You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* 文章阅读设置
* @category typecho
* @package Widget
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Typecho team (
* @license GNU General Public License 2.0
* @version $Id$
* 文章阅读设置组件
* @author qining
* @category typecho
* @package Widget
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Typecho team (
* @license GNU General Public License 2.0
class Widget_Options_Reading extends Widget_Options_Permalink
* 输出表单结构
* @access public
* @return Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form
public function form()
/** 构建表格 */
$form = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form($this->security->getIndex('/action/options-reading'),
/** 文章日期格式 */
$postDateFormat = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('postDateFormat', NULL, $this->options->postDateFormat,
_t('文章日期格式'), _t('此格式用于指定显示在文章归档中的日期默认显示格式.') . '<br />'
. _t('在某些主题中这个格式可能不会生效, 因为主题作者可以自定义日期格式.') . '<br />'
. _t('请参考 <a href="">PHP 日期格式写法</a>.'));
$postDateFormat->input->setAttribute('class', 'w-40 mono');
$form->addInput($postDateFormat->addRule('xssCheck', _t('请不要在日期格式中使用特殊字符')));
$frontPageParts = explode(':', $this->options->frontPage);
$frontPageType = $frontPageParts[0];
$frontPageValue = count($frontPageParts) > 1 ? $frontPageParts[1] : '';
$frontPageOptions = array(
'recent' => _t('显示最新发布的文章')
$frontPattern = '</label></span><span class="multiline front-archive%class%">'
. '<input type="checkbox" id="frontArchive" name="frontArchive" value="1"'
. ($this->options->frontArchive && 'recent' != $frontPageType ? ' checked' : '') .' />
<label for="frontArchive">' . _t('同时将文章列表页路径更改为 %s',
'<input type="text" name="archivePattern" class="w-20 mono" value="'
. htmlspecialchars($this->decodeRule($this->options->routingTable['archive']['url'])) . '" />')
. '</label>';
// 页面列表
$pages = $this->db->fetchAll($this->db->select('cid', 'title')
->from('table.contents')->where('type = ?', 'page')
->where('status = ?', 'publish')->where('created < ?', $this->options->time));
if (!empty($pages)) {
$pagesSelect = '<select name="frontPagePage" id="frontPage-frontPagePage">';
foreach ($pages as $page) {
$selected = '';
if ('page' == $frontPageType && $page['cid'] == $frontPageValue) {
$selected = ' selected="true"';
$pagesSelect .= '<option value="' . $page['cid'] . '"' . $selected
. '>' . $page['title'] . '</option>';
$pagesSelect .= '</select>';
$frontPageOptions['page'] = _t('使用 %s 页面作为首页', '</label>' . $pagesSelect . '<label for="frontPage-frontPagePage">');
$selectedFrontPageType = 'page';
// 自定义文件列表
$files = glob($this->options->themeFile($this->options->theme, '*.php'));
$filesSelect = '';
foreach ($files as $file) {
$info = Typecho_Plugin::parseInfo($file);
$file = basename($file);
if ('index.php' != $file && 'index' == $info['title']) {
$selected = '';
if ('file' == $frontPageType && $file == $frontPageValue) {
$selected = ' selected="true"';
$filesSelect .= '<option value="' . $file . '"' . $selected
. '>' . $file . '</option>';
if (!empty($filesSelect)) {
$frontPageOptions['file'] = _t('直接调用 %s 模板文件',
'</label><select name="frontPageFile" id="frontPage-frontPageFile">'
. $filesSelect . '</select><label for="frontPage-frontPageFile">');
$selectedFrontPageType = 'file';
if (isset($frontPageOptions[$frontPageType]) && 'recent' != $frontPageType && isset($selectedFrontPageType)) {
$selectedFrontPageType = $frontPageType;
$frontPattern = str_replace('%class%', '', $frontPattern);
if (isset($selectedFrontPageType)) {
$frontPattern = str_replace('%class%', ' hidden', $frontPattern);
$frontPageOptions[$selectedFrontPageType] .= $frontPattern;
$frontPage = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('frontPage', $frontPageOptions,
$frontPageType, _t('站点首页'));
/** 文章列表数目 */
$postsListSize = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('postsListSize', NULL, $this->options->postsListSize,
_t('文章列表数目'), _t('此数目用于指定显示在侧边栏中的文章列表数目.'));
$postsListSize->input->setAttribute('class', 'w-20');
$form->addInput($postsListSize->addRule('isInteger', _t('请填入一个数字')));
/** 每页文章数目 */
$pageSize = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('pageSize', NULL, $this->options->pageSize,
_t('每页文章数目'), _t('此数目用于指定文章归档输出时每页显示的文章数目.'));
$pageSize->input->setAttribute('class', 'w-20');
$form->addInput($pageSize->addRule('isInteger', _t('请填入一个数字')));
/** FEED全文输出 */
$feedFullText = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('feedFullText', array('0' => _t('仅输出摘要'), '1' => _t('全文输出')),
$this->options->feedFullText, _t('聚合全文输出'), _t('如果你不希望在聚合中输出文章全文,请使用仅输出摘要选项.') . '<br />'
. _t('摘要的文字取决于你在文章中使用分隔符的位置.'));
/** 提交按钮 */
$submit = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Submit('submit', NULL, _t('保存设置'));
$submit->input->setAttribute('class', 'btn primary');
return $form;
* 执行更新动作
* @access public
* @return void
public function updateReadingSettings()
/** 验证格式 */
if ($this->form()->validate()) {
$settings = $this->request->from('postDateFormat', 'frontPage', 'frontArchive', 'pageSize', 'postsListSize', 'feedFullText');
if ('page' == $settings['frontPage'] && isset($this->request->frontPagePage) &&
->from('table.contents')->where('type = ?', 'page')
->where('status = ?', 'publish')->where('created < ?', $this->options->time)
->where('cid = ?', $pageId = intval($this->request->frontPagePage)))) {
$settings['frontPage'] = 'page:' . $pageId;
} else if ('file' == $settings['frontPage'] && isset($this->request->frontPageFile) &&
file_exists(__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ . '/' . __TYPECHO_THEME_DIR__ . '/' . $this->options->theme . '/' .
($file = trim($this->request->frontPageFile, " ./\\")))) {
$settings['frontPage'] = 'file:' . $file;
} else {
$settings['frontPage'] = 'recent';
if ('recent' != $settings['frontPage']) {
$settings['frontArchive'] = empty($settings['frontArchive']) ? 0 : 1;
if ($settings['frontArchive']) {
$routingTable = $this->options->routingTable;
$routingTable['archive']['url'] = '/' . ltrim($this->encodeRule($this->request->archivePattern), '/');
$routingTable['archive_page']['url'] = rtrim($routingTable['archive']['url'], '/') . '/page/[page:digital]/';
if (isset($routingTable[0])) {
$settings['routingTable'] = serialize($routingTable);
} else {
$settings['frontArchive'] = 0;
foreach ($settings as $name => $value) {
$this->update(array('value' => $value), $this->db->sql()->where('name = ?', $name));
$this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set(_t("设置已经保存"), 'success');
* 绑定动作
* @access public
* @return void
public function action()