You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2352 lines
79 KiB

5 years ago
if (!defined('__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__')) exit;
* Typecho Blog Platform
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Typecho team (
* @license GNU General Public License 2.0
* @version $Id$
* XmlRpc接口
* @author blankyao
* @category typecho
* @package Widget
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Typecho team (
* @license GNU General Public License 2.0
class Widget_XmlRpc extends Widget_Abstract_Contents implements Widget_Interface_Do
* 当前错误
* @access private
* @var IXR_Error
private $error;
* wordpress风格的系统选项
* @access private
* @var array
private $_wpOptions;
* 已经使用过的组件列表
* @access private
* @var array
private $_usedWidgetNameList = array();
* 获取扩展字段
* @access private
* @param Widget_Abstract_Contents $content
* @return array
private function getPostExtended(Widget_Abstract_Contents $content)
$agent = $this->request->getAgent();
$text = '';
switch (true) {
case false !== strpos($agent, 'wp-iphone'): // wordpress iphone客户端
case false !== strpos($agent, 'wp-blackberry'): // 黑莓
case false !== strpos($agent, 'wp-andriod'): // andriod
case false !== strpos($agent, 'plain-text'): // 这是预留给第三方开发者的接口, 用于强行调用非所见即所得数据
case $this->options->xmlrpcMarkdown:
$text = $content->text;
$text = $content->content;
$post = explode('<!--more-->', $text, 2);
return array(
$this->options->xmlrpcMarkdown? $post[0] : Typecho_Common::fixHtml($post[0]),
isset($post[1]) ? Typecho_Common::fixHtml($post[1]) : NULL
* 将typecho的状态类型转换为wordperss的风格
* @access private
* @param string $status typecho的状态
* @param string $type 内容类型
* @return string
private function typechoToWordpressStatus($status, $type = 'post')
if ('post' == $type) {
/** 文章状态 */
switch ($status) {
case 'waiting':
return 'pending';
case 'publish':
case 'draft':
case 'private':
return $status;
return 'publish';
} else if ('page' == $type) {
switch ($status) {
case 'publish':
case 'draft':
case 'private':
return $status;
return 'publish';
} else if ('comment' == $type) {
switch ($status) {
case 'publish':
case 'approved':
return 'approve';
case 'waiting':
return 'hold';
case 'spam':
return $status;
return 'approve';
return '';
* 将wordpress的状态类型转换为typecho的风格
* @access private
* @param string $status wordpress的状态
* @param string $type 内容类型
* @return string
private function wordpressToTypechoStatus($status, $type = 'post')
if ('post' == $type) {
/** 文章状态 */
switch ($status) {
case 'pending':
return 'waiting';
case 'publish':
case 'draft':
case 'private':
case 'waiting':
return $status;
return 'publish';
} else if ('page' == $type) {
switch ($status) {
case 'publish':
case 'draft':
case 'private':
return $status;
return 'publish';
} else if ('comment' == $type) {
switch ($status) {
case 'approve':
case 'publish':
case 'approved':
return 'approved';
case 'hold':
case 'waiting':
return 'waiting';
case 'spam':
return $status;
return 'approved';
return '';
* 代理工厂方法,将类静态化放置到列表中
* @access public
* @param string $alias 组件别名
* @param mixed $params 传递的参数
* @param mixed $request 前端参数
* @param boolean $enableResponse 是否允许http回执
* @return object
* @throws Typecho_Exception
private function singletonWidget($alias, $params = NULL, $request = NULL, $enableResponse = true)
$this->_usedWidgetNameList[] = $alias;
return Typecho_Widget::widget($alias, $params, $request, $enableResponse);
* 如果这里没有重载, 每次都会被默认执行
* @access public
* @param boolen $run 是否执行
* @return void
public function execute($run = false)
if ($run) {
// 临时保护模块
$this->_wpOptions = array(
// Read only options
'software_name' => array(
'desc' => _t( '软件名称' ),
'readonly' => true,
'value' => $this->options->software
'software_version' => array(
'desc' => _t( '软件版本' ),
'readonly' => true,
'value' => $this->options->version
'blog_url' => array(
'desc' => _t( '博客地址' ),
'readonly' => true,
'option' => 'siteUrl'
'home_url' => array(
'desc' => _t( '博客首页地址' ),
'readonly' => true,
'option' => 'siteUrl'
'login_url' => array(
'desc' => _t( '登录地址' ),
'readonly' => true,
'value' => $this->options->siteUrl.'admin/login.php'
'admin_url' => array(
'desc' => _t( '管理区域的地址' ),
'readonly' => true,
'value' => $this->options->siteUrl.'admin/'
'post_thumbnail' => array(
'desc' => _t( '文章缩略图' ),
'readonly' => true,
'value' => false
// Updatable options
'time_zone' => array(
'desc' => _t( '时区' ),
'readonly' => false,
'option' => 'timezone'
'blog_title' => array(
'desc' => _t( '博客标题' ),
'readonly' => false,
'option' => 'title'
'blog_tagline' => array(
'desc' => _t( '博客关键字' ),
'readonly' => false,
'option' => 'description'
'date_format' => array(
'desc' => _t( '日期格式' ),
'readonly' => false,
'option' => 'postDateFormat'
'time_format' => array(
'desc' => _t( '时间格式' ),
'readonly' => false,
'option' => 'postDateFormat'
'users_can_register' => array(
'desc' => _t( '是否允许注册' ),
'readonly' => false,
'option' => 'allowRegister'
* 检查权限
* @access public
* @return void
public function checkAccess($name, $password, $level = 'contributor')
if ($this->user->login($name, $password, true)) {
/** 验证权限 */
if ($this->user->pass($level, true)) {
return true;
} else {
$this->error = new IXR_Error(403, _t('权限不足'));
return false;
} else {
$this->error = new IXR_Error(403, _t('无法登陆, 密码错误'));
return false;
* 获取pageId指定的page
* about wp xmlrpc api, you can see
* @param int $blogId
* @param int $pageId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @access public
* @return struct $pageStruct
public function wpGetPage($blogId, $pageId, $userName, $password)
/** 检查权限 */
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
/** 获取页面 */
try {
/** 由于Widget_Contents_Page_Edit是从request中获取参数, 因此我们需要强行设置flush一下request */
/** widget方法的第三个参数可以指定强行转换传入此widget的request参数 */
/** 此组件会进行复杂的权限检测 */
$page = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Contents_Page_Edit', NULL, "cid={$pageId}");
} catch (Typecho_Widget_Exception $e) {
/** 截获可能会抛出的异常(参见 Widget_Contents_Page_Edit 的 execute 方法) */
return new IXR_Error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
/** 对文章内容做截取处理,以获得description和text_more*/
list($excerpt, $more) = $this->getPostExtended($page);
$pageStruct = array(
'dateCreated' => new IXR_Date($this->options->timezone + $page->created),
'userid' => $page->authorId,
'page_id' => $page->cid,
'page_status' => $this->typechoToWordpressStatus($page->status, 'page'),
'description' => $excerpt,
'title' => $page->title,
'link' => $page->permalink,
'permaLink' => $page->permalink,
'categories' => $page->categories,
'excerpt' => $page->description,
'text_more' => $more,
