You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

120 lines
4.5 KiB

if (!defined('__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__')) exit;
* Typecho Blog Platform
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Typecho team (
* @license GNU General Public License 2.0
* @version $Id$
* 盒状分页样式
* @author qining
* @category typecho
* @package Widget
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Typecho team (
* @license GNU General Public License 2.0
class Typecho_Widget_Helper_PageNavigator_Box extends Typecho_Widget_Helper_PageNavigator
* 输出盒装样式分页栏
* @access public
* @param string $prevWord 上一页文字
* @param string $nextWord 下一页文字
* @param int $splitPage 分割范围
* @param string $splitWord 分割字符
* @param string $currentClass 当前激活元素class
* @return void
public function render($prevWord = 'PREV', $nextWord = 'NEXT', $splitPage = 3, $splitWord = '...', array $template = array())
if ($this->_total < 1) {
$default = array(
'itemTag' => 'li',
'textTag' => 'span',
'currentClass' => 'current',
'prevClass' => 'prev',
'nextClass' => 'next'
$template = array_merge($default, $template);
// 定义item
$itemBegin = empty($itemTag) ? '' : ('<' . $itemTag . '>');
$itemCurrentBegin = empty($itemTag) ? '' : ('<' . $itemTag
. (empty($currentClass) ? '' : ' class="' . $currentClass . '"') . '>');
$itemPrevBegin = empty($itemTag) ? '' : ('<' . $itemTag
. (empty($prevClass) ? '' : ' class="' . $prevClass . '"') . '>');
$itemNextBegin = empty($itemTag) ? '' : ('<' . $itemTag
. (empty($nextClass) ? '' : ' class="' . $nextClass . '"') . '>');
$itemEnd = empty($itemTag) ? '' : ('</' . $itemTag . '>');
$textBegin = empty($textTag) ? '' : ('<' . $textTag . '>');
$textEnd = empty($textTag) ? '' : ('</' . $textTag . '>');
$linkBegin = '<a href="%s">';
$linkCurrentBegin = empty($itemTag) ? ('<a href="%s"'
. (empty($currentClass) ? '' : ' class="' . $currentClass . '"') . '>')
: $linkBegin;
$linkPrevBegin = empty($itemTag) ? ('<a href="%s"'
. (empty($prevClass) ? '' : ' class="' . $prevClass . '"') . '>')
: $linkBegin;
$linkNextBegin = empty($itemTag) ? ('<a href="%s"'
. (empty($nextClass) ? '' : ' class="' . $nextClass . '"') . '>')
: $linkBegin;
$linkEnd = '</a>';
$from = max(1, $this->_currentPage - $splitPage);
$to = min($this->_totalPage, $this->_currentPage + $splitPage);
if ($this->_currentPage > 1) {
echo $itemPrevBegin . sprintf($linkPrevBegin,
str_replace($this->_pageHolder, $this->_currentPage - 1, $this->_pageTemplate) . $this->_anchor)
. $prevWord . $linkEnd . $itemEnd;
if ($from > 1) {
echo $itemBegin . sprintf($linkBegin, str_replace($this->_pageHolder, 1, $this->_pageTemplate) . $this->_anchor)
. '1' . $linkEnd . $itemEnd;
if ($from > 2) {
echo $itemBegin . $textBegin . $splitWord . $textEnd . $itemEnd;
for ($i = $from; $i <= $to; $i ++) {
$current = ($i == $this->_currentPage);
echo ($current ? $itemCurrentBegin : $itemBegin) . sprintf(($current ? $linkCurrentBegin : $linkBegin),
str_replace($this->_pageHolder, $i, $this->_pageTemplate) . $this->_anchor)
. $i . $linkEnd . $itemEnd;
if ($to < $this->_totalPage) {
if ($to < $this->_totalPage - 1) {
echo $itemBegin . $textBegin . $splitWord . $textEnd . $itemEnd;
echo $itemBegin . sprintf($linkBegin, str_replace($this->_pageHolder, $this->_totalPage, $this->_pageTemplate) . $this->_anchor)
. $this->_totalPage . $linkEnd . $itemEnd;
if ($this->_currentPage < $this->_totalPage) {
echo $itemNextBegin . sprintf($linkNextBegin,
str_replace($this->_pageHolder, $this->_currentPage + 1, $this->_pageTemplate) . $this->_anchor)
. $nextWord . $linkEnd . $itemEnd;