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<%- partial('_pre') %>
5 years ago
<div class='l_main<%- page.sidebar == false ? ' no_sidebar' : '' %>'>
4 years ago
<article id="<%= page.layout %>" class="post white-box <%-' ') %> article-type-<%= page.layout %>" itemscope itemprop="blogPost">
5 years ago
<%- partial('_partial/meta',{post:page, position:'header'}) %>
4 years ago
<section class="article article-entry l_friends">
<%- page.excerpt %>
5 years ago
<% if (page.links){ %>
<% (page.links||[]).forEach(function(group){ %>
<% if(group.items) { %>
<div class='friends-group'>
<% if( { %>
5 years ago
<h3 class='friend-header'>
5 years ago
<% if (group.icon) { %>
<i class="<%= group.icon %> fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<%} %>
<%= %>
5 years ago
<% if(group.desc) { %>
<%- markdown(group.desc) %>
<%} %>
5 years ago
<%} %>
<div class='friend-content'>
<% (group.items||[]).forEach(function(item){ %>
<a class='friend-card' style='background:<%- item.backgroundColor %>; color:<%- item.textColor %>'
5 years ago
target="_blank" rel="external nofollow noopener noreferrer" href='<%- url_for(item.url || '') %>'>
5 years ago
<div class='friend-left'>
<% if(item.avatar || (config.lazyload && config.lazyload.loadingImg)){ %>
<img class='avatar' src='<%- item.avatar || (config.lazyload && config.lazyload.loadingImg) %>'/>
4 years ago
<% } %>
5 years ago
<div class='friend-right'>
<p class="friend-name"><%- %></p>
<% if(item.tags){ %>
<div class='friend-tags-wrapper'>
<% (item.tags||[]).forEach(function(tag){ %>
<p class="tags"><i class="fas fa-hashtag fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><%= tag %></p>
<% }) %>
<% } %>
<% if(item.desc){ %>
<div class='friend-tags-wrapper'>
<p class="tags"><%= item.desc %></p>
<% } %>
5 years ago
<% }) %>
6 years ago
5 years ago
<%} %>
<% }) %>
<% } %>
5 years ago
<%- page.more %>
5 years ago
6 years ago
5 years ago
<%- partial('_third-party/comments') %>
<%- partial('_partial/side') %>
5 years ago
<%- partial('_partial/footer', null, {cache: !config.relative_link}) %>