* @license BSD License */ class HyperDown { /** * _whiteList * * @var string */ public $_commonWhiteList = 'kbd|b|i|strong|em|sup|sub|br|code|del|a|hr|small'; /** * _specialWhiteList * * @var mixed * @access private */ public $_specialWhiteList = array( 'table' => 'table|tbody|thead|tfoot|tr|td|th' ); /** * _footnotes * * @var array */ public $_footnotes; /** * _blocks * * @var array */ private $_blocks; /** * _current * * @var string */ private $_current; /** * _pos * * @var int */ private $_pos; /** * _definitions * * @var array */ public $_definitions; /** * @var array */ private $_hooks = array(); /** * @var array */ private $_holders; /** * @var string */ private $_uniqid; /** * @var int */ private $_id; /** * @var bool */ private $_html = false; /** * makeHtml * * @param mixed $text * @return string */ public function makeHtml($text) { $this->_footnotes = array(); $this->_definitions = array(); $this->_holders = array(); $this->_uniqid = md5(uniqid()); $this->_id = 0; $text = $this->initText($text); $html = $this->parse($text); $html = $this->makeFootnotes($html); return $this->call('makeHtml', $html); } /** * @param $html */ public function enableHtml($html = true) { $this->_html = $html; } /** * @param $type * @param $callback */ public function hook($type, $callback) { $this->_hooks[$type][] = $callback; } /** * @param $str * @return string */ public function makeHolder($str) { $key = "\r" . $this->_uniqid . $this->_id . "\r"; $this->_id ++; $this->_holders[$key] = $str; return $key; } /** * @param $text * @return mixed */ private function initText($text) { $text = str_replace(array("\t", "\r"), array(' ', ''), $text); return $text; } /** * @param $html * @return string */ private function makeFootnotes($html) { if (count($this->_footnotes) > 0) { $html .= '

    '; $index = 1; while ($val = array_shift($this->_footnotes)) { if (is_string($val)) { $val .= " "; } else { $val[count($val) - 1] .= " "; $val = count($val) > 1 ? $this->parse(implode("\n", $val)) : $this->parseInline($val[0]); } $html .= "
  1. {$val}
  2. "; $index ++; } $html .= '
'; } return $html; } /** * parse * * @param string $text * @param bool $inline * @return string */ private function parse($text, $inline = false) { $blocks = $this->parseBlock($text, $lines); $html = ''; foreach ($blocks as $block) { list ($type, $start, $end, $value) = $block; $extract = array_slice($lines, $start, $end - $start + 1); $method = 'parse' . ucfirst($type); $extract = $this->call('before' . ucfirst($method), $extract, $value); $result = $this->{$method}($extract, $value); $result = $this->call('after' . ucfirst($method), $result, $value); $html .= $result; } // inline mode for single normal block if ($inline && count($blocks) == 1 && $blocks[0][0] == 'normal') { // remove p tag $html = preg_replace("/^\s*

(.*)<\/p>\s*$/", "\\1", $html); } return $html; } /** * @param $text * @param $clearHolders * @return string */ private function releaseHolder($text, $clearHolders = true) { $deep = 0; while (strpos($text, "\r") !== false && $deep < 10) { $text = str_replace(array_keys($this->_holders), array_values($this->_holders), $text); $deep ++; } if ($clearHolders) { $this->_holders = array(); } return $text; } /** * @param $type * @param $value * @return mixed */ public function call($type, $value) { if (empty($this->_hooks[$type])) { return $value; } $args = func_get_args(); $args = array_slice($args, 1); foreach ($this->_hooks[$type] as $callback) { $value = call_user_func_array($callback, $args); $args[0] = $value; } return $value; } /** * parseInline * * @param string $text * @param string $whiteList * @param bool $clearHolders * @param bool $enableAutoLink * @return string */ public function parseInline($text, $whiteList = '', $clearHolders = true, $enableAutoLink = true) { $self = $this; $text = $this->call('beforeParseInline', $text); // code $text = preg_replace_callback( "/(^|[^\\\])(`+)(.