const request = require('request'); var ref = 9.2; var LastRefDate = new Date(); const thre = 0.2; const maxDays = 5; const checkInterval = 1000*60*5; setInterval(()=>{ getRate("GBP", "CNY", (rate)=>{ console.log((new Date()) + " - GBP->CNY :: " + rate + " ref: " + ref); if(rate < ref - thre){ console.log("GBP DOWN!!"); mail("", `GBP DOWN TO ${rate}`, `Current Rate: ${rate}, Ref Rate: ${ref}`); sms("18118155257", `英镑跌至${rate}`, `特发消息提醒`); sms("15827586269", `英镑跌至${rate}`, `特发消息提醒`); sms("13371035727", `英镑跌至${rate}`, `特发消息提醒`); sms("18888283877", `英镑跌至${rate}`, `特发消息提醒`); ref = rate; LastRefDate = new Date(); } if((new Date).valueOf() > LastRefDate.valueOf() + 1000*60*60*24*maxDays){ ref = rate; LastRefDate = new Date(); } }); }, checkInterval); var getRate = (from = "GBP", to = "CNY", callback) => { request(`${from}_${to}/`, function (error, response, body) { if (error) console.log('error:', error); // Print the error if one occurred var erate = body.match(//g)[0].match(/\d+(.\d+)?/g)[0]; console.log(erate); callback(erate); });} var mail = (to, subject, body) => { request(encodeURI(`${to}&subject=${subject}&body=${body}&from=exRate`)); } var sms = (to, s0, s1) => { request(encodeURI(`${to}&s0=${s0}&s1=${s1}&t=` + Date.parse(new Date)/1000)); }