'mt_allow_comments' => intval($page->allowComment),
'mt_allow_pings' => intval($page->allowPing),
'wp_slug' => $page->slug,
'wp_password' => $page->password,
'wp_author' => $page->author->name,
'wp_page_parent_id' => '0',
'wp_page_parent_title' => '',
'wp_page_order' => $page->order, //meta是描述字段, 在page时表示顺序
'wp_author_id' => $page->authorId,
'wp_author_display_name' => $page->author->screenName,
'date_created_gmt' => new IXR_Date($page->created),
'custom_fields' => array(),
'wp_page_template' => $page->template
return $pageStruct;
* 获取所有的page
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @access public
* @return array(contains $pageStruct)
public function wpGetPages($blogId, $userName, $password)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
/** 过滤type为page的contents */
/** 同样需要flush一下, 需要取出所有status的页面 */
$pages = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Contents_Page_Admin', NULL, 'status=all');
/** 初始化要返回的数据结构 */
$pageStructs = array();
while ($pages->next()) {
/** 对文章内容做截取处理,以获得description和text_more*/
list($excerpt, $more) = $this->getPostExtended($pages);
$pageStructs[] = array(
'dateCreated' => new IXR_Date($this->options->timezone + $pages->created),
'userid' => $pages->authorId,
'page_id' => intval($pages->cid),
/** todo:此处有疑问 */
'page_status' => $this->typechoToWordpressStatus($pages->status, 'page'),
'description' => $excerpt,
'title' => $pages->title,
'link' => $pages->permalink,
'permaLink' => $pages->permalink,
'categories' => $pages->categories,
'excerpt' => $pages->description,
'text_more' => $more,
'mt_allow_comments' => intval($pages->allowComment),
'mt_allow_pings' => intval($pages->allowPing),
'wp_slug' => $pages->slug,
'wp_password' => $pages->password,
'wp_author' => $pages->author->name,
'wp_page_parent_id' => 0,
'wp_page_parent_title' => '',
'wp_page_order' => intval($pages->order), //meta是描述字段, 在page时表示顺序
'wp_author_id' => $pages->authorId,
'wp_author_display_name' => $pages->author->screenName,
'date_created_gmt' => new IXR_Date($pages->created),
'custom_fields' => array(),
'wp_page_template' => $pages->template
return $pageStructs;
* 撰写一个新page
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param struct $content
* @param bool $publish
* @access public
* @return void
public function wpNewPage($blogId, $userName, $password, $content, $publish)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password, 'editor')) {
return $this->error;
$content['post_type'] = 'page';
$this->mwNewPost($blogId, $userName, $password, $content, $publish);
* 删除pageId指定的page
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param int $pageId
* @access public
* @return bool
public function wpDeletePage($blogId, $userName, $password, $pageId)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password, 'editor')) {
return $this->error;
/** 删除页面 */
try {
/** 此组件会进行复杂的权限检测 */
$this->singletonWidget('Widget_Contents_Page_Edit', NULL, "cid={$pageId}", false)->deletePage();
} catch (Typecho_Widget_Exception $e) {
/** 截获可能会抛出的异常(参见 Widget_Contents_Page_Edit 的 execute 方法) */
return new IXR_Error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
return true;
* 编辑pageId指定的page
* @param int $blogId
* @param int $pageId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param struct $content
* @param bool $publish
* @access public
* @return bool
public function wpEditPage($blogId, $pageId, $userName, $password, $content, $publish)
$content['type'] = 'page';
$this->mwEditPost($blogId, $pageId, $userName, $password, $content, $publish);
* 编辑postId指定的post
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param int $postId
* @param struct $content
* @access public
* @return bool
public function wpEditPost($blogId, $userName, $password, $postId, $content)
$post = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Archive', 'type=single', 'cid=' . $postId, false);
if ($post->type == 'attachment') {
$attachment['title'] = $content['post_title'];
$attachment['slug'] = $content['post_excerpt'];
$text = unserialize($post->text);
$text['description'] = $content['description'];
$attachment['text'] = serialize($text);
/** 更新数据 */
$updateRows = $this->update($attachment, $this->db->sql()->where('cid = ?', $postId));
return true;
return $this->mwEditPost($blogId, $postId, $userName, $password, $content);
* 获取page列表,没有wpGetPages获得的详细
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @access public
* @return array
public function wpGetPageList($blogId, $userName, $password)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password, 'editor')) {
return ($this->error);
$pages = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Contents_Page_Admin', NULL, 'status=all');
$pageStructs = array();
while ($pages->next()) {
$pageStructs[] = array(
'dateCreated' => new IXR_Date($this->options->timezone + $pages->created),
'date_created_gmt' => new IXR_Date($this->options->timezone + $pages->created),
'page_id' => $pages->cid,
'page_title' => $pages->title,
'page_parent_id' => '0',
return $pageStructs;
* 获得一个由blog所有作者的信息组成的数组
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @access public
* @return struct
public function wpGetAuthors($blogId, $userName, $password)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password, 'editor')) {
return ($this->error);
/** 构建查询*/
$select = $this->db->select('table.users.uid', '', 'table.users.screenName')->from('table.users');
$authors = $this->db->fetchAll($select);
$authorStructs = array();
foreach ($authors as $author) {
$authorStructs[] = array(
'user_id' => $author['uid'],
'user_login' => $author['name'],
'display_name' => $author['screenName']
return $authorStructs;
* 添加一个新的分类
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param struct $category
* @access public
* @return void
public function wpNewCategory($blogId, $userName, $password, $category)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return ($this->error);
/** 开始接受数据 */
$input['name'] = $category['name'];
$input['slug'] = Typecho_Common::slugName(empty($category['slug']) ? $category['name'] : $category['slug']);
$input['parent'] = isset($category['parent_id']) ? $category['parent_id'] :
(isset($category['parent']) ? $category['parent'] : 0);
$input['description'] = isset($category['description']) ? $category['description'] : $category['name'];
$input['do'] = 'insert';
/** 调用已有组件 */
try {
/** 插入 */
$categoryWidget = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Metas_Category_Edit', NULL, $input, false);
return $categoryWidget->mid;
} catch (Typecho_Widget_Exception $e) {
return new IXR_Error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