+?)\\2/", function ($matches) use ($self) { return $matches[1] . $self->makeHolder( '' . htmlspecialchars($matches[3]) . '' ); }, $text ); // mathjax $text = preg_replace_callback( "/(^|[^\\\])(\\$+)(.+?)\\2/", function ($matches) use ($self) { return $matches[1] . $self->makeHolder( $matches[2] . htmlspecialchars($matches[3]) . $matches[2] ); }, $text ); // escape $text = preg_replace_callback( "/\\\(.)/u", function ($matches) use ($self) { $escaped = htmlspecialchars($matches[1]); $escaped = str_replace('$', '$', $escaped); return $self->makeHolder($escaped); }, $text ); // link $text = preg_replace_callback( "/<(https?:\/\/.+)>/i", function ($matches) use ($self) { $url = $self->cleanUrl($matches[1]); $link = $self->call('parseLink', $matches[1]); return $self->makeHolder( "{$link}" ); }, $text ); // encode unsafe tags $text = preg_replace_callback( "/<(\/?)([a-z0-9-]+)(\s+[^>]*)?>/i", function ($matches) use ($self, $whiteList) { if (false !== stripos( '|' . $self->_commonWhiteList . '|' . $whiteList . '|', '|' . $matches[2] . '|' )) { return $self->makeHolder($matches[0]); } else { return htmlspecialchars($matches[0]); } }, $text ); $text = str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('<', '>'), $text); // footnote $text = preg_replace_callback( "/\[\^((?:[^\]]|\\\\\]|\\\\\[)+?)\]/", function ($matches) use ($self) { $id = array_search($matches[1], $self->_footnotes); if (false === $id) { $id = count($self->_footnotes) + 1; $self->_footnotes[$id] = $self->parseInline($matches[1], '', false); } return $self->makeHolder( "{$id}" ); }, $text ); // image $text = preg_replace_callback( "/!\[((?:[^\]]|\\\\\]|\\\\\[)*?)\]\(((?:[^\)]|\\\\\)|\\\\\()+?)\)/", function ($matches) use ($self) { $escaped = htmlspecialchars($self->escapeBracket($matches[1])); $url = $self->escapeBracket($matches[2]); $url = $self->cleanUrl($url); return $self->makeHolder( "\"{$escaped}\"" ); }, $text ); $text = preg_replace_callback( "/!\[((?:[^\]]|\\\\\]|\\\\\[)*?)\]\[((?:[^\]]|\\\\\]|\\\\\[)+?)\]/", function ($matches) use ($self) { $escaped = htmlspecialchars($self->escapeBracket($matches[1])); $result = isset( $self->_definitions[$matches[2]] ) ? "_definitions[$matches[2]]}\" alt=\"{$escaped}\" title=\"{$escaped}\">" : $escaped; return $self->makeHolder($result); }, $text ); // link $text = preg_replace_callback( "/\[((?:[^\]]|\\\\\]|\\\\\[)+?)\]\(((?:[^\)]|\\\\\)|\\\\\()+?)\)/", function ($matches) use ($self) { $escaped = $self->parseInline( $self->escapeBracket($matches[1]), '', false, false ); $url = $self->escapeBracket($matches[2]); $url = $self->cleanUrl($url); return $self->makeHolder("{$escaped}"); }, $text ); $text = preg_replace_callback( "/\[((?:[^\]]|\\\\\]|\\\\\[)+?)\]\[((?:[^\]]|\\\\\]|\\\\\[)+?)\]/", function ($matches) use ($self) { $escaped = $self->parseInline( $self->escapeBracket($matches[1]), '', false ); $result = isset( $self->_definitions[$matches[2]] ) ? "_definitions[$matches[2]]}\">{$escaped}" : $escaped; return $self->makeHolder($result); }, $text ); // strong and em and some fuck $text = $this->parseInlineCallback($text); $text = preg_replace( "/<([_a-z0-9-\.\+]+@[^@]+\.