You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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4 years ago
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function getTime() {
let date = new Date(),
min = date.getMinutes(),
sec = date.getSeconds(),
hour = date.getHours();
return "" +
(hour < 10 ? ("0" + hour) : hour) + ":" +
(min < 10 ? ("0" + min) : min) + ":" +
(sec < 10 ? ("0" + sec) : sec);
function DateDifference(Date1,Date2) { //Date1和Date2是2017-07-10格式
var sDate, newDate1, newDate2, Days
aDate = Date1.split("-");
newDate1 = new Date(aDate[1] + '-' + aDate[2] + '-' + aDate[0]); //转换为07-10-2017格式
aDate = Date2.split("-");
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$('#msgbox').html(old.substring(0, old.length-i-1));
}, i*interval, i);
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$('#msgbox').html(s.substring(0, i+1));
if(i == s.length-1){
}, i*interval, i);
}, old.length*interval);
arr: [],
push: function(s){
hide: function(){
show: function(){
wait: (t) => new Promise(resolve => {
}, t);
(async () => {
var i = 0;
await msgbox.wait(4000);
await msgbox.set(msgbox.arr[i]);
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i = 0;
await msgbox.wait(3000);
var getSearch = function(){
return $('#doSearch').html().match(/(.*)<div\sid/)[1];
if(event.keyCode == 13){''+encodeURI(getSearch()));
// 情人节
if((new Date()).getMonth() == 1 && (new Date()).getDate() == 14){
msgbox.push('I Love You ❤❤');
msgbox.push("Happy Valentine's Day");
msgbox.push(`We have spend ${DateDifference('2019-10-19', `${t.getFullYear()}-${t.getMonth()+1}-${t.getDate()}`)} days Together~`);
msgbox.push('Thanks for being with me o(´^`)o');
flakeCount: 70,
round: true,
maxSpeed : 8,
maxSize : 5
}, 13000);
// 生日
else if((new Date()).getMonth() == 2 && (new Date()).getDate() == 25){
msgbox.push('I Love You ❤❤');
msgbox.push("Happy Birthday Day");
msgbox.push(`We have spend ${DateDifference('2019-10-19', `${t.getFullYear()}-${t.getMonth()+1}-${t.getDate()}`)} days Together~`);
msgbox.push('Thanks for being with me o(´^`)o');
flakeCount: 70,
round: true,
maxSpeed : 8,
maxSize : 5
}, 13000);
msgbox.push(`We have spend ${DateDifference('2019-10-19', `${t.getFullYear()}-${t.getMonth()+1}-${t.getDate()}`)} days Together~`);
window.onload = () => {
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Request to open weather map'GET', '');
xhr.onload = () => {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
let json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
msgbox.push(`${[0].main} - ${(json.main.temp - 273.15).toFixed(1)} °C`);
}, 4000);
} else {
console.log('error msg: ' + xhr.status);
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document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML = getTime();
// Set clock interval to tick clock
setInterval( () => {
document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML = getTime();
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