return new IXR_Error(403, _t('无法添加分类'));
* 获取由给定的string开头的链接组成的数组
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param string $category
* @param int $max_results
* @access public
* @return array
public function wpSuggestCategories($blogId, $userName, $password, $category, $max_results)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return ($this->error);
$meta = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Abstract_Metas');
/** 构造出查询语句并且查询*/
$key = Typecho_Common::filterSearchQuery($category);
$key = '%' . $key . '%';
$select = $meta->select()->where('table.metas.type = ? AND ( LIKE ? OR slug LIKE ?)', 'category', $key, $key);
/** 不要category push到contents的容器中 */
$categories = $this->db->fetchAll($select);
/** 初始化categorise数组*/
$categoryStructs = array();
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$categoryStructs[] = array(
'category_id' => $category['mid'],
'category_name' => $category['name'],
return $categoryStructs;
* 获取用户
* @access public
* @param string $userName 用户名
* @param string $password 密码
* @return array
public function wpGetUsersBlogs($userName, $password)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
$struct = array();
$struct[] = array(
'isAdmin' => $this->user->pass('administrator', true),
'url' => $this->options->siteUrl,
'blogid' => '1',
'blogName' => $this->options->title,
'xmlrpc' => $this->options->xmlRpcUrl
return $struct;
* 获取用户
* @access public
* @param string $userName 用户名
* @param string $password 密码
* @return array
public function wpGetProfile($blogId, $userName, $password)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
$struct = array(
'user_id' => $this->user->uid,
'username' => $this->user->name,
'first_name' => '',
'last_name' => '',
'registered' => new IXR_Date($this->options->timezone + $this->user->created),
'bio' => '',
'email' => $this->user->mail,
'nickname' => $this->user->screenName,
'url' => $this->user->url,
'display_name' => $this->user->screenName,
'roles' => $this->user->group
return $struct;
* 获取标签列表
* @access public
* @param integer $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @return array
public function wpGetTags($blogId, $userName, $password)
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
$struct = array();
$tags = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Metas_Tag_Cloud');
while ($tags->next()) {
$struct[] = array(
'tag_id' => $tags->mid,
'name' => $tags->name,
'count' => $tags->count,
'slug' => $tags->slug,
'html_url' => $tags->permalink,
'rss_url' => $tags->feedUrl
return $struct;
* 删除分类
* @access public
* @param integer $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param integer $categoryId
* @return array
public function wpDeleteCategory($blogId, $userName, $password, $categoryId)
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password, 'editor')) {
return $this->error;
try {
$this->singletonWidget('Widget_Metas_Category_Edit', NULL, 'do=delete&mid=' . intval($categoryId), false);
return true;
} catch (Typecho_Exception $e) {
return false;
* 获取评论数目
* @access public
* @param integer $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param integer $postId
* @return array
public function wpGetCommentCount($blogId, $userName, $password, $postId)
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
$stat = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Stat', NULL, 'cid=' . intval($postId), false);
return array(
'approved' => $stat->currentPublishedCommentsNum,
'awaiting_moderation' => $stat->currentWaitingCommentsNum,
'spam' => $stat->currentSpamCommentsNum,
'total_comments' => $stat->currentCommentsNum
* 获取文章类型列表
* @access public
* @param integer $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @return array
public function wpGetPostFormats($blogId, $userName, $password)
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
return array(
'standard' => _t('标准')
* 获取文章状态列表
* @access public
* @param integer $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @return array
public function wpGetPostStatusList($blogId, $userName, $password)
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
return array(
'draft' => _t('草稿'),
'pending' => _t('待审核'),
'publish' => _t('已发布')
* 获取页面状态列表
* @access public
* @param integer $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @return array
public function wpGetPageStatusList($blogId, $userName, $password)
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password, 'editor')) {
return $this->error;
return array(
'draft' => _t('草稿'),
'publish' => _t('已发布')
* 获取评论状态列表
* @access public
* @param integer $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @return array
public function wpGetCommentStatusList($blogId, $userName, $password)
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
return array(
'hold' => _t('待审核'),
'approve' => _t('显示'),
'spam' => _t('垃圾')
* 获取页面模板
* @access public
* @param integer $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @return array
public function wpGetPageTemplates($blogId, $userName, $password)
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password, 'editor')) {
return $this->error;
$templates = array_flip($this->getTemplates());
$templates['Default'] = '';
return $templates;
* 获取系统选项
* @access public
* @param integer $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param array $options
* @return array
public function wpGetOptions($blogId, $userName, $password, $options = array())
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password, 'administrator')) {
return $this->error;
$struct = array();
if (empty($options)) {
$options = array_keys($this->_wpOptions);
foreach ($options as $option) {
if (isset($this->_wpOptions[$option])) {
$struct[$option] = $this->_wpOptions[$option];
if (isset($struct[$option]['option'])) {
$struct[$option]['value'] = $this->options->{$struct[$option]['option']};
return $struct;
* 设置系统选项
* @access public
* @param integer $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param array $options
* @return array
public function wpSetOptions($blogId, $userName, $password, $options = array())
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password, 'administrator')) {
return $this->error;
$struct = array();
foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
if (isset($this->_wpOptions[$option])) {
$struct[$option] = $this->_wpOptions[$option];
if (isset($struct[$option]['option'])) {
$struct[$option]['value'] = $this->options->{$struct[$option]['option']};
if (!$this->_wpOptions[$option]['readonly'] && isset($this->_wpOptions[$option]['option'])) {