[a-z]{2,})>/i", "\\1", $text ); // autolink url if ($enableAutoLink) { $text = preg_replace_callback( "/(^|[^\"])((https?):[\p{L}_0-9-\.\/%#!@\?\+=~\|\,&\(\)]+)($|[^\"])/iu", function ($matches) use ($self) { $link = $self->call('parseLink', $matches[2]); return "{$matches[1]}{$link}{$matches[4]}"; }, $text ); } $text = $this->call('afterParseInlineBeforeRelease', $text); $text = $this->releaseHolder($text, $clearHolders); $text = $this->call('afterParseInline', $text); return $text; } /** * @param $text * @return mixed */ public function parseInlineCallback($text) { $self = $this; $text = preg_replace_callback( "/(\*{3})(.+?)\\1/", function ($matches) use ($self) { return '' . $self->parseInlineCallback($matches[2]) . ''; }, $text ); $text = preg_replace_callback( "/(\*{2})(.+?)\\1/", function ($matches) use ($self) { return '' . $self->parseInlineCallback($matches[2]) . ''; }, $text ); $text = preg_replace_callback( "/(\*)(.+?)\\1/", function ($matches) use ($self) { return '' . $self->parseInlineCallback($matches[2]) . ''; }, $text ); $text = preg_replace_callback( "/(\s+|^)(_{3})(.+?)\\2(\s+|$)/", function ($matches) use ($self) { return $matches[1] . '' . $self->parseInlineCallback($matches[3]) . '' . $matches[4]; }, $text ); $text = preg_replace_callback( "/(\s+|^)(_{2})(.+?)\\2(\s+|$)/", function ($matches) use ($self) { return $matches[1] . '' . $self->parseInlineCallback($matches[3]) . '' . $matches[4]; }, $text ); $text = preg_replace_callback( "/(\s+|^)(_)(.+?)\\2(\s+|$)/", function ($matches) use ($self) { return $matches[1] . '' . $self->parseInlineCallback($matches[3]) . '' . $matches[4]; }, $text ); $text = preg_replace_callback( "/(~{2})(.+?)\\1/", function ($matches) use ($self) { return '' . $self->parseInlineCallback($matches[2]) . ''; }, $text ); return $text; } /** * parseBlock * * @param string $text * @param array $lines * @return array */ private function parseBlock($text, &$lines) { $lines = explode("\n", $text); $this->_blocks = array(); $this->_current = 'normal'; $this->_pos = -1; $special = implode("|", array_keys($this->_specialWhiteList)); $emptyCount = 0; // analyze by line foreach ($lines as $key => $line) { $block = $this->getBlock(); // code block is special if (preg_match("/^(\s*)(~{3,}|`{3,})([^`~]*)$/i", $line, $matches)) { if ($this->isBlock('code')) { $isAfterList = $block[3][2]; if ($isAfterList) { $this->combineBlock() ->setBlock($key); } else { $this->setBlock($key) ->endBlock(); } } else { $isAfterList = false; if ($this->isBlock('list')) { $space = $block[3]; $isAfterList = ($space > 0 && strlen($matches[1]) >= $space) || strlen($matches[1]) > $space; } $this->startBlock('code', $key, array( $matches[1], $matches[3], $isAfterList )); } continue; } else if ($this->isBlock('code')) { $this->setBlock($key); continue; } // super html mode if ($this->_html) { if (preg_match("/^(\s*)!!!(\s*)$/", $line, $matches)) { if ($this->isBlock('shtml')) { $this->setBlock($key)->endBlock(); } else { $this->startBlock('shtml', $key); } continue; } else if ($this->isBlock('shtml')) { $this->setBlock($key); continue; } } // mathjax mode if (preg_match("/^(\s*)\\$\\$(\s*)$/", $line, $matches)) { if ($this->isBlock('math')) { $this->setBlock($key)->endBlock(); } else { $this->startBlock('math', $key); } continue; } else if ($this->isBlock('math')) { $this->setBlock($key); continue; } // html block is special too if (preg_match("/^\s*<({$special})(\s+[^>]*)?>/i", $line, $matches)) { $tag = strtolower($matches[1]); if (!$this->isBlock('html', $tag) && !