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135 lines
3.6 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include "Fraction.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
Fraction a;
Fraction b(3,-4);
Fraction c(5);
Fraction d(-3.14);
Fraction e = 1.333333;
Fraction f = -b;
Fraction q(-3.2);
iFraction p(-3.2);
//p += q + p;
//q = p;
iFraction o;
cout << p.integer();
cout << "Output in Fraction Form: " << endl;
cout << "a: " << a << endl;
cout << "b: " << b << endl;
cout << "c: " << c << endl;
cout << "d: " << d << endl;
cout << "e: " << e << endl;
cout << "f: " << f << endl << endl;
cout << "Output in Decimals Form: " << endl;
cout << "a: " << a.val() << endl;
cout << "b: " << b.val() << endl;
cout << "c: " << c.val() << endl;
cout << "d: " << d.val() << endl;
cout << "e: " << e.val() << endl;
cout << "f: " << f.val() << endl << endl;
cout << "Output Numerator: " << endl;
cout << "a: " << << endl;
cout << "b: " << << endl;
cout << "c: " << << endl;
cout << "d: " << << endl;
cout << "e: " << << endl;
cout << "f: " << << endl << endl;
cout << "Output Denominator: " << endl;
cout << "a: " << a.bottom() << endl;
cout << "b: " << b.bottom() << endl;
cout << "c: " << c.bottom() << endl;
cout << "d: " << d.bottom() << endl;
cout << "e: " << e.bottom() << endl;
cout << "f: " << f.bottom() << endl << endl;
cout << "-b = " << -b << endl;
cout << "~b = " << ~b << endl << endl;
cout << b << " + " << e << " = " << b+e << endl;
cout << b << " - " << e << " = " << b-e << endl;
cout << b << " * " << e << " = " << b*e << endl;
cout << b << " / " << e << " = " << b/e << endl;
cout << e << " % " << c << " = " << e%c << endl << endl;
cout << b << " + " << 4.44 << " = " << b+4.44 << endl;
cout << 4.44 << " + " << b << " = " << 4.44+b << endl;
cout << b << " - " << 3 << " = " << b-3 << endl;
cout << b << " * " << 2.33333 << " = " << b*2.33333 << endl;
cout << 2.33333 << " * " << b << " = " << 2.33333*b << endl;
cout << b << " / " << 5 << " = " << b/5 << endl;
cout << e << " % " << 1 << " = " << e%1 << endl << endl;
cout << "b++ = " << b++;
cout << "; b = " << b << endl;
cout << "++b = " << ++b;
cout << "; b = " << b << endl;
cout << "b-- = " << b--;
cout << "; b = " << b << endl;
cout << "--b = " << --b;
cout << "; b = " << b << endl << endl;
cout << "b += c; b = " << (b+=c) << endl;
cout << "b -= c; b = " << (b-=c) << endl;
cout << "b *= c; b = " << (b*=c) << endl;
cout << "b /= c; b = " << (b/=c) << endl << endl;
cout << "if b > c ?? " << ((b>c)? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
cout << "if b < c ?? " << ((b<c)? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
cout << "if b >= c ?? " << ((b>=c)? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
cout << "if b <= c ?? " << ((b<=c)? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
cout << "if b == c ?? " << ((b==c)? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
cout << "if b == -f ?? " << ((b==-f)? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
cout << "if b != c ?? " << ((b!=c)? "Yes" : "No") << endl << endl;
cout << "Devide 0 test: ";
Fraction g(1,0);
}catch(const char* msg){
cout << msg << endl;
cout << endl << "************ This is the END of TEST section !! ************" << endl << endl;
cout << "Have a try by YOURSELF!! (Press Ctrl+C to quit)" << endl;
cout << endl << "Please Input a Fraction(-3/5) or a Decimals(e.g. 3.14): ";
cin >> a;
cout << a << endl;
}catch(const char* msg){
cout << endl << msg << endl;
return 0;