if ($this->db->query($this->db->update('table.options')
->rows(array('value' => $value))
->where('name = ?', $this->_wpOptions[$option]['option'])) > 0) {
$struct[$option]['value'] = $value;
return $struct;
* 获取评论
* @access public
* @param integer $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param integer $commentId
* @return array
public function wpGetComment($blogId, $userName, $password, $commentId)
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
$comment = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Comments_Edit', NULL, 'do=get&coid=' . intval($commentId), false);
if (!$comment->have()) {
return new IXR_Error(404, _t('评论不存在'));
if (!$comment->commentIsWriteable()) {
return new IXR_Error(403, _t('没有获取评论的权限'));
return array(
'date_created_gmt' => new IXR_Date($this->options->timezone + $comment->created),
'user_id' => $comment->authorId,
'comment_id' => $comment->coid,
'parent' => $comment->parent,
'status' => $this->typechoToWordpressStatus($comment->status, 'comment'),
'content' => $comment->text,
'link' => $comment->permalink,
'post_id' => $comment->cid,
'post_title' => $comment->title,
'author' => $comment->author,
'author_url' => $comment->url,
'author_email' => $comment->mail,
'author_ip' => $comment->ip,
'type' => $comment->type
* 获取评论列表
* @access public
* @param integer $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param array $struct
* @return array
public function wpGetComments($blogId, $userName, $password, $struct)
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
$input = array();
if (!empty($struct['status'])) {
$input['status'] = 'hold' == $input['status'] ? $input['status'] :
} else {
$input['__typecho_all_comments'] = 'on';
if (!empty($struct['post_id'])) {
$input['cid'] = $struct['post_id'];
$pageSize = 10;
if (!empty($struct['number'])) {
$pageSize = abs(intval($struct['number']));
if (!empty($struct['offset'])) {
$offset = abs(intval($struct['offset']));
$input['page'] = ceil($offset / $pageSize);
$comments = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Comments_Admin', 'pageSize=' . $pageSize, $input, false);
$commentsStruct = array();
while ($comments->next()) {
$commentsStruct[] = array(
'date_created_gmt' => new IXR_Date($this->options->timezone + $comments->created),
'user_id' => $comments->authorId,
'comment_id' => $comments->coid,
'parent' => $comments->parent,
'status' => $this->typechoToWordpressStatus($comments->status, 'comment'),
'content' => $comments->text,
'link' => $comments->permalink,
'post_id' => $comments->cid,
'post_title' => $comments->title,
'author' => $comments->author,
'author_url' => $comments->url,
'author_email' => $comments->mail,
'author_ip' => $comments->ip,
'type' => $comments->type
return $commentsStruct;
* 获取评论
* @access public
* @param integer $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param integer $commentId
* @return boolean
public function wpDeleteComment($blogId, $userName, $password, $commentId)
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
$commentId = abs(intval($commentId));
$commentWidget = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Abstract_Comments');
$where = $this->db->sql()->where('coid = ?', $commentId);
if (!$commentWidget->commentIsWriteable($where)) {
return new IXR_Error(403, _t('无法编辑此评论'));
return intval($this->singletonWidget('Widget_Abstract_Comments')->delete($where)) > 0;
* 编辑评论
* @access public
* @param integer $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param integer $commentId
* @param array $struct
* @return boolean
public function wpEditComment($blogId, $userName, $password, $commentId, $struct)
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
$commentId = abs(intval($commentId));
$commentWidget = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Abstract_Comments');
$where = $this->db->sql()->where('coid = ?', $commentId);
if (!$commentWidget->commentIsWriteable($where)) {
return new IXR_Error(403, _t('无法编辑此评论'));
$input = array();
if (isset($struct['date_created_gmt'])) {
$input['created'] = $struct['date_created_gmt']->getTimestamp() - $this->options->timezone + $this->options->serverTimezone;
if (isset($struct['status'])) {
$input['status'] = $this->wordpressToTypechoStatus($struct['status'], 'comment');
if (isset($struct['content'])) {
$input['text'] = $struct['content'];
if (isset($struct['author'])) {
$input['author'] = $struct['author'];
if (isset($struct['author_url'])) {
$input['url'] = $struct['author_url'];
if (isset($struct['author_email'])) {
$input['mail'] = $struct['author_email'];
$result = $commentWidget->update((array) $input, $where);
if (!$result) {
return new IXR_Error(404, _t('评论不存在'));
return true;
* 更新评论
* @access public
* @param integer $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param mixed $path
* @param array $struct
* @return int
public function wpNewComment($blogId, $userName, $password, $path, $struct)
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
if (is_numeric($path)) {
$post = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Archive', 'type=single', 'cid=' . $path, false);
} else {
/** 检查目标地址是否正确*/
$pathInfo = Typecho_Common::url(substr($path, strlen($this->options->index)), '/');
$post = Typecho_Router::match($pathInfo);
/** 这样可以得到cid或者slug*/
if (!isset($post) || !($post instanceof Widget_Archive) || !$post->have() || !$post->is('single')) {
return new IXR_Error(404, _t('这个目标地址不存在'));
$input = array();
$input['permalink'] = $post->pathinfo;
$input['type'] = 'comment';
if (isset($struct['comment_author'])) {
$input['author'] = $struct['author'];
if (isset($struct['comment_author_email'])) {
$input['mail'] = $struct['author_email'];
if (isset($struct['comment_author_url'])) {
$input['url'] = $struct['author_url'];
if (isset($struct['comment_parent'])) {
$input['parent'] = $struct['comment_parent'];
if (isset($struct['content'])) {
$input['text'] = $struct['content'];
try {
$commentWidget = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Feedback', 'checkReferer=false', $input, false);
return intval($commentWidget->coid);
} catch (Typecho_Exception $e) {
return new IXR_Error(500, $e->getMessage());
return new IXR_Error(403, _t('无法添加评论'));
* 获取媒体文件
* @access public
* @param integer $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param struct $struct
* @return boolean
public function wpGetMediaLibrary($blogId, $userName, $password, $struct)
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
$input = array();
if (!empty($struct['parent_id'])) {
$input['parent'] = $struct['parent_id'];
if (!empty($struct['mime_type'])) {
