You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

89 lines
2.3 KiB

const path = require('path')
const {expect} = require('chai')
const {init, expectSameDom} = require('../_helper')
describe('render', function() {
it('important content (tips)', async function() {
const {docsify, dom} = await init()
const output = docsify.compiler.compile('!> **Time** is money, my friend!')
expect(output).equal('<p class="tip"><strong>Time</strong> is money, my friend!</p>')
describe('lists', function() {
it('as unordered task list', async function() {
const {docsify, dom} = await init()
const output = docsify.compiler.compile(`
- [x] Task 1
- [ ] Task 2
- [ ] Task 3`)
expect(output, `<ul class="task-list">
<li class="task-list-item"><label><input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> Task 1</label></li>
<li class="task-list-item"><label><input disabled="" type="checkbox"> Task 2</label></li>
<li class="task-list-item"><label><input disabled="" type="checkbox"> Task 3</label></li>
it('as ordered task list', async function() {
const {docsify, dom} = await init()
const output = docsify.compiler.compile(`
1. [ ] Task 1
2. [x] Task 2`)
expectSameDom(output, `<ol class="task-list">
<li class="task-list-item"><label><input disabled="" type="checkbox"> Task 1</label></li>
<li class="task-list-item"><label><input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> Task 2</label></li>
it('normal unordered', async function() {
const {docsify, dom} = await init()
const output = docsify.compiler.compile(`
- [linktext](link)
- just text`)
expectSameDom(output, `<ul >
<li><a href="#/link">linktext</a></li>
<li>just text</li>
it('unordered with custom start', async function() {
const {docsify, dom} = await init()
const output = docsify.compiler.compile(`
1. first
2. second
3. third`)
expectSameDom(output, `<ol >
<ol start="3">
it('nested', async function() {
const {docsify, dom} = await init()
const output = docsify.compiler.compile(`
- 1
- 2
- 2 a
- 2 b
- 3`)
expectSameDom(output, `<ul >
<li>2<ul >
<li>2 a</li>
<li>2 b</li>