$this->isBlock('pre')) { $this->startBlock('html', $key, $tag); } continue; } else if (preg_match("/<\/({$special})>\s*$/i", $line, $matches)) { $tag = strtolower($matches[1]); if ($this->isBlock('html', $tag)) { $this->setBlock($key) ->endBlock(); } continue; } else if ($this->isBlock('html')) { $this->setBlock($key); continue; } switch (true) { // pre block case preg_match("/^ {4}/", $line): $emptyCount = 0; if ($this->isBlock('pre') || $this->isBlock('list')) { $this->setBlock($key); } else if ($this->isBlock('normal')) { $this->startBlock('pre', $key); } break; // list case preg_match("/^(\s*)((?:[0-9a-z]+\.)|\-|\+|\*)\s+/", $line, $matches): $space = strlen($matches[1]); $emptyCount = 0; // opened if ($this->isBlock('list')) { $this->setBlock($key, $space); } else { $this->startBlock('list', $key, $space); } break; // footnote case preg_match("/^\[\^((?:[^\]]|\\]|\\[)+?)\]:/", $line, $matches): $space = strlen($matches[0]) - 1; $this->startBlock('footnote', $key, array( $space, $matches[1] )); break; // definition case preg_match("/^\s*\[((?:[^\]]|\\]|\\[)+?)\]:\s*(.+)$/", $line, $matches): $this->_definitions[$matches[1]] = $this->cleanUrl($matches[2]); $this->startBlock('definition', $key) ->endBlock(); break; // block quote case preg_match("/^\s*>/", $line): if ($this->isBlock('quote')) { $this->setBlock($key); } else { $this->startBlock('quote', $key); } break; // table case preg_match("/^((?:(?:(?:[ :]*\-[ :]*)+(?:\||\+))|(?:(?:\||\+)(?:[ :]*\-[ :]*)+)|(?:(?:[ :]*\-[ :]*)+(?:\||\+)(?:[ :]*\-[ :]*)+))+)$/", $line, $matches): if ($this->isBlock('table')) { $block[3][0][] = $block[3][2]; $block[3][2] ++; $this->setBlock($key, $block[3]); } else { $head = 0; if (empty($block) || $block[0] != 'normal' || preg_match("/^\s*$/", $lines[$block[2]])) { $this->startBlock('table', $key); } else { $head = 1; $this->backBlock(1, 'table'); } if ($matches[1][0] == '|') { $matches[1] = substr($matches[1], 1); if ($matches[1][strlen($matches[1]) - 1] == '|') { $matches[1] = substr($matches[1], 0, -1); } } $rows = preg_split("/(\+|\|)/", $matches[1]); $aligns = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $align = 'none'; if (preg_match("/^\s*(:?)\-+(:?)\s*$/", $row, $matches)) { if (!empty($matches[1]) && !empty($matches[2])) { $align = 'center'; } else if (!empty($matches[1])) { $align = 'left'; } else if (!empty($matches[2])) { $align = 'right'; } } $aligns[] = $align; } $this->setBlock($key, array(array($head), $aligns, $head + 1)); } break; // single heading case preg_match("/^(#+)(.*)$/", $line, $matches): $num = min(strlen($matches[1]), 6); $this->startBlock('sh', $key, $num) ->endBlock(); break; // multi heading case preg_match("/^\s*((=|-){2,})\s*$/", $line, $matches) && ($block && $block[0] == "normal" && !preg_match("/^\s*$/", $lines[$block[2]])): // check if last line isn't empty if ($this->isBlock('normal')) { $this->backBlock(1, 'mh', $matches[1][0] == '=' ? 1 : 2) ->setBlock($key) ->endBlock(); } else { $this->startBlock('normal', $key); } break; // hr case preg_match("/^[-\*]{3,}\s*$/", $line): $this->startBlock('hr', $key) ->endBlock(); break; // normal default: if ($this->isBlock('list')) { if (preg_match("/^(\s*)/", $line)) { // empty line if ($emptyCount > 0) { $this->startBlock('normal', $key); } else { $this->setBlock($key); } $emptyCount ++; } else if ($emptyCount == 0) { $this->setBlock($key); } else { $this->startBlock('normal', $key); } } else if ($this->isBlock('footnote')) { preg_match("/^(\s*)/", $line, $matches); if (strlen($matches[1]) >= $block[3][0]) { $this->setBlock($key); } else { $this->startBlock('normal', $key); } } else if ($this->isBlock('table')) { if (false !