security->enable($this->options->commentsAntiSpam); $this->security->protect(); $comment = array( 'cid' => $this->_content->cid, 'created' => $this->options->time, 'agent' => $this->request->getAgent(), 'ip' => $this->request->getIp(), 'ownerId' => $this->_content->author->uid, 'type' => 'comment', 'status' => !$this->_content->allow('edit') && $this->options->commentsRequireModeration ? 'waiting' : 'approved' ); /** 判断父节点 */ if ($parentId = $this->request->filter('int')->get('parent')) { if ($this->options->commentsThreaded && ($parent = $this->db->fetchRow($this->db->select('coid', 'cid')->from('table.comments') ->where('coid = ?', $parentId))) && $this->_content->cid == $parent['cid']) { $comment['parent'] = $parentId; } else { throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('父级评论不存在')); } } //检验格式 $validator = new Typecho_Validate(); $validator->addRule('author', 'required', _t('必须填写用户名')); $validator->addRule('author', 'xssCheck', _t('请不要在用户名中使用特殊字符')); $validator->addRule('author', array($this, 'requireUserLogin'), _t('您所使用的用户名已经被注册,请登录后再次提交')); $validator->addRule('author', 'maxLength', _t('用户名最多包含200个字符'), 200); if ($this->options->commentsRequireMail && !$this->user->hasLogin()) { $validator->addRule('mail', 'required', _t('必须填写电子邮箱地址')); } $validator->addRule('mail', 'email', _t('邮箱地址不合法')); $validator->addRule('mail', 'maxLength', _t('电子邮箱最多包含200个字符'), 200); if ($this->options->commentsRequireUrl && !$this->user->hasLogin()) { $validator->addRule('url', 'required', _t('必须填写个人主页')); } $validator->addRule('url', 'url', _t('个人主页地址格式错误')); $validator->addRule('url', 'maxLength', _t('个人主页地址最多包含200个字符'), 200); $validator->addRule('text', 'required', _t('必须填写评论内容')); $comment['text'] = $this->request->text; /** 对一般匿名访问者,将用户数据保存一个月 */ if (!$this->user->hasLogin()) { /** Anti-XSS */ $comment['author'] = $this->request->filter('trim')->author; $comment['mail'] = $this->request->filter('trim')->mail; $comment['url'] = $this->request->filter('trim')->url; /** 修正用户提交的url */ if (!empty($comment['url'])) { $urlParams = parse_url($comment['url']); if (!isset($urlParams['scheme'])) { $comment['url'] = 'http://' . $comment['url']; } } $expire = $this->options->time + $this->options->timezone + 30*24*3600; Typecho_Cookie::set('__typecho_remember_author', $comment['author'], $expire); Typecho_Cookie::set('__typecho_remember_mail', $comment['mail'], $expire); Typecho_Cookie::set('__typecho_remember_url', $comment['url'], $expire); } else { $comment['author'] = $this->user->screenName; $comment['mail'] = $this->user->mail; $comment['url'] = $this->user->url; /** 记录登录用户的id */ $comment['authorId'] = $this->user->uid; } /** 评论者之前须有评论通过了审核 */ if (!$this->options->commentsRequireModeration && $this->options->commentsWhitelist) { if ($this->size($this->select()->where('author = ? AND mail = ? AND status = ?', $comment['author'], $comment['mail'], 'approved'))) { $comment['status'] = 'approved'; } else { $comment['status'] = 'waiting'; } } if ($error = $validator->run($comment)) { /** 记录文字 */ Typecho_Cookie::set('__typecho_remember_text', $comment['text']); throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(implode("\n", $error)); } /** 生成过滤器 */ try { $comment = $this->pluginHandle()->comment($comment, $this->_content); } catch (Typecho_Exception $e) { Typecho_Cookie::set('__typecho_remember_text', $comment['text']); throw $e; } /** 添加评论 */ $commentId = $this->insert($comment); Typecho_Cookie::delete('__typecho_remember_text'); $this->db->fetchRow($this->select()->where('coid = ?', $commentId) ->limit(1), array($this, 'push')); /** 评论完成接口 */ $this->pluginHandle()->finishComment($this); $this->response->goBack('#' . $this->theId); } /** * 引用处理函数 * * @access private * @return void */ private function trackback() { /** 如果不是POST方法 */ if (!$this->request->isPost() || $this->request->getReferer()) { $this->response->redirect($this->_content->permalink); } /** 如果库中已经存在当前ip为spam的trackback则直接拒绝 */ if ($this->size($this->select() ->where('status = ? AND ip = ?', 'spam', $this->request->getIp())) > 0) { /** 使用404告诉机器人 */ throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('找不到内容'), 404); } $trackback = array( 'cid' => $this->_content->cid, 'created' => $this->options->time, 'agent' => $this->request->getAgent(), 'ip' => $this->request->getIp(), 'ownerId' => $this->_content->author->uid, 'type' => 'trackback', 'status' => $this->options->commentsRequireModeration ? 