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name: Feature Request
4 years ago
about: Suggest an idea for this project
title: ''
4 years ago
labels: 'new,suggest'
assignees: ''
4 years ago
If you delete this template, we may close your issue without conducting an investigation.
如果您删除此模版,我们可能会在不进行调查的情况下关闭您的 Issue。
4 years ago
Please check if your Issue fulfills the following requirements. This will guide you to resolve the issue quickly.
请务必确认您在提交此 Issue 前已经查看并完成了下列检查单中的所有事项。这会指导您快速地解决问题。
4 years ago
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- [ ] I have reviewed the latest Roadmap on GitHub and searched for current issues, which does not help me.