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5 years ago
if (!defined('__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__')) exit;
* 当前登录用户
* @category typecho
* @package Widget
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Typecho team (
* @license GNU General Public License 2.0
class Widget_User extends Typecho_Widget
* 用户
* @access private
* @var array
private $_user;
* 是否已经登录
* @access private
* @var boolean
private $_hasLogin = NULL;
* 全局选项
* @access protected
* @var Widget_Options
protected $options;
* 数据库对象
* @access protected
* @var Typecho_Db
protected $db;
* 用户组
* @access public
* @var array
public $groups = array(
'administrator' => 0,
'editor' => 1,
'contributor' => 2,
'subscriber' => 3,
'visitor' => 4
* 构造函数,初始化组件
* @access public
* @param mixed $request request对象
* @param mixed $response response对象
* @param mixed $params 参数列表
public function __construct($request, $response, $params = NULL)
parent::__construct($request, $response, $params);
/** 初始化数据库 */
$this->db = Typecho_Db::get();
$this->options = $this->widget('Widget_Options');
* 执行函数
* @access public
* @return void
public function execute()
if ($this->hasLogin()) {
$rows = $this->db->fetchAll($this->db->select()
->from('table.options')->where('user = ?', $this->_user['uid']));
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$this->options->__set($row['name'], $row['value']);
->rows(array('activated' => $this->options->time))
->where('uid = ?', $this->_user['uid']));
* 以用户名和密码登录
* @access public
* @param string $name 用户名
* @param string $password 密码
* @param boolean $temporarily 是否为临时登录
* @param integer $expire 过期时间
* @return boolean
public function login($name, $password, $temporarily = false, $expire = 0)
$result = $this->pluginHandle()->trigger($loginPluggable)->login($name, $password, $temporarily, $expire);
if ($loginPluggable) {
return $result;
/** 开始验证用户 **/
$user = $this->db->fetchRow($this->db->select()
->where((strpos($name, '@') ? 'mail' : 'name') . ' = ?', $name)
if (empty($user)) {
return false;
$hashValidate = $this->pluginHandle()->trigger($hashPluggable)->hashValidate($password, $user['password']);
if (!$hashPluggable) {
if ('$P$' == substr($user['password'], 0, 3)) {
$hasher = new PasswordHash(8, true);
$hashValidate = $hasher->CheckPassword($password, $user['password']);
} else {
$hashValidate = Typecho_Common::hashValidate($password, $user['password']);
if ($user && $hashValidate) {
if (!$temporarily) {
$authCode = function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes') ?
bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16)) : sha1(Typecho_Common::randString(20));
$user['authCode'] = $authCode;
Typecho_Cookie::set('__typecho_uid', $user['uid'], $expire);
Typecho_Cookie::set('__typecho_authCode', Typecho_Common::hash($authCode), $expire);
->expression('logged', 'activated')
->rows(array('authCode' => $authCode))
->where('uid = ?', $user['uid']));
/** 压入数据 */
$this->_user = $user;
$this->_hasLogin = true;
$this->pluginHandle()->loginSucceed($this, $name, $password, $temporarily, $expire);
return true;
$this->pluginHandle()->loginFail($this, $name, $password, $temporarily, $expire);
return false;
* 只需要提供uid即可登录的方法, 多用于插件等特殊场合
* @access public
* @param integer $uid 用户id
* @return boolean
public function simpleLogin($uid)
$user = $this->db->fetchRow($this->db->select()
->where('uid = ?', $uid)
if (empty($user)) {
return false;
$this->_hasLogin = true;
return true;
* 用户登出函数
* @access public
* @return void
public function logout()
if ($logoutPluggable) {
* 判断用户是否已经登录
* @access public
* @return boolean
public function hasLogin()
if (NULL !== $this->_hasLogin) {
return $this->_hasLogin;
} else {
$cookieUid = Typecho_Cookie::get('__typecho_uid');
if (NULL !== $cookieUid) {
/** 验证登陆 */
$user = $this->db->fetchRow($this->db->select()->from('table.users')
->where('uid = ?', intval($cookieUid))
$cookieAuthCode = Typecho_Cookie::get('__typecho_authCode');
if ($user && Typecho_Common::hashValidate($user['authCode'], $cookieAuthCode)) {
$this->_user = $user;
return ($this->_hasLogin = true);
return ($this->_hasLogin = false);
* 判断用户权限
* @access public
* @param string $group 用户组
* @param boolean $return 是否为返回模式
* @return boolean
* @throws Typecho_Widget_Exception
public function pass($group, $return = false)
if ($this->hasLogin()) {
if (array_key_exists($group, $this->groups) && $this->groups[$this->group] <= $this->groups[$group]) {
return true;
} else {
if ($return) {
return false;
} else {
$this->response->redirect($this->options->loginUrl .
(0 === strpos($this->request->getReferer(), $this->options->loginUrl) ? '' :
'?referer=' . urlencode($this->request->makeUriByRequest())), false);
if ($return) {
return false;
} else {
throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('禁止访问'), 403);