== strpos($line, '|')) { $block[3][2] ++; $this->setBlock($key, $block[3]); } else { $this->startBlock('normal', $key); } } else if ($this->isBlock('pre')) { if (preg_match("/^\s*$/", $line)) { if ($emptyCount > 0) { $this->startBlock('normal', $key); } else { $this->setBlock($key); } $emptyCount ++; } else { $this->startBlock('normal', $key); } } else if ($this->isBlock('quote')) { if (preg_match("/^(\s*)/", $line)) { // empty line if ($emptyCount > 0) { $this->startBlock('normal', $key); } else { $this->setBlock($key); } $emptyCount ++; } else if ($emptyCount == 0) { $this->setBlock($key); } else { $this->startBlock('normal', $key); } } else { if (empty($block) || $block[0] != 'normal') { $this->startBlock('normal', $key); } else { $this->setBlock($key); } } break; } } return $this->optimizeBlocks($this->_blocks, $lines); } /** * @param array $blocks * @param array $lines * @return array */ private function optimizeBlocks(array $blocks, array $lines) { $blocks = $this->call('beforeOptimizeBlocks', $blocks, $lines); $key = 0; while (isset($blocks[$key])) { $moved = false; $block = &$blocks[$key]; $prevBlock = isset($blocks[$key - 1]) ? $blocks[$key - 1] : NULL; $nextBlock = isset($blocks[$key + 1]) ? $blocks[$key + 1] : NULL; list ($type, $from, $to) = $block; if ('pre' == $type) { $isEmpty = array_reduce($lines, function ($result, $line) { return preg_match("/^\s*$/", $line) && $result; }, true); if ($isEmpty) { $block[0] = $type = 'normal'; } } if ('normal' == $type) { // combine two blocks $types = array('list', 'quote'); if ($from == $to && preg_match("/^\s*$/", $lines[$from]) && !empty($prevBlock) && !empty($nextBlock)) { if ($prevBlock[0] == $nextBlock[0] && in_array($prevBlock[0], $types)) { // combine 3 blocks $blocks[$key - 1] = array( $prevBlock[0], $prevBlock[1], $nextBlock[2], NULL ); array_splice($blocks, $key, 2); // do not move $moved = true; } } } if (!$moved) { $key ++; } } return $this->call('afterOptimizeBlocks', $blocks, $lines); } /** * parseCode * * @param array $lines * @param array $parts * @return string */ private function parseCode(array $lines, array $parts) { list ($blank, $lang) = $parts; $lang = trim($lang); $count = strlen($blank); if (!preg_match("/^[_a-z0-9-\+\#\:\.]+$/i", $lang)) { $lang = NULL; } else { $parts = explode(':', $lang); if (count($parts) > 1) { list ($lang, $rel) = $parts; $lang = trim($lang); $rel = trim($rel); } } $lines = array_map(function ($line) use ($count) { return preg_replace("/^[ ]{{$count}}/", '', $line); }, array_slice($lines, 1, -1)); $str = implode("\n", $lines); return preg_match("/^\s*$/", $str) ? '' : '

            . htmlspecialchars($str) . '
'; } /** * parsePre * * @param array $lines * @return string */ private function parsePre(array $lines) { foreach ($lines as &$line) { $line = htmlspecialchars(substr($line, 4)); } $str = implode("\n", $lines); return preg_match("/^\s*$/", $str) ? '' : '
' . $str . '
'; } /** * parseShtml * * @param array $lines * @return string */ private function parseShtml(array $lines) { return trim(implode("\n", array_slice($lines, 1, -1))); } /** * parseMath * * @param array $lines * @return string */ private function parseMath(array $lines) { return '

' . htmlspecialchars(implode("\n", $lines)) . '