$input['mime'] = $struct['mime_type'];
$pageSize = 10;
if (!empty($struct['number'])) {
$pageSize = abs(intval($struct['number']));
if (!empty($struct['offset'])) {
$input['page'] = abs(intval($struct['offset'])) + 1;
$attachments = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Contents_Attachment_Admin', 'pageSize=' . $pageSize, $input, false);
$attachmentsStruct = array();
while ($attachments->next()) {
$attachmentsStruct[] = array(
'attachment_id' => $attachments->cid,
'date_created_gmt' => new IXR_Date($this->options->timezone + $attachments->created),
'parent' => $attachments->parent,
'link' => $attachments->attachment->url,
'title' => $attachments->title,
'caption' => $attachments->slug,
'description' => $attachments->attachment->description,
'metadata' => array(
'file' => $attachments->attachment->path,
'size' => $attachments->attachment->size,
'thumbnail' => $attachments->attachment->url,
return $attachmentsStruct;
* 获取媒体文件
* @access public
* @param integer $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param int $attachmentId
* @return boolean
public function wpGetMediaItem($blogId, $userName, $password, $attachmentId)
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
$attachment = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Contents_Attachment_Edit', NULL, "cid={$attachmentId}");
$struct = array(
'attachment_id' => $attachment->cid,
'date_created_gmt' => new IXR_Date($this->options->timezone + $attachment->created),
'parent' => $attachment->parent,
'link' => $attachment->attachment->url,
'title' => $attachment->title,
'caption' => $attachment->slug,
'description' => $attachment->attachment->description,
'metadata' => array(
'file' => $attachment->attachment->path,
'size' => $attachment->attachment->size,
'thumbnail' => $attachment->attachment->url,
return $struct;
* MetaWeblog API
* about MetaWeblog API, you can see
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param mixed $content
* @param bool $publish
* @access public
* @return int
public function mwNewPost($blogId, $userName, $password, $content, $publish)
/** 检查权限*/
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
/** 取得content内容 */
$input = array();
$type = isset($content['post_type']) && 'page' == $content['post_type'] ? 'page' : 'post';
$input['title'] = trim($content['title']) == NULL ? _t('未命名文档') : $content['title'];
if (isset($content['slug'])) {
$input['slug'] = $content['slug'];
} else if (isset($content['wp_slug'])) {
//fix issue 338, wlw只发送这个
$input['slug'] = $content['wp_slug'];
$input['text'] = !empty($content['mt_text_more']) ? $content['description']
. "\n<!--more-->\n" . $content['mt_text_more'] : $content['description'];
$input['text'] = $this->pluginHandle()->textFilter($input['text'], $this);
$input['password'] = isset($content["wp_password"]) ? $content["wp_password"] : NULL;
$input['order'] = isset($content["wp_page_order"]) ? $content["wp_page_order"] : NULL;
$input['tags'] = isset($content['mt_keywords']) ? $content['mt_keywords'] : NULL;
$input['category'] = array();
if (isset($content['postId'])) {
$input['cid'] = $content['postId'];
if ('page' == $type && isset($content['wp_page_template'])) {
$input['template'] = $content['wp_page_template'];
if (isset($content['dateCreated'])) {
/** 解决客户端与服务器端时间偏移 */
$input['created'] = $content['dateCreated']->getTimestamp() - $this->options->timezone + $this->options->serverTimezone;
if (!empty($content['categories']) && is_array($content['categories'])) {
foreach ($content['categories'] as $category) {
if (!$this->db->fetchRow($this->db->select('mid')
->from('table.metas')->where('type = ? AND name = ?', 'category', $category))) {
$result = $this->wpNewCategory($blogId, $userName, $password, array('name' => $category));
if (true !== $result) {
return $result;
$input['category'][] = $this->db->fetchObject($this->db->select('mid')
->from('table.metas')->where('type = ? AND name = ?', 'category', $category)
$input['allowComment'] = (isset($content['mt_allow_comments']) && (1 == $content['mt_allow_comments']
|| 'open' == $content['mt_allow_comments'])) ? 1 : ((isset($content['mt_allow_comments']) && (0 == $content['mt_allow_comments']
|| 'closed' == $content['mt_allow_comments'])) ? 0 : $this->options->defaultAllowComment);
$input['allowPing'] = (isset($content['mt_allow_pings']) && (1 == $content['mt_allow_pings']
|| 'open' == $content['mt_allow_pings'])) ? 1 : ((isset($content['mt_allow_pings']) && (0 == $content['mt_allow_pings']
|| 'closed' == $content['mt_allow_pings'])) ? 0 : $this->options->defaultAllowPing);
$input['allowFeed'] = $this->options->defaultAllowFeed;
$input['do'] = $publish ? 'publish' : 'save';
$input['markdown'] = $this->options->xmlrpcMarkdown;
/** 调整状态 */
if (isset($content["{$type}_status"])) {
$status = $this->wordpressToTypechoStatus($content["{$type}_status"], $type);
if ('publish' == $status || 'waiting' == $status || 'private' == $status) {
$input['do'] = 'publish';
if ('private' == $status) {
$input['private'] = 1;
} else {
$input['do'] = 'save';
/** 对未归档附件进行归档 */
$unattached = $this->db->fetchAll($this->select()->where('table.contents.type = ? AND
(table.contents.parent = 0 OR table.contents.parent IS NULL)', 'attachment'), array($this, 'filter'));
if (!empty($unattached)) {
foreach ($unattached as $attach) {
if (false !== strpos($input['text'], $attach['attachment']->url)) {
if (!isset($input['attachment'])) {
$input['attachment'] = array();
$input['attachment'][] = $attach['cid'];
/** 调用已有组件 */
try {
/** 插入 */
if ('page' == $type) {
$this->singletonWidget('Widget_Contents_Page_Edit', NULL, $input, false)->action();
} else {
$this->singletonWidget('Widget_Contents_Post_Edit', NULL, $input, false)->action();
return $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Notice')->getHighlightId();
} catch (Typecho_Widget_Exception $e) {
return new IXR_Error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
* 编辑post
* @param int $postId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param struct $content
* @param bool $publish
* @access public
* @return int
public function mwEditPost($postId, $userName, $password, $content, $publish = true)
$content['postId'] = $postId;
return $this->mwNewPost(1, $userName, $password, $content, $publish);
* 获取指定id的post
* @param int $postId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @access public
* @return void
public function mwGetPost($postId, $userName, $password)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
try {
$post = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Contents_Post_Edit', NULL, "cid={$postId}");
