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5 years ago
if (!defined('__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__')) exit;
* 安全选项组件
* @link typecho
* @package Widget
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Typecho team (
* @license GNU General Public License 2.0
class Widget_Security extends Typecho_Widget
* @var string
private $_token;
* @var Widget_Options
private $_options;
* @var boolean
private $_enabled = true;
* 初始化函数
public function execute()
$this->_options = $this->widget('Widget_Options');
$user = $this->widget('Widget_User');
$this->_token = $this->_options->secret;
if ($user->hasLogin()) {
$this->_token .= '&' . $user->authCode . '&' . $user->uid;
* 在系统升级的时候进行安全性检查
* @return array
public function systemCheck()
$errors = array();
// 检查安装文件的安全性
$installFile = __TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ . '/install.php';
if (file_exists($installFile)) {
$installFileContents = file_get_contents($installFile);
if (0 !== strpos($installFileContents,
'<?php if (!file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . \'/\')): ?>') ||
false !== strpos($installFileContents,
'!isset($_GET[\'finish\']) && file_exists(__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ . \'/\') && empty($_SESSION[\'typecho\'])')) {
$errors[] = _t('您正在运行一个不安全的安装脚本 <strong>%s</strong>, 请用新版中的对应文件替代或者直接删除它', $installFile);
return $errors;
* @param $enabled
public function enable($enabled = true)
$this->_enabled = $enabled;
* 获取token
* @param string $suffix 后缀
* @return string
public function getToken($suffix)
return md5($this->_token . '&' . $suffix);
* 生成带token的路径
* @param $path
* @return string
public function getTokenUrl($path)
$parts = parse_url($path);
$params = array();
if (!empty($parts['query'])) {
parse_str($parts['query'], $params);
$params['_'] = $this->getToken($this->request->getRequestUrl());
$parts['query'] = http_build_query($params);
return Typecho_Common::buildUrl($parts);
* 保护提交数据
public function protect()
if ($this->_enabled && $this->request->get('_') != $this->getToken($this->request->getReferer())) {
* 获取安全的后台路径
* @param string $path
* @return string
public function getAdminUrl($path)
return Typecho_Common::url($this->getTokenUrl($path), $this->_options->adminUrl);
* 获取安全的路由路径
* @param $path
* @return string
public function getIndex($path)
return Typecho_Common::url($this->getTokenUrl($path), $this->_options->index);
* 获取绝对路由路径
* @param $path
* @return string
public function getRootUrl($path)
return Typecho_Common::url($this->getTokenUrl($path), $this->_options->rootUrl);
* 输出后台安全路径
* @param $path
public function adminUrl($path)
echo $this->getAdminUrl($path);
* 输出安全的路由路径
* @param $path
public function index($path)
echo $this->getIndex($path);