'; } /** * parseSh * * @param array $lines * @param int $num * @return string */ private function parseSh(array $lines, $num) { $line = $this->parseInline(trim($lines[0], '# ')); return preg_match("/^\s*$/", $line) ? '' : "{$line}"; } /** * parseMh * * @param array $lines * @param int $num * @return string */ private function parseMh(array $lines, $num) { return $this->parseSh($lines, $num); } /** * parseQuote * * @param array $lines * @return string */ private function parseQuote(array $lines) { foreach ($lines as &$line) { $line = preg_replace("/^\s*> ?/", '', $line); } $str = implode("\n", $lines); return preg_match("/^\s*$/", $str) ? '' : '
' . $this->parse($str) . '
'; } /** * parseList * * @param array $lines * @return string */ private function parseList(array $lines) { $html = ''; $minSpace = 99999; $rows = array(); // count levels foreach ($lines as $key => $line) { if (preg_match("/^(\s*)((?:[0-9a-z]+\.?)|\-|\+|\*)(\s+)(.*)$/", $line, $matches)) { $space = strlen($matches[1]); $type = false !== strpos('+-*', $matches[2]) ? 'ul' : 'ol'; $minSpace = min($space, $minSpace); $rows[] = array($space, $type, $line, $matches[4]); } else { $rows[] = $line; } } $found = false; $secondMinSpace = 99999; foreach ($rows as $row) { if (is_array($row) && $row[0] != $minSpace) { $secondMinSpace = min($secondMinSpace, $row[0]); $found = true; } } $secondMinSpace = $found ? $secondMinSpace : $minSpace; $lastType = ''; $leftLines = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (is_array($row)) { list ($space, $type, $line, $text) = $row; if ($space != $minSpace) { $leftLines[] = preg_replace("/^\s{" . $secondMinSpace . "}/", '', $line); } else { if (!empty($leftLines)) { $html .= "
  • " . $this->parse(implode("\n", $leftLines), true) . "
  • "; } if ($lastType != $type) { if (!empty($lastType)) { $html .= ""; } $html .= "<{$type}>"; } $leftLines = array($text); $lastType = $type; } } else { $leftLines[] = preg_replace("/^\s{" . $secondMinSpace . "}/", '', $row); } } if (!empty($leftLines)) { $html .= "
  • " . $this->parse(implode("\n", $leftLines), true) . "
  • "; } return $html; } /** * @param array $lines * @param array $value * @return string */ private function parseTable(array $lines, array $value) { list ($ignores, $aligns) = $value; $head = count($ignores) > 0 && array_sum($ignores) > 0; $html = ''; $body = $head ? NULL : true; $output = false; foreach ($lines as $key => $line) { if (in_array($key, $ignores)) { if ($head && $output) { $head = false; $body = true; } continue; } $line = trim($line); $output = true; if ($line[0] == '|') { $line = substr($line, 1); if ($line[strlen($line) - 1] == '|') { $line = substr($line, 0, -1); } } $rows = array_map(function ($row) { if (preg_match("/^\s+$/", $row)) { return ' '; } else { return trim($row); } }, explode('|', $line)); $columns = array(); $last = -1; foreach ($rows as $row) { if (strlen($row) > 0) { $last ++; $columns[$last] = array( isset($columns[$last]) ? $columns[$last][0] + 1 : 1, $row ); } else if (isset($columns[$last])) { $columns[$last][0] ++; } else { $columns[0] = array(1, $row); } } if ($head) { $html .= ''; } else if ($body) { $html .= ''; } $html .= ''; foreach ($columns as $key => $column) { list ($num, $text) = $column; $tag = $head ? 'th' : 'td'; $html .= "<{$tag}"; if ($num > 1) { $html .= " colspan=\"{$num}\""; } if (isset($aligns[$key]) && $aligns[$key] != 'none') { $html .= " align=\"{$aligns[$key]}\""; } $html .= '>' . $this->parseInline($text) . ""; } $html .= ''; if ($head) { $html .= ''; } else if ($body) { $body = false; } } if ($body !== NULL) { $html .= ''; } $html .= '
    '; return $html; } /** * parseHr * * @return string */ private function parseHr() { return '
