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const request = require('request');
var ref = 9.4;
var LastRefDate = new Date();
const thre = 0.2;
const maxDays = 5;
const checkInterval = 1000*60*5;
getRate("GBP", "CNY", (rate)=>{
console.log((new Date()) + " - GBP->CNY :: " + rate + " ref: " + ref);
if(rate < ref - thre){
console.log("GBP DOWN!!");
mail("", `GBP DOWN TO ${rate}`, `Current Rate: ${rate}, Ref Rate: ${ref}`);
sms("18118155257", `英镑跌至${rate}`, `发消息提醒`);
sms("15827586269", `英镑跌至${rate}`, `发消息提醒`);
ref = rate;
LastRefDate = new Date();
if((new Date).valueOf() > LastRefDate.valueOf() + 1000*60*60*24*maxDays){
ref = rate;
LastRefDate = new Date();
}, checkInterval);
var getRate = (from = "GBP", to = "CNY", callback) => {
request(`${from}&duihuanhuobi=${to}`, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) console.log('error:', error); // Print the error if one occurred
var jisuanjieguo = (res) => {
return res.dangqianhuilv;
var erate = eval(body);
var mail = (to, subject, body) => {
var sms = (to, s0, s1) => {
request(encodeURI(`${to}&s0=${s0}&s1=${s1}&t=` + Date.parse(new Date)/1000));