# easyVarCode yahoo! It can be unbelievably easy to fight with robots by including this Plugin~ ## What is easyVarCode? easyVarCode is a friendly plugin which can help you expel robots which are trying to steal user infomation from your website.
With the help of easyVarCode you can easily identify whether it is a robot who is visiting your website.
Basing on easyVarCode, it becomes quick and convenient for users to finish their login process which can make your site more friendly. ## Quick start [Click here to see how it works!](https://cn.yimian.xyz/etc/easyVarCode/) ## How to use easyVarCode? To use easyVarCode, you must include the easyVarCode.js first.
The generated fingerprint is stored in global variabel fp.
A simple example: ```html ```