    '; } /** * parseNormal * * @param array $lines * @return string */ private function parseNormal(array $lines) { foreach ($lines as &$line) { $line = $this->parseInline($line); } $str = trim(implode("\n", $lines)); $str = preg_replace("/(\n\s*){2,}/", "

    ", $str); $str = preg_replace("/\n/", "
    ", $str); return preg_match("/^\s*$/", $str) ? '' : "


    "; } /** * parseFootnote * * @param array $lines * @param array $value * @return string */ private function parseFootnote(array $lines, array $value) { list($space, $note) = $value; $index = array_search($note, $this->_footnotes); if (false !== $index) { $lines[0] = preg_replace("/^\[\^((?:[^\]]|\\]|\\[)+?)\]:/", '', $lines[0]); $this->_footnotes[$index] = $lines; } return ''; } /** * parseDefine * * @return string */ private function parseDefinition() { return ''; } /** * parseHtml * * @param array $lines * @param string $type * @return string */ private function parseHtml(array $lines, $type) { foreach ($lines as &$line) { $line = $this->parseInline($line, isset($this->_specialWhiteList[$type]) ? $this->_specialWhiteList[$type] : ''); } return implode("\n", $lines); } /** * @param $url * @return string */ public function cleanUrl($url) { if (preg_match("/^\s*((http|https|ftp|mailto):[x80-xff_a-z0-9-\.\/%#!@\?\+=~\|\,&\(\)]+)/i", $url, $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } else if (preg_match("/^\s*([x80-xff_a-z0-9-\.\/%#!@\?\+=~\|\,&]+)/i", $url, $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } else { return '#'; } } /** * @param $str * @return mixed */ public function escapeBracket($str) { return str_replace( array('\[', '\]', '\(', '\)'), array('[', ']', '(', ')'), $str ); } /** * startBlock * * @param mixed $type * @param mixed $start * @param mixed $value * @return $this */ private function startBlock($type, $start, $value = NULL) { $this->_pos ++; $this->_current = $type; $this->_blocks[$this->_pos] = array($type, $start, $start, $value); return $this; } /** * endBlock * * @return $this */ private function endBlock() { $this->_current = 'normal'; return $this; } /** * isBlock * * @param mixed $type * @param mixed $value * @return bool */ private function isBlock($type, $value = NULL) { return $this->_current == $type && (NULL === $value ? true : $this->_blocks[$this->_pos][3] == $value); } /** * getBlock * * @return array */ private function getBlock() { return isset($this->_blocks[$this->_pos]) ? $this->_blocks[$this->_pos] : NULL; } /** * setBlock * * @param mixed $to * @param mixed $value * @return $this */ private function setBlock($to = NULL, $value = NULL) { if (NULL !== $to) { $this->_blocks[$this->_pos][2] = $to; } if (NULL !== $value) { $this->_blocks[$this->_pos][3] = $value; } return $this; } /** * backBlock * * @param mixed $step * @param mixed $type * @param mixed $value * @return $this */ private function backBlock($step, $type, $value = NULL) { if ($this->_pos < 0) { return $this->startBlock($type, 0, $value); } $last = $this->_blocks[$this->_pos][2]; $this->_blocks[$this->_pos][2] = $last - $step; if ($this->_blocks[$this->_pos][1] <= $this->_blocks[$this->_pos][2]) { $this->_pos ++; } $this->_current = $type; $this->_blocks[$this->_pos] = array( $type, $last - $step + 1, $last, $value ); return $this; } /** * @return $this */ private function combineBlock() { if ($this->_pos < 1) { return $this; } $prev = $this->_blocks[$this->_pos - 1]; $current = $this->_blocks[$this->_pos]; $prev[2] = $current[2]; $this->_blocks[$this->_pos - 1] = $prev; $this->_current = $prev[0]; unset($this->_blocks[$this->_pos]); $this->_pos --; return $this; } }