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42 lines
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include './functions.php';
$hash = $_GET['hash'];
$tableId = $_GET['tableId'];
if(!isset($hash) || !isset($tableId) || strlen($hash)<60 || strlen($tableId)<60) die();
$cnn = db__connect();
$data = getFinalData($cnn, $tableId);
if(!db__rowNum($cnn, "user", "user", $hash, "table", $tableId, "state", "1")){
$itemId = hash('sha256', time().$hash.$tableId.rand(222,999));
db__pushData($cnn, "account", array(
"id" => $itemId,
"table" => $tableId,
"user" => $hash,
"type" => 'placeholde',
"state" => '0',
"value" => $data['average'],
"created_at" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time())
db__pushData($cnn, "user", array(
"user" => $hash,
"table" => $tableId,
"state" => '1',
"created_at" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time())
), array(
"user" => $hash,
"table" => $tableId
setcookie("tableId", $tableId, time()+3600*12*60*365, "/");
echo '<script>alert("加入成功!");window.location.href="../"</script>';