKey == $this->_currentChild) {
$classes[] = $childClass;
} else if ($inNode[6]) {
if ($inKey == $last) {
$classes[] = 'last';
echo "<li" . (!empty($classes) ? ' class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '"' : NULL) .
"><a href=\"" . ($key == $this->_currentParent && $inKey == $this->_currentChild ? $this->_currentUrl : $inNode[2]) . "\">{$inNode[0]}</a></li>";
echo "</ul></ul>";