'waiting' : 'approved' ); $trackback['author'] = $this->request->filter('trim')->blog_name; $trackback['url'] = $this->request->filter('trim')->url; $trackback['text'] = $this->request->excerpt; //检验格式 $validator = new Typecho_Validate(); $validator->addRule('url', 'required', 'We require all Trackbacks to provide an url.') ->addRule('url', 'url', 'Your url is not valid.') ->addRule('url', 'maxLength', 'Your url is not valid.', 200) ->addRule('text', 'required', 'We require all Trackbacks to provide an excerption.') ->addRule('author', 'required', 'We require all Trackbacks to provide an blog name.') ->addRule('author', 'xssCheck', 'Your blog name is not valid.') ->addRule('author', 'maxLength', 'Your blog name is not valid.', 200); $validator->setBreak(); if ($error = $validator->run($trackback)) { $message = array('success' => 1, 'message' => current($error)); $this->response->throwXml($message); } /** 截取长度 */ $trackback['text'] = Typecho_Common::subStr($trackback['text'], 0, 100, '[...]'); /** 如果库中已经存在重复url则直接拒绝 */ if ($this->size($this->select() ->where('cid = ? AND url = ? AND type <> ?', $this->_content->cid, $trackback['url'], 'comment')) > 0) { /** 使用403告诉机器人 */ throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('禁止重复提交'), 403); } /** 生成过滤器 */ $trackback = $this->pluginHandle()->trackback($trackback, $this->_content); /** 添加引用 */ $this->insert($trackback); /** 评论完成接口 */ $this->pluginHandle()->finishTrackback($this); /** 返回正确 */ $this->response->throwXml(array('success' => 0, 'message' => 'Trackback has registered.')); } /** * 过滤评论内容 * * @access public * @param string $text 评论内容 * @return string */ public function filterText($text) { $text = str_replace("\r", '', trim($text)); $text = preg_replace("/\n{2,}/", "\n\n", $text); return Typecho_Common::removeXSS(Typecho_Common::stripTags( $text, $this->options->commentsHTMLTagAllowed)); } /** * 对已注册用户的保护性检测 * * @access public * @param string $userName 用户名 * @return void */ public function requireUserLogin($userName) { if ($this->user->hasLogin() && $this->user->screenName != $userName) { /** 当前用户名与提交者不匹配 */ return false; } else if (!$this->user->hasLogin() && $this->db->fetchRow($this->db->select('uid') ->from('table.users')->where('screenName = ? OR name = ?', $userName, $userName)->limit(1))) { /** 此用户名已经被注册 */ return false; } return true; } /** * 初始化函数 * * @access public * @return void * @throws Typecho_Widget_Exception */ public function action() { /** 回调方法 */ $callback = $this->request->type; $this->_content = Typecho_Router::match($this->request->permalink); /** 判断内容是否存在 */ if (false !== $this->_content && $this->_content instanceof Widget_Archive && $this->_content->have() && $this->_content->is('single') && in_array($callback, array('comment', 'trackback'))) { /** 如果文章不允许反馈 */ if ('comment' == $callback) { /** 评论关闭 */ if (!$this->_content->allow('comment')) { throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('对不起,此内容的反馈被禁止.'), 403); } /** 检查来源 */ if ($this->options->commentsCheckReferer && 'false' != $this->parameter->checkReferer) { $referer = $this->request->getReferer(); if (empty($referer)) { throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('评论来源页错误.'), 403); } $refererPart = parse_url($referer); $currentPart = parse_url($this->_content->permalink); if ($refererPart['host'] != $currentPart['host'] || 0 !== strpos($refererPart['path'], $currentPart['path'])) { //自定义首页支持 if ('page:' . $this->_content->cid == $this->options->frontPage) { $currentPart = parse_url(rtrim($this->options->siteUrl, '/') . '/'); if ($refererPart['host'] != $currentPart['host'] || 0 !== strpos($refererPart['path'], $currentPart['path'])) { throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('评论来源页错误.'), 403); } } else { throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('评论来源页错误.'), 403); } } } /** 检查ip评论间隔 */ if (!$this->user->pass('editor', true) && $this->_content->authorId != $this->user->uid && $this->options->commentsPostIntervalEnable) { $latestComment = $this->db->fetchRow($this->db->select('created')->from('table.comments') ->where('cid = ? AND ip = ?', $this->_content->cid, $this->request->getIp()) ->order('created', Typecho_Db::SORT_DESC) ->limit(1)); if ($latestComment && ($this->options->time - $latestComment['created'] > 0 && $this->options->time - $latestComment['created'] < $this->options->commentsPostInterval)) { throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('对不起, 您的发言过于频繁, 请稍侯再次发布.'), 403); } } } /** 如果文章不允许引用 */ if ('trackback' == $callback && !$this->_content->allow('ping')) { throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('对不起,此内容的引用被禁止.'), 403); } /** 调用函数 */ $this->$callback(); } else { throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('找不到内容'), 404); } } }