} catch (Typecho_Widget_Exception $e) {
return new IXR_Error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
/** 对文章内容做截取处理,以获得description和text_more*/
list($excerpt, $more) = $this->getPostExtended($post);
/** 只需要分类的name*/
$categories = Typecho_Common::arrayFlatten($post->categories, 'name');
$tags = Typecho_Common::arrayFlatten($post->tags, 'name');
$postStruct = array(
'dateCreated' => new IXR_Date($this->options->timezone + $post->created),
'userid' => $post->authorId,
'postid' => $post->cid,
'description' => $excerpt,
'title' => $post->title,
'link' => $post->permalink,
'permaLink' => $post->permalink,
'categories' => $categories,
'mt_excerpt' => $post->description,
'mt_text_more' => $more,
'mt_allow_comments' => intval($post->allowComment),
'mt_allow_pings' => intval($post->allowPing),
'mt_keywords' => implode(', ', $tags),
'wp_slug' => $post->slug,
'wp_password' => $post->password,
'wp_author' => $post->author->name,
'wp_author_id' => $post->authorId,
'wp_author_display_name' => $post->author->screenName,
'date_created_gmt' => new IXR_Date($post->created),
'post_status' => $this->typechoToWordpressStatus($post->status, 'post'),
'custom_fields' => array(),
'sticky' => 0
return $postStruct;
* 获取前$postsNum个post
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param int $postsNum
* @access public
* @return postStructs
public function mwGetRecentPosts($blogId, $userName, $password, $postsNum)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
$posts = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Contents_Post_Admin', "pageSize={$postsNum}", 'status=all');
$postStructs = array();
/** 如果这个post存在则输出,否则输出错误 */
while ($posts->next()) {
/** 对文章内容做截取处理,以获得description和text_more*/
list($excerpt, $more) = $this->getPostExtended($posts);
/** 只需要分类的name*/
/** 可以用flatten函数处理 */
$categories = Typecho_Common::arrayFlatten($posts->categories, 'name');
$tags = Typecho_Common::arrayFlatten($posts->tags, 'name');
$postStructs[] = array(
'dateCreated' => new IXR_Date($this->options->timezone + $posts->created),
'userid' => $posts->authorId,
'postid' => $posts->cid,
'description' => $excerpt,
'title' => $posts->title,
'link' => $posts->permalink,
'permaLink' => $posts->permalink,
'categories' => $categories,
'mt_excerpt' => $posts->description,
'mt_text_more' => $more,
'wp_more_text' => $more,
'mt_allow_comments' => intval($posts->allowComment),
'mt_allow_pings' => intval($posts->allowPing),
'mt_keywords' => implode(', ', $tags),
'wp_slug' => $posts->slug,
'wp_password' => $posts->password,
'wp_author' => $posts->author->name,
'wp_author_id' => $posts->authorId,
'wp_author_display_name' => $posts->author->screenName,
'date_created_gmt' => new IXR_Date($posts->created),
'post_status' => $this->typechoToWordpressStatus($posts->status, 'post'),
'custom_fields' => array(),
'wp_post_format' => 'standard',
'date_modified' => new IXR_Date($this->options->timezone + $posts->modified),
'date_modified_gmt' => new IXR_Date($posts->modified),
'wp_post_thumbnail' => '',
'sticky' => 0
return $postStructs;
* 获取所有的分类
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @access public
* @return categoryStructs
public function mwGetCategories($blogId, $userName, $password)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return ($this->error);
$categories = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Metas_Category_List');
/** 初始化category数组*/
$categoryStructs = array();
while ($categories->next()) {
$categoryStructs[] = array(
'categoryId' => $categories->mid,
'parentId' => $categories->parent,
'categoryName' => $categories->name,
'categoryDescription' => $categories->description,
'description' => $categories->name,
'htmlUrl' => $categories->permalink,
'rssUrl' => $categories->feedUrl,
return $categoryStructs;
* mwNewMediaObject
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param mixed $data
* @access public
* @return void
public function mwNewMediaObject($blogId, $userName, $password, $data)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
$result = Widget_Upload::uploadHandle($data);
if (false === $result) {
return IXR_Error(500, _t('上传失败'));
} else {
$insertId = $this->insert(array(
'title' => $result['name'],
'slug' => $result['name'],
'type' => 'attachment',
'status' => 'publish',
'text' => serialize($result),
'allowComment' => 1,
'allowPing' => 0,
'allowFeed' => 1
$this->db->fetchRow($this->select()->where('table.contents.cid = ?', $insertId)
->where('table.contents.type = ?', 'attachment'), array($this, 'push'));
/** 增加插件接口 */
return array(
'file' => $this->attachment->name,
'url' => $this->attachment->url
* 获取 $postNum个post title
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param int $postNum
* @access public
* @return postTitleStructs
public function mtGetRecentPostTitles($blogId, $userName, $password, $postsNum)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return ($this->error);
/** 读取数据*/
$posts = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Contents_Post_Admin', "pageSize=$postsNum", 'status=all');
$postTitleStructs = array();
while ($posts->next()) {
$postTitleStructs[] = array(
'dateCreated' => new IXR_Date($this->options->timezone + $posts->created),
'userid' => $posts->authorId,
'postid' => $posts->cid,
'title' => $posts->title,
'date_created_gmt' => new IXR_Date($this->options->timezone + $posts->created)
return $postTitleStructs;
* 获取分类列表
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @access public
* @return categories
public function mtGetCategoryList($blogId, $userName, $password)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return ($this->error);
$categories = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Metas_Category_List');
/** 初始化categorise数组*/
$categoryStructs = array();
while ($categories->next()) {
$categoryStructs[] = array(
'categoryId' => $categories->mid,
'categoryName' => $categories->name,
return $categoryStructs;
* 获取指定post的分类
* @param int $postId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @access public
* @return void
public function mtGetPostCategories($postId, $userName, $password)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
try {
$post = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Contents_Post_Edit', NULL, "cid={$postId}");
} catch (Typecho_Widget_Exception $e) {
return new IXR_Error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
/** 格式化categories*/
$categories = array();
foreach ($post->categories as $category) {
$categories[] = array(
'categoryName' => $category['name'],
'categoryId' => $category['mid'],
