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// player.h
// The base class of player
// including the general properties and methods related to a character
#ifndef _PLAYER
#define _PLAYER
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> // use for setting field width
#include <time.h> // use for generating random factor
#include <string>
#include "container.h"
enum job {sw, ar, mg}; /* define 3 jobs by enumerate type
sword man, archer, mage */
class player
friend void showinfo(player &p1, player &p2);
friend class swordsman;
friend class archer;
friend class mage;
int HP, HPmax, MP, MPmax, AP, DP, speed, EXP, LV;
// General properties of all characters
std::string name; // character name
job role; /* character's job, one of swordman, archer and mage,
as defined by the enumerate type */
container bag; // character's inventory
virtual bool attack(player &p)=0; // normal attack
virtual bool specialatt(player &p)=0; //special attack
virtual void isLevelUp()=0; // level up judgement
virtual void AI(player &p)=0; // AI for robot
/* Attention!
These three methods are called "Pure virtual functions".
They have only declaration, but no definition.
The class with pure virtual functions are called "Abstract class", which can only be used to inherited, but not to constructor objects.
The detailed definition of these pure virtual functions will be given in subclasses. */
void reFill(); // character's HP and MP resume
bool death(); // report whether character is dead
void isDead(); // check whether character is dead
bool useHeal(); // consume heal, irrelevant to job
bool useMW(); // consume magic water, irrelevant to job
void showRole(); // display character's job
void transfer(player &p); // possess opponent's items after victory
bool playerdeath; // whether character is dead, doesn't need to be accessed or inherited