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47 lines
822 B

# Base Config
appname = auxpi
httpport = 2333
#MODEL dev|prod
runmode = dev
EnableGzip = true
enablexsrf = true
xsrfkey = HIDoas923n;'0shd3jlc903jsp[a332
xsrfexpire = 3600
copyrequestbody = true
sessionon = true
driver = memory #memory|file|redis|memcache
gcTime = 60 # second
#File Cache
cachePath = ./cache
fileSuffix = .cache
directoryLevel = 2
EmbedExpiry = 120
redisCollection = auxpi
redisPort = 6379
redisPassword =
memcacheConn =
forceSSL = false
EnableHTTPS = false
EnableHttpTLS = true
HTTPSPort = 4333
HTTPSCertFile = "/Users/aimer/"
HTTPSKeyFile = "/Users/aimer/"
#beego admin
EnableAdmin = false
AdminAddr = "localhost"
AdminPort = 8088