'isPrimary' => true
return $categories;
* 修改post的分类
* @param int $postId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param string $categories
* @access public
* @return bool
public function mtSetPostCategories($postId, $userName, $password, $categories)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password, 'editor')) {
return $this->error;
try {
$post = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Contents_Post_Edit', NULL, "cid={$postId}");
} catch (Typecho_Widget_Exception $e) {
return new IXR_Error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
$post->setCategories($postId, Typecho_Common::arrayFlatten($categories, 'categoryId'),
'publish' == $post->status);
return true;
* 发布(重建)数据
* @param int $postId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @access public
* @return bool
public function mtPublishPost($postId, $userName, $password)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password, 'editor')) {
return $this->error;
/** 过滤id为$postId的post */
$select = $this->select()->where('table.contents.cid = ? AND table.contents.type = ?', $postId, 'post')->limit(1);
/** 提交查询 */
$post = $this->db->fetchRow($select, array($this, 'push'));
if ($this->authorId != $this->user->uid && !$this->checkAccess($userName, $password, 'administrator')) {
return new IXR_Error(403, '权限不足.');
/** 暂时只做成发布*/
$content = array();
$this->update($content, $this->db->sql()->where('table.contents.cid = ?', $postId));
* 取得当前用户的所有blog
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @access public
* @return void
public function bloggerGetUsersBlogs($blogId, $userName, $password)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
$struct = array();
$struct[] = array(
'isAdmin' => $this->user->pass('administrator', true),
'url' => $this->options->siteUrl,
'blogid' => '1',
'blogName' => $this->options->title,
'xmlrpc' => $this->options->xmlRpcUrl
return $struct;
* 返回当前用户的信息
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @access public
* @return void
public function bloggerGetUserInfo($blogId, $userName, $password)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
$struct = array(
'nickname' => $this->user->screenName,
'userid' => $this->user->uid,
'url' => $this->user->url,
'email' => $this->user->mail,
'lastname' => '',
'firstname' => ''
return $struct;
* 获取当前作者的一个指定id的post的详细信息
* @param int $blogId
* @param int $postId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @access public
* @return void
public function bloggerGetPost($blogId, $postId, $userName, $password)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
try {
$post = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Contents_Post_Edit', NULL, "cid={$postId}");
} catch (Typecho_Widget_Exception $e) {
return new IXR_Error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
$categories = Typecho_Common::arrayFlatten($post->categories, 'name');
$content = '<title>' . $post->title . '</title>';
$content .= '<category>' . implode(',', $categories) . '</category>';
$content .= stripslashes($post->text);
$struct = array(
'userid' => $post->authorId,
'dateCreated' => new IXR_Date($this->options->timezone + $post->created),
'content' => $content,
'postid' => $post->cid
return $struct;
* bloggerDeletePost
* 删除文章
* @param mixed $blogId
* @param mixed $userName
* @param mixed $password
* @param mixed $publish
* @access public
* @return bool
public function bloggerDeletePost($blogId, $postId, $userName, $password, $publish)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
try {
$this->singletonWidget('Widget_Contents_Post_Edit', NULL, "cid={$postId}", false)->deletePost();
} catch (Typecho_Widget_Exception $e) {
return new IXR_Error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
* 获取当前作者前postsNum个post
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param int $postsNum
* @access public
* @return void
public function bloggerGetRecentPosts($blogId, $userName, $password, $postsNum)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
$posts = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Contents_Post_Admin', "pageSize=$postsNum", 'status=all');
$postStructs = array();
while ($posts->next()) {
$categories = Typecho_Common::arrayFlatten($posts->categories, 'name');
$content = '<title>' . $posts->title . '</title>';
$content .= '<category>' . implode(',', $categories) . '</category>';
$content .= stripslashes($posts->text);
$struct = array(
'userid' => $posts->authorId,
'dateCreated' => new IXR_Date($this->options->timezone + $posts->created),
'content' => $content,
'postid' => $posts->cid,
$postStructs[] = $struct;
if (NULL == $postStructs) {
return new IXR_Error('404', '没有任何文章');
return $postStructs;
* bloggerGetTemplate
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param mixed $template
* @access public
* @return void
public function bloggerGetTemplate($blogId, $userName, $password, $template)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
/** todo:暂时先返回true*/
return true;
* bloggerSetTemplate
* @param int $blogId
* @param string $userName
* @param string $password
* @param mixed $content
* @param mixed $template
* @access public
* @return void
public function bloggerSetTemplate($blogId, $userName, $password, $content, $template)
if (!$this->checkAccess($userName, $password)) {
return $this->error;
/** todo:暂时先返回true*/
return true;
* pingbackPing
* @param string $source
* @param string $target
* @access public
* @return void
public function pingbackPing($source, $target)
/** 检查目标地址是否正确*/
$pathInfo = Typecho_Common::url(substr($target, strlen($this->options->index)), '/');
$post = Typecho_Router::match($pathInfo);
/** 检查源地址是否合法 */
$params = parse_url($source);
if (false === $params || !in_array($params['scheme'], array('http', 'https'))) {
return new IXR_Error(16, _t('源地址服务器错误'));
if (!Typecho_Common::checkSafeHost($params['host'])) {
return new IXR_Error(16, _t('源地址服务器错误'));
/** 这样可以得到cid或者slug*/
if (!($post instanceof Widget_Archive) || !$post->have() || !$post->is('single')) {
return new IXR_Error(33, _t('这个目标地址不存在'));
if ($post) {
/** 检查是否可以ping*/
if ($post->allowPing) {
/** 现在可以ping了,但是还得检查下这个pingback是否已经存在了*/
$pingNum = $this->db->fetchObject($this->db->select(array('COUNT(coid)' => 'num'))
->from('table.comments')->where('table.comments.cid = ? AND table.comments.url = ? AND table.comments.type <> ?',
$post->cid, $source, 'comment'))->num;
if ($pingNum <= 0) {
/** 检查源地址是否存在*/
if (!($http = Typecho_Http_Client::get())) {
return new IXR_Error(16, _t('源地址服务器错误'));
try {
$response = $http->getResponseBody();
if (200 == $http->getResponseStatus()) {
if (!$http->getResponseHeader('x-pingback')) {
preg_match_all("/<link[^>]*rel=[\"']([^\"']*)[\"'][^>]*href=[\"']([^\"']*)[\"'][^>]*>/i", $response, $out);
if (!isset($out[1]['pingback'])) {
return new IXR_Error(50, _t('源地址不支持PingBack'));
} else {
return new IXR_Error(16, _t('源地址服务器错误'));
} catch (Exception $e) {
return new IXR_Error(16, _t('源地址服务器错误'));
/** 现在开始插入以及邮件提示了 $response就是第一行请求时返回的数组*/
preg_match("/\<title\>([^<]*?)\<\/title\\>/is", $response, $matchTitle);
$finalTitle = Typecho_Common::removeXSS(trim(strip_tags($matchTitle[1])));
/** 干掉html tag,只留下<a>*/
$text = Typecho_Common::stripTags($response, '<a href="">');
/** 此处将$target quote,留着后面用*/
$pregLink = preg_quote($target);
/** 找出含有target链接的最长的一行作为$finalText*/
$finalText = '';
$lines = explode("\n", $text);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$line = trim($line);
if (NULL != $line) {
if (preg_match("|<a[^>]*href=[\"']{$pregLink}[\"'][^>]*>(.*?)</a>|",$line)) {
if (strlen($line) > strlen($finalText)) {
/** <a>也要干掉,*/
$finalText = Typecho_Common::stripTags($line);
/** 截取一段字*/
if (NULL == trim($finalText)) {
return new IXR_Error('17', _t('源地址中不包括目标地址'));
$finalText = '[...]' . Typecho_Common::subStr($finalText, 0, 200, '') . '[...]';
$pingback = array(
'cid' => $post->cid,
'created' => $this->options->time,
'agent' => $this->request->getAgent(),
'ip' => $this->request->getIp(),
'author' => $finalTitle,
'url' => Typecho_Common::safeUrl($source),
'text' => $finalText,
'ownerId' => $post->author->uid,
'type' => 'pingback',
'status' => $this->options->commentsRequireModeration ? 'waiting' : 'approved'
/** 加入plugin */
$pingback = $this->pluginHandle()->pingback($pingback, $post);
/** 执行插入*/
$insertId = $this->singletonWidget('Widget_Abstract_Comments')->insert($pingback);
/** 评论完成接口 */
return $insertId;
/** todo:发送邮件提示*/
} else {
return new IXR_Error(48, _t('PingBack已经存在'));
} else {
return IXR_Error(49, _t('目标地址禁止Ping'));
} else {
return new IXR_Error(33, _t('这个目标地址不存在'));
* 回收变量
* @access public
* @param string $methodName 方法
* @return void
public function hookAfterCall($methodName)
if (!empty($this->_usedWidgetNameList)) {
foreach ($this->_usedWidgetNameList as $key => $widgetName) {
* 入口执行方法
* @access public
* @return void
public function action()
if (0 == $this->options->allowXmlRpc) {
throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('请求的地址不存在'), 404);
if (isset($this->request->rsd)) {
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="{$this->options->charset}"?>
<rsd version="1.0" xmlns="">
<api name="WordPress" blogID="1" preferred="true" apiLink="{$this->options->xmlRpcUrl}" />
<api name="Movable Type" blogID="1" preferred="false" apiLink="{$this->options->xmlRpcUrl}" />
<api name="MetaWeblog" blogID="1" preferred="false" apiLink="{$this->options->xmlRpcUrl}" />
<api name="Blogger" blogID="1" preferred="false" apiLink="{$this->options->xmlRpcUrl}" />
} else if (isset($this->request->wlw)) {
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="{$this->options->charset}"?>
<manifest xmlns="">
} else {
$api = array(
/** WordPress API */
'wp.getPage' => array($this, 'wpGetPage'),
'wp.getPages' => array($this, 'wpGetPages'),
'wp.newPage' => array($this, 'wpNewPage'),
'wp.deletePage' => array($this, 'wpDeletePage'),
'wp.editPage' => array($this, 'wpEditPage'),
'wp.getPageList' => array($this, 'wpGetPageList'),
'wp.getAuthors' => array($this, 'wpGetAuthors'),
'wp.getCategories' => array($this, 'mwGetCategories'),
'wp.newCategory' => array($this, 'wpNewCategory'),
'wp.suggestCategories' => array($this, 'wpSuggestCategories'),
'wp.uploadFile' => array($this, 'mwNewMediaObject'),
/** New Wordpress API since 2.9.2 */
'wp.getUsersBlogs' => array($this, 'wpGetUsersBlogs'),
'wp.getTags' => array($this, 'wpGetTags'),
'wp.deleteCategory' => array($this, 'wpDeleteCategory'),
'wp.getCommentCount' => array($this, 'wpGetCommentCount'),
'wp.getPostStatusList' => array($this, 'wpGetPostStatusList'),
'wp.getPageStatusList' => array($this, 'wpGetPageStatusList'),
'wp.getPageTemplates' => array($this, 'wpGetPageTemplates'),
'wp.getOptions' => array($this, 'wpGetOptions'),
'wp.setOptions' => array($this, 'wpSetOptions'),
'wp.getComment' => array($this, 'wpGetComment'),
'wp.getComments' => array($this, 'wpGetComments'),
'wp.deleteComment' => array($this, 'wpDeleteComment'),
'wp.editComment' => array($this, 'wpEditComment'),
'wp.newComment' => array($this, 'wpNewComment'),
'wp.getCommentStatusList' => array($this, 'wpGetCommentStatusList'),
/** New Wordpress API after 2.9.2 */
'wp.getProfile' => array($this, 'wpGetProfile'),
'wp.getPostFormats' => array($this, 'wpGetPostFormats'),
'wp.getMediaLibrary' => array($this, 'wpGetMediaLibrary'),
'wp.getMediaItem' => array($this, 'wpGetMediaItem'),
'wp.editPost' => array($this, 'wpEditPost'),
/** Blogger API */
'blogger.getUsersBlogs' => array($this, 'bloggerGetUsersBlogs'),
'blogger.getUserInfo' => array($this, 'bloggerGetUserInfo'),
'blogger.getPost' => array($this, 'bloggerGetPost'),
'blogger.getRecentPosts' => array($this, 'bloggerGetRecentPosts'),
'blogger.getTemplate' => array($this, 'bloggerGetTemplate'),
'blogger.setTemplate' => array($this, 'bloggerSetTemplate'),
'blogger.deletePost' => array($this, 'bloggerDeletePost'),
/** MetaWeblog API (with MT extensions to structs) */
'metaWeblog.newPost' => array($this, 'mwNewPost'),
'metaWeblog.editPost' => array($this, 'mwEditPost'),
'metaWeblog.getPost' => array($this, 'mwGetPost'),
'metaWeblog.getRecentPosts' => array($this, 'mwGetRecentPosts'),
'metaWeblog.getCategories' => array($this, 'mwGetCategories'),
'metaWeblog.newMediaObject' => array($this, 'mwNewMediaObject'),
/** MetaWeblog API aliases for Blogger API */
'metaWeblog.deletePost' => array($this, 'bloggerDeletePost'),
'metaWeblog.getTemplate' => array($this, 'bloggerGetTemplate'),
'metaWeblog.setTemplate' => array($this, 'bloggerSetTemplate'),
'metaWeblog.getUsersBlogs' => array($this, 'bloggerGetUsersBlogs'),
/** MovableType API */
'mt.getCategoryList' => array($this, 'mtGetCategoryList'),
'mt.getRecentPostTitles' => array($this, 'mtGetRecentPostTitles'),
'mt.getPostCategories' => array($this, 'mtGetPostCategories'),
'mt.setPostCategories' => array($this, 'mtSetPostCategories'),
'mt.publishPost' => array($this, 'mtPublishPost'),
/** PingBack */
'' => array($this,'pingbackPing'),
// 'pingback.extensions.getPingbacks' => array($this,'pingbackExtensionsGetPingbacks'),
/** hook after */
'hook.afterCall' => array($this, 'hookAfterCall'),
if (1 == $this->options->allowXmlRpc) {
/** 直接把初始化放到这里 */
